August 10, 2022

Still Doing Alts

I have been focusing on playing my paladin in S4, but I still end up ‘finishing’ the week and want to play my other characters, so technically I’m still bouncing between them but at least the paladin is getting things done. Last week I completed the fated LFR raids, and earned myself a piece of gear for this week. It was an upgrade, but I was REALLY hoping for a weapon. I’m still sporting a 229 weapon and each week I keep hoping that I’ll get something better. No luck at all. I also managed to get some world bosses done, and I have been trying to get a few other characters past the 240 threshold so that they can queue for fated raids, too. So far it’s only my paladin and my demon hunter who make the cut. I’d love it if my monk and druid could join that cluster. Maybe the priest, but she’s so far behind in gear it would take a lot of work.

Gold making is going pretty well, I shuffled over some 291 gear to sell on my low population servers. I might actually end up using them myself to gear up my characters in the meantime. There’s still a few months before Dragonflight releases, and maybe I’ll end up settling down with a main (though I doubt it). There’s lots of older content I want to complete, achievements to work on, mounts, pets, and everything in between. It’s safe to say that I’m really enjoying my WoW days, despite the fact that a majority of my friends are no longer playing. To each their own, I’ve stopped trying to follow everyone everywhere, and instead just focus on where I’m personally having fun.

I did also reduce my active accounts from 5 to 2, with the sporadic 3. These accounts all have Shadowlands and are great for queuing for island expeditions. This week is also Darkmoon faire, which I need to find some time to do. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!