November 1, 2022

A Little Wurm Online (Halloween)

If you’ve been following this blog at all for the past 15+ years, you realize that I absolutely LOVE Wurm Online (and the steam version, Unlimited) – but I do tend to take long breaks and wander away every now and again. In the fall I tend to wander back, this is when there are so many events going on, every day feels like a holiday. I love it. This year was no different.

I logged in for Halloween events. There’s a few – you can kill aggressive mobs and have a chance at a helmet (I haven’t seen one yet) and if you’re into archaeology at all, you can dig up spooky fragments which can be put together for some unique Halloween items. I did get a skeleton and some skull candles, I was working on a mask but the fragments seem pretty rare. The event does run until November 5th, which is plenty of time to get some serious archaeology under your belt.

Right now I’m playing on both the Northern and Southern islands. I keep hoping one day they’ll merge them, but it has been years now with no change. I have a priest with 100 faith stuck on the Northern islands, and I’d love to be able to move her to my main deed. In the meantime, I’ve actually started up a brand new deed on the Cadence server, very small, costal, along the highway. If the servers ever do merge, I should be able to sail to my old server fairly easily. We’ll just have to see!

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!