Weekly Wrap Up [Jan9-Jan16]

Another Monday means another weekly wrap up! There’s things to keep in mind with these, and the main one is that TSM isn’t tracking crafting orders, and these days a fair portion of gold I make comes from that. This week I earned just over 400k through public and private craft orders. I focus on jewelcrafting (neck/rings), leather working, engineering, and inscription. I have the other professions too but I haven’t been spending much time with them. I’m using the addon ‘accountant’ to track my crafting orders.

I tried to buckle down this week, focusing on my ‘main’ (I use the term loosely) and getting raids & world quests done. My renown levels are not that great, Tuskarr was the easy one since I could just throw gold at it. Everything else is taking some work. On the plus side I’m really enjoying Dragonflight a large amount, on the downside there are not nearly enough hours in a day.

Sales this week were pretty steady. You can see that I’ve moved into selling pets – with moderate success. The numbers are not huge, but they’ll add up and hopefully I’ll learn / get better. I’ve been trying to buy low, sell high, and build up stock. The Dragonflight “Rhinestone” sunglasses also did well this week (but not as well as last week) with another four pairs sold. I know I didn’t keep on top of it as much as I could have.
The prospector’s boots was a flip, I think I bought them for a handful of gold months ago. The haunted steel warboots are blacksmith crafted, and the two blue recipes are from fishing leftovers. I didn’t take any big risks, and I’m OK with that. I know a lot of people are frustrated with their lack of ability to make gold in Dragonflight but I actually think I’ve been doing better than I did in Shadowlands (remember I never touched legendaries in SL). I’m excited for 10.0.5 and I can’t wait to see what new exciting transmog it brings.
As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!