August 31, 2023

The end of Blaugust

Today marks the last day of August, and thus the last day of Blaugust – and it might not be apparent that I’ve even been doing Blaugust since I don’t follow the provided layout but I want to say a few things about that.

First, the event in essence is to get people blogging – and it absolutely succeeds in doing this. A wonderful community has formed because of it, and this year marked the greatest participation numbers ever seen. I think that’s wonderful. I started off wanting to be more involved in the community but quickly realized that real life had other plans, and that I cannot be in all of the places, as much as I would like to.

That’s OK.

I started the month wanting to write every day, to loosely at least, follow the suggested topics, and provide insightful commentary that people would enjoy. This also did not happen.

That’s OK.

How and when you choose to blog is completely up to you. The subject matter, again, up to you. I cannot stress enough that you should try to first and foremost WRITE FOR YOURSELF. If an audience forms because of it, that’s wonderful, but if you try to write expecting an audience and one never forms, it can cause more harm than good. I’ve added some wonderful RSS feeds to feedly this round, and I did my best, and I’m satisfied with that. I did manage to create a post for each day, even if it wasn’t posted on that exact day (I tend to backtrack when I have spare spoons, and push out a bunch of posts all at once). I hope everyone had a great time, maybe made some new friends, and realized that blogging doesn’t HAVE to be a dead medium. There’s still some of us around, just writing.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!