April 1, 2024

Weekly Review [Mar24-Mar30]

It was one of the slowest weeks I’ve had in sales in recent history, but I also didn’t do anything with the AH on Sunday, in the grand scheme of things earning 8.6 million is still not a bad number. It just displays that we are well and truly in the ‘waiting period’ before S4 and actual content returns to World of Warcraft.

There are a lot of rumors flying around right now involving the game, and I think that’s adding to the ‘wait and see’ aspect of things.

Sales this week were a few pieces of high end transmog (two Blackrock Bullwark’s), and a handful of pets. Not many recipes (I actually need to refresh my distribution on those, so it’s probably more to do with me and my stock than anything else) and meanwhile the only ‘game’ time I have besides doing the AH daily is going for my 1 level of renown in Plunderstorm, which I dislike immensely. I dislike that it removes the population and splits them up (more than other versions of the game already do, classic I’m looking at you) and I just don’t enjoy PVP which I have said here a few times now, I know.


Gold making is very slow at this stage. If your numbers are low, don’t be discouraged. Wait for S4 to begin and then things should start picking up.