Weekly Review [Apr7-Apr13]
There are some days where I just don’t feel like posting auctions. In the last year, those days have been pretty rare, but they do occasionally happen. I think it’s important to take breaks when you feel this way, and not feel pressured into continuing on in the same way if you’re not really into it. The slump I’ve felt while waiting for S4 is as good a time as any for a few days off here and there, I figured. The earnings for the week show that, with a weak 7.7 million earned in that time frame. I know, that’s actually a fair amount of gold still for the average player, but it is a few million below my personal average.
Patterns have started picking back up, whether it’s from collectors or people preparing for S4, I’m glad to see the uptick. Another blackrock bulwark made the list – this time for well above my usual average, it sold at 846k. A Tuskarr kite made the list too, which is great because for a while there the price had been incredibly low as Blizzard was just giving them away.
A small number of pets sold this round, but that’s probably because I need to restock and level up a few more. Armored Vaultbot, Jadefire Spirit, and the rare Indigo. I also managed to sell a mageweave bandage manual, I think it was the first time I’ve seen one sell in all the times I’ve listed it. Thank you collectors!
Blizzard just announced that Plunderstorm will be ending on April 30th, and that there’s double reputation gains until then – thank goodness. I’m currently sitting at renown 29, and I feel like I can easily reach 40 before the 30th if I just keep plodding along with my 1 renown a day. In the meantime, I’m hunting for my final LW recipe (it’s going for 1.9 million gold, and I’m reluctant to spend it in case Blizzard returns it in the future) hoping to catch it on a snipe. Aside from that, things are quiet.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!