The Little Astero That Could

I’ve been using my Helios almost exclusively for exploration, but I did win the fully fit Astero from Signal Cartel a few weeks after I joined, so from time to time I like to dust that off and fly it around too. It’s fit for sub 2s warp which I really like, and it has a bit more room than the helios, plus a few drones that I like to keep around in case something jumps me and I need to put out a distraction so I can get away. Everyone seems to like the way it looks, which I think is OK but I’d like to pick up (or design) a skin for it in the future.
Really though, the Astero is just a stepping stone to the Stratios, which I also own but for now I cannot fly it with my Signal Cartel character. I know both ships were pretty expensive due to some specific components, I’m not sure if it’s coming down in price, but that would be great to see. I built my Stratios after winning the BPC on hypernet, and like I mentioned, I won the Astero. I don’t take them out very often, especially since I can fly a T3C already (on my main, at least) but it’s still also fun to switch things up. I see a lot of “why do you fly abc123 ship, this xyz ship can do all of that and BETTER!” – sometimes, you don’t really need a ‘why’ – the answer is “because I can.”
Fly your way! o7