I am not a fan of summer, and this summer has been particularly brutal. There’s no air conditioning in my house, and while we have purchased a small window version for a single bedroom, it can’t keep up with the multiple 40C days we’ve had on end. The heat means it’s uncomfortable to be in front of my computer, and when I am there I have no energy to do much of anything.

With The War Within just a few weeks away from launching, and the pre-patch events in game, I have wandered my way back to World of Warcraft, comfort game of choice. I started placing auctions on the AH once a day on my two accounts, and have gotten some pretty nice sales. I am still absolutely convinced that mega servers are in the works for Warcraft and that we’ll see them before the end of TWW.

Last time I posted I was going on about the many glitches we had seen in the pre-patch, and a lot of those have been solved, but a few still linger. Players are unable to remove gold from their banks without using a weird work around (if the banks are full). Cross realm guilds are a thing – but you cannot use the guild bank at the moment if you’re not from that server. Uniques are not appearing properly in warband banks if you log in with a character who already has the unique on them. You still can’t apply azerite abilities to gear when you loot them.

Speaking of azerite, +speed (and longstrider) have been heavily nerfed, much to the disappointment of speed runners. The influx of raw gold from doing dungeons/raids was also moved down back to pre-pre-patch levels. I think we all knew that one wasn’t going to last and wasn’t intended.

Besides the pre-patch in retail, I’ve also been (slowly) working my way through the Pandaria remix. There’s no way I’ll obtain ‘all the things’ but I suppose it’s ‘fun’ and at least I’m collecting stuff. I just dislike the FOMO of the event. One sure way for me to NOT do an event is to make it temporary. The pressure and fear of missing out is just annoying to my gaming style.

There’s still some Wurm Online (Unlimited) EVE, and GW2 in the works, too, so you might see a post about that in the future. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

2 thoughts on “Too Hot”
  1. Yeah the FOMO aspect if stuff like Remix irritates me… because I will make sure I do them so I don’t miss out. To the detriment of stuff I actually WANT to do. And then when I take breaks and inevitably miss out on lots of stuff (hi 7 months of Trading Post stuff and the Hearthstone crossover event), I feel absolutely terrible and almost start blaming myself for taking the time off??? That’s so not a healthy thing to put on your players. Grrrr.

    1. I took so many breaks, they had the PVP thing followed by Remix and I just ‘nope’ right out of the game entirely =X

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