Interesting Skinr Loot

I mentioned in my last post that this week I’ve been farming a metaliminal electrical storm for relic sites, and I’ve probably done 100 or more by this point. Today was the first time I looted any skinr items, and I have no idea if they’re any good (I assume not) because so far I still haven’t played around with the system. I’m reluctant to spend plex on skins, I haven’t really seen any that catch my eye as a ‘I must have this’ – but I did hear that they’re making a lot of changes / improvements over time (maybe due to the lukewarm reception) and I hope it eventually gets to a functional state that both players and developers are happy with.
I will have an update tomorrow on my 90 day suitcase challenge! I know it has been a while, I haven’t forgotten about it. Life has just been pushing me about lately and I haven’t been able to fit in everything I would like.
As always, fly your way! o7