August 19, 2024

A Little Guild Wars 2

It has been some time since I played GW2 regularly, and I’m not really sure why that is. On paper, the game has everything I enjoy in an MMO – but it’s also the game I’ve had the hardest time trying to find a place to belong. I suppose in the end that doesn’t matter too much, I rarely ever stick around in any place that isn’t my own guild – but I do have goals that I want to accomplish, and they are easier if you have a community.


When I started playing GW2 I was playing an asura guardian. Fun class, I loved swinging my big 2h sword around – but a few years in, I just wasn’t feeling it any more. I decided to abruptly swap over to a mesmer, and I’ve been in love ever since. The problem is, I never bothered working on her personal story, and then I got distracted by multiple shinies, and here we are. I’m on the last chapter of the personal story, called Victory or Death. Today I completed the following parts to that:

  • Temple of the Forgotten God
  • Through the Looking Glass
  • What the Eye Beholds
  • Estate of Decay
  • A Grisly Shipment
  • Further into Orr
  • Stealing Light
  • Conscript Dead ships

Now I’m on Ships of the Line. I believe after this there are 4 more sub chapters and then my personal story will be completed. I think I’ll probably need help for the final quest, I remember getting help on it when I was attempting it with my guardian, but we’ll see when I get there. I’m pretty excited to get it completed! Ideally, I’d follow up by working on the next stories in order, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to resist the sirens call of the next expansion – which just happens to release tomorrow.

I’m incredibly excited about this expansion. It’s bringing player housing to the table, and anyone who knows me understands that this is a very big deal. I love player housing, decorating and collecting furniture and browsing other people’s builds is one of my favourite pastimes.

Are you going to be playing the expansion? Are you excited about player housing? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming – no matter what you play.