Completing Rifts on Sklotopolis
I still wander around on the Sklotopolis server in Wurm Unlimited, but lately my time in-game has been less stellar than usual. As I’ve mentioned in multiple posts over the years, one of my favourite things to do in game is to explore and pillage fallen ruins, but there is one person who is always at every single ruin before everyone else, camping them for days and weeks on end. This person makes pillaging difficult, and while I understand that things operate on a first come first serve basis, it’s just not fun.
So I’ve decided to take a bit of a break from it (once again) and continue on in Wurm Online, where I find things a bit more fair. I won’t be giving up my deed any time soon, but I think it will be nice to step back and not get so worked up over very small things.
As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!