August 27, 2024

Progress on Map Completion

Despite the 12 years I’ve been ‘playing’ Guild Wars 2 (I use the term loosely, I’m to and from the game more often than not) I’ve never actually finished the map before, and my highest character has been 67% complete for quite some time. I decided why not slowly chip away at this achievement by trying to complete a map every few days. Some are a lot more involved than others, some I’m almost done.

Today I started with Metrica Province, which is part of Maguuma Jungle. There were 16 hearts to complete but I had 8 of them already done (yay) along with most of the vista. I earned a few achievements as I bounced along here and there, and before too long – done!

I loved that even though it was 5am my time there were still people to be found in the zone, doing their thing and questing along as well. The game has done a fantastic job at keeping all zones relevant, for better or for worse. Between earning achievements, jumping puzzles, world bosses, hero points, and mastery – there’s lots of reasons to explore those older zones.

I am hoping I can keep up with this, but I won’t hold my breath. I am fairly certain I’ve made the claim before, that I was going to work on map completion – and welp, we all know where that went.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!