August 28, 2024

Progress Towards a Legendary (sort of)

Thanks to sites like GW2Efficiency, figuring out exactly what I need in progress towards something has never been easier. A few days ago I saw mention of legendary kits that would knock approximately 60-70% of the requirements from the weapons that are still must-haves to this day. They cost 1,000 of the daily points that you earn from the Wizard’s Vault – and it didn’t take me long to earn that once I bought my cat tower chair (still best purchase ever). The weapons rotate (no idea how frequently) and this was round 5, which included the base for two that I was interested in. The 2h sword Twilight, and the dagger, Incinerator.

I decided to go with the dagger since that’s what I’m using as a main weapon these days. The kit included Spark (the precursor to incinerator), the Gift of Incinerator, and a Gift of Magic. This leaves me requiring the Gift of Mastery, and the Gift of Fortune. The gift of fortune is partially completed, I received the gift of magic and it needs the gift of might + the gift of magic + 77 mystic clover, and 250 glob of ectoplasm. All together if I was to purchase what I’m missing, it would STILL come to over 400g at the time of this post – but I don’t plan on purchasing for this, I plan on either farming it or using my currencies to obtain, or some other way. Still, I’m glad that I picked it up, since the items rotate I hope to get more of these over time, and eventually I may even complete one.

One of the easier parts I can continue to work on is the gift of exploration, which is of course completing the maps in the base game. I’m already pretty close to that one, and I hope to knock it out soon(tm). Maybe even this weekend. Hopefully, before too long I’ll have my very first legendary. I just need to actually stick with it for a while.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer