September 29, 2024

Work Complete!

I’ve finally leveled my way through The War Within on my ‘main’ (I use that term loosely, I’m not sure I really have a main any more) and I’ve started working on upgrading my gear. I know I’m a month behind the release of the game, but I’m glad I stepped away and took a little break when I did. Now I’m back to it and feeling good about playing. Things have quieted down and I’ve been taking my time to enjoy the story – the looks of the zones are just fantastic, and for a game Warcraft’s age, I feel like the team has done an amazing job. Is it as graphically intense as other games released this year? No of course not, but they’ve done really well with a game this age.

What am I aiming for next? I’m not exactly sure! I need to work on my ilevel, there’s pets that need leveling, and of course professions need knowledge points. I’ve gotten a start on my blacksmithing, but all of it will take some time. I’m having fun, and that’s what really matters.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!