September 2024

My August EVE Economic Update

I wasn’t playing much EVE at the beginning of August, so my ISK making chart remained mostly empty – and then when I got back into the swing of things I decided I should start up a 3rd steady account to play along with my other two – so that’s exactly what I did. I had been training the account for some time already, it’s an old one I had from 2010, but had stayed at the alpha level. I used ISK to plex the account.

Still, I made over a billion ISK for the month even with my limited game play. I did some mining, a little ratting, and because there was a lovely electric storm for a few days I was able to get a lot of hacking done. I debated if I wanted to sell everything or keep it for crafting, but in the end, I sold it. Next round I’ll be hanging onto the bits though. Things are getting expensive, and I’d rather craft it all myself.

At the end of the month I was in a strange frame of mind where I decided I should sell off some of my mining ships, which I instantly regretted and re-purchased at the beginning of September. Still trying to work myself out of that debt at the time of this post. I’m not sure why I buy / sell ships depending on my moods and whims, I should just hang onto them for the future when I change my mind, because I almost always do.

My market character is almost done training to fly a blockade runner, and I’m thinking it might be time to get back into market trading. For now she’s been hauling my PI that I drop off weekly (I have 2 characters living at a Freeport Wormhole who do PI and nothing else) and I also use her to run hauling missions when the daily requires 50LP. I don’t know what I’ll train up next on her.

On the 3rd account my character is able to fly mining barges and exhumers – but I’ve downgraded the exhumers because of the cost and the fact that there’s a lot of gankers around. I mine slower – but safer. I’m OK with that. We’ll just have to see what September brings.

Fly your way! o7

A Rough Go of Things

This summer has been difficult, both in game and out. I don’t make friends easily and a few years back there ended up being an incident that cost me almost all of mine – I’m awkward, blunt, and argumentative. Not conductive to keeping long term friends, really. So for the past few years I’ve been quite isolated, but still trying to do the best I can for my family.

Then I started falling out of love with the game that I had played for years. I couldn’t decide if it was because I didn’t have a community, or because the games were changing, or because I just wasn’t into it the way I used to. Maybe some combination of things. It’s easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom that seems to be life, but I also actively tried to get out of that mindset, but it just wasn’t working.

I am just not interested in playing World of Warcraft right now, despite the release of a brand new expansion. I haven’t even logged in. I removed everything off of the auction house and tucked it away. I’m debating leaving all of the Warcraft discords I belong to – and I started playing some GW2 but even that can’t seem to hold my attention. The one game I’m still playing with any sort of desire to log in, is EVE and Wurm Online. I’ve been spending more time doing art, both traditional and digital. I’ve been active on mastodon & bluesky after the disaster that is twitter / X. I just don’t want to support people like Musk. They certainly don’t deserve it.

Everyone is wrapped up in their own stuff, which is expected and reasonable. I’m not even sure why I’m rambling this here except that I needed to get the words out. I frequently (even at this age) think that people would just be better off if I wasn’t here, wasn’t creating issues, wasn’t being all emotional. Anyway. It has been a difficult summer. I’m hoping the cooler weather and the beginning of fall brings some relief, but I also homeschool so there is no real ‘break’ from everything. Guess we’ll see.