Expensive (To Me) Skills

When I went and found the Silent Battle in my most recent shattered wormhole, and opened the cans, I got all sorts of blueprints that I had never seen before. These are apparently subsystem blueprints, for ships like Loki and Tengu. They have a chance to fail, and I have no idea about the value of these items – but I figured I’d try to craft them and see if I could (eventually) sell them, or maybe even just keep them for myself to use.
Unfortunately, making these blueprints requires skills that I didn’t have. I had to purchase sleeper encryption methods, high energy physics, core subsystem technology, offensive subsystem technology, nanite engineering, and defensive subsystem technology – I also need to pick up propulsion subsystem technology, but I decided I had spent enough for the day and I’ll pick it up once the other skills have trained.
I am forever training skills in EVE. While I do feel like I have a good number now on my main, there is always something out there I’d like to fly / do / build which requires more. I thought about spreading things out a bit more, but my main is such a jack of all trades character that it would take alts quite some time to get to where they’d be useful. Speaking of alts, it’s just about time to create my final (9th) character. That will be 3 characters per account, on all 3 of my active accounts. I have little desire to upgrade to a 4th any time soon, I think this is plenty. It just happens to coincide with the number of WoW accounts I was keeping active, too (now I just have one active account).