Expensive Month (preparing for fun)

I’ve mentioned before that I was curious about putting my own structure up in space, and so this month I have been preparing to do exactly that. I also invested in some ISK to get some proper hauling ships. I bought a viator & an occator (and fit them appropriately) and then practiced doing the MWD & cloak trick that I had heard about many times but had never actually executed. Turns out, it’s pretty simple, but there is some muscle memory involved so I flew around highsec with my empty occator just practicing (I keep forgetting to align and use bookmarks to dock, instead of warping straight to the station, which is bad, because you can end up outside of the docking area). I also set up a second highsec corporation, because once I have a structure down I’m open to wardec, and I wanted someone who can still do my PI hauling and act as a market character. Another reason is simply because I enjoy doing the 50lp dailies and wanted to be able to complete them. As far as I’m aware, there’s no easy way to do this from inside a WH.
As much as I’ve played EVE, I have zero experience with structures and I’m learning a lot. For example, I need to set up an ‘ACL’ which is ‘access control list’ so that I can allow / disallow people to do things like dock. This is how structures like the wormlife freeport operate, and something I hadn’t even considered. Somehow I forgot that structures are going to require fuel, though I am less concerned about that. I can either attempt to produce my own, or buy some and haul it in, a few months in advance.
I’ve been keeping an eye on the system I plan on using, and it has been quiet – but not silent. Some people come and go, and am pretty confident now that no one is actively living there. I will be setting up a POS to start with – I want to get the hang of things, and then from there I’ll expand and upgrade. It takes much less time to set up a POS than say, an athanor. It was an expensive week, but I feel confident in my spending and honestly the viator and the occator were both ships I had plans of purchasing eventually, anyway. The next ship I’m hoping to pick up is the Deluge. I have been flying a squall, but I think the upgraded version is quite beefy.
As always, fly your way! o7