The US Thanksgiving holidays are always a lot of fun in Wurm Online, because that’s when they have a huge Black Friday sale, and I end up picking up a year of game time on a character or two. This year they also made some game play and decoration announcements which I am incredibly excited about. First, they’ve finally announced ceilings – no more having to look at the rafters all of the time. Not only that, we will be able to hang things from them! Starting with chandeliers. There’s also a few different types of ceilings as far as graphics go, and wood types also display. I always love it when Wurm does a decoration update. The game has really come a long way in the past 20 years.
Goblin camps have been something that has been on the ‘we’re working on it’ side of things for about 10 years now – so when the announcement came out that they’ll soon be going into beta for testing, well, a lot of skeptical people said they’ll believe it when they see it. Apparently that’s in the works, and I think it will add an interesting aspect of gameplay, especially for people who are looking to gain those 70+ fight skills. There’s also talk of being able to raise some of the more difficult skills like lockpicking, and being able to sneak into the goblin camps at night to pillage from them. I’m very excited about all of this, even though I’m not really big on combat in Wurm (I’ve always felt combat was one of its weaker points).
There’s also a new item for premium players to claim in celebration of Thanksgiving. A cornucopia! You can obtain little food items from it, and I can’t wait to see it (at the time of this post it hasn’t been released yet). In the meantime, I’ve been working away on my deed, building up the main floor of the remaining buildings, and then it will be time to build upwards. Once the structures are completed, it will be time to decorate. I also need 16 braziers crafted and they are INCREDIBLY slow, requiring 50 bricks, 50 mortar, and a gold crafted bowl. Even with my high skills, it’s difficult to attach each piece.
Still, it’s nice to have projects to work on, and I’m enjoying myself as always.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!