December 14, 2024

Making Gold – One Sale at a Time

The good thing about making gold is once you know how to go about it, you fall back into those habits pretty easily after taking breaks here and there. Thus it was that I returned to Warcraft and am already making a few million each day, mostly with pet sales. I reached 100 in both leatherworking and jewel crafting professions, and also started leveling up my alchemist / blacksmith character. I now have 3 characters at 80, with another slowly working through pet battles today. She should be able to reach 80 by tomorrow, I figure. Paladin, demon hunter, and monk are the classes who are already there. This will create my stable ‘main’ characters, one of each profession who I play on a semi regular basis.

There’s still so much more to do, but it’s a good solid start. Rumor has it I might even start streaming again as we get closer to the new year. I haven’t come to a solid conclusion about that yet, but it is something I really want to continue to try to do. Each time I try I seem to give up, but who knows if this will be the one time it sticks.

Curious about the gold making statistics from above? They’re from the revamped site, previously known as the ledger. I absolutely love the changes they’ve made this year, and I hope other players are taking advantage of it too. I like that I can see all of the gold I’ve made per server, so if some servers are doing better than others, I can focus on them a little bit more and make sure I’m restocking.

I’ll try to be a little more consistent with updates, but no promises. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer