Magranon Holy Site (Independence)

I have quite a few posts in mind for Wurm Online, but finding the time is (as always) one of my downfalls. These days I have been hanging out in a crater on the Independence server (I happen to live on that server, so it was quite easy to get to, kudos to Moumix for bringing us there). There’s a Magranon holy site that spawned on December 31st, and lasts for approximately two weeks. During these two weeks followers of Magranon can rummage at the monolith for ore every hour (approx) and depending on the power of the monolith, it will be that quality. Since I’ve been here I have a whole slew of 99ql ore, and quite a few 100ql ore. If you’re not a follower of Magranon you can still participate, as meteorites fall from the sky around the site. If you’ve got good mining skill, it’s free ore. Empyrean is fairly common from these meteorite, and I’m thinking of creating an entire set of tools from it just to commemorate the event.
There are two types of holy site that can occur for Magranon, and I was hoping this one was the other type (the other type spawns archaelogy fragments for items that do not typically have fragments). This one is still a great deal of fun though, and I’m excited because my mining is only in the 80s, so all of this ore would otherwise be something I could not obtain on my own.
I do have 100 faith priest here, along with a 72 faith priest. I probably wouldn’t have made the 72 faith priest a premium character but I forgot all about the 100 faith priest – one of the downfalls to having so many characters. In any case, it has been fun hanging out. Purrs has been here too, and a few other players from the server but for the most part it has been quiet and I just go around mining everything I can get my hands on and hoping for something good.
As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!