
Working on Quail Landing (Wurm Online)

For the past week or so, Moumix and I hung out at the Magranon event on the Independence server, collecting ore and purifying the monolith that had spawned. Overall it was quite boring, but since neither of us can mine 90ql ore yet, it would come in handy. Yesterday we each took our characters home, and I resumed working on Quail Landing.

My main deed is (and has been for 4 years now) Quail Cove, an island deed on the SE corner of the Independence server. The deed has been ‘completed’ for quite some time, aside from small changes here and there it remains mostly the same. I wanted to be able to use the highway system to transport bulk goods, so I created a second deed on the mainland of Independence, fairly close to my main deed. This one I called Quail Landing.

The deed is completely different from the island version, a huge sprawling castle with lots of tall towers. I have two more buildings to complete (one being the central ‘castle’) and I’ve been working on crafting large brazier pillars for each of the towers. I really like how it’s starting to look. Once the construction is done, and the braziers are up, I can work on decorating the place. At Quail Cove the ‘theme’ is my capy PMK items (capybara) in teal and pink. Over at Quail Landing, the theme runs along the HOTS colours, purple and black (Horde of the Summoned). These items can currently still be crafted, so they’re not exactly of high value, but they do add lots of pops of colour and interest to the deed (or at least, I think so).

I do also need to complete the docks at Quail Cove, it uses a lot of dirt so I haven’t gotten it done – and I keep waiting for the ‘docks’ update that is apparently coming to the game. It was teased about in 2024, but no ETA was provided. I’m hoping we see them ‘soon’ and it will open up a lot of new construction possibilities. I’d also like to move the highway around my deed at Quail Landing, but again that takes quite a bit of dirt. Independence has dirt – but hauling it to my place is something I just haven’t had the time for.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Magranon Holy Site (Independence)

I have quite a few posts in mind for Wurm Online, but finding the time is (as always) one of my downfalls. These days I have been hanging out in a crater on the Independence server (I happen to live on that server, so it was quite easy to get to, kudos to Moumix for bringing us there). There’s a Magranon holy site that spawned on December 31st, and lasts for approximately two weeks. During these two weeks followers of Magranon can rummage at the monolith for ore every hour (approx) and depending on the power of the monolith, it will be that quality. Since I’ve been here I have a whole slew of 99ql ore, and quite a few 100ql ore. If you’re not a follower of Magranon you can still participate, as meteorites fall from the sky around the site. If you’ve got good mining skill, it’s free ore. Empyrean is fairly common from these meteorite, and I’m thinking of creating an entire set of tools from it just to commemorate the event.

There are two types of holy site that can occur for Magranon, and I was hoping this one was the other type (the other type spawns archaelogy fragments for items that do not typically have fragments). This one is still a great deal of fun though, and I’m excited because my mining is only in the 80s, so all of this ore would otherwise be something I could not obtain on my own.

I do have 100 faith priest here, along with a 72 faith priest. I probably wouldn’t have made the 72 faith priest a premium character but I forgot all about the 100 faith priest – one of the downfalls to having so many characters. In any case, it has been fun hanging out. Purrs has been here too, and a few other players from the server but for the most part it has been quiet and I just go around mining everything I can get my hands on and hoping for something good.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!

WoW Economy Wrap Up – December

Well, a new year begins tomorrow so I decided why not post about December’s sales. I had taken a break for most of 2024, leaving Warcraft back in April and while I did return sporadically throughout the rest of the year, it wasn’t until December that I finally fell back into my familiar patterns when it came to gold making. I knew there was a few reasons for this, most noticeably a lack of community and sense of belonging that I just haven’t been able to find in the game. I stumbled off to EVE Online, where I worked on ISK making and because I had quite a large community there, I found it easier to stick with it. That being said, Warcraft is a game I enjoy a great deal, I just need to take some time to find my people.

Back to the sales! I’m currently spread across 28 NA realms, though I do have an active EU account as well (I haven’t been playing it frequently, and I have no plans on doing any gold making there). My best realm for the month of December was Mal’Ganis (2.3 million earned), followed by Thrall (1 million earned). My least profitable realm was Agamaggan, where I only made 31k for the month. I was not particularly consistent with my gold making habits this month, sometimes I didn’t feel like reposting my items so I would just wait until the next day, and I’m still spending a lot of gold playing catch up when it comes to professions.

I deal in a lot of high end materials, mostly transmog. Even though Mal’Ganis was my top selling server as far as amount of gold goes, I still only sold 7 items there. One of those items was 1.7m gold.

As long as I make a sale here and there, it seems to balance out. I spend approximately 1h each day on dedicated gold making, which is mostly just putting items back up for sale, or stock management. I do currently have 5 active accounts, and I’ve been using a level 11 character to power level characters from my 3 main accounts. Once the 20th anniversary (and timewalking) ends, I’ll drop back down to 3 accounts instead of 5. My two ‘extra’ accounts have level 11 characters that I can use without a subscription, so it all seems to work out in the end.

I hope everyone has had a great 2024, and here’s hoping 2025 brings lots of sales and some exciting times to Warcraft. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Doing All of the Things

I’ve been playing Warcraft again, and I have to say it feels really nice, familiar. One of the first things I did was level up a handful of characters via timewalking (I currently have 5 accounts active, with a few level 11 characters hauling around the other accounts for some easy leveling) and then once I got my top 4 characters to 80 it was time to work on their crafting.

4 ‘main’ characters lets me cover all 8 professions (minus gathering) and focus on collecting recipes. Of course I’m pretty behind in The War Within, but I know I’ll get there. I used the addon posted above to help me keep track of things, and while my engineering is quite far behind, I know it won’t take long to level it up, and it’s more important to have knowledge points than it is to beeline to 100.

I haven’t started the tailor / enchanter yet, that’s the goal over the weekend. I do also have some gathering characters, I just don’t tend to USE them because I’m not a fan of gathering. It’s usually easier (and cheaper) for me to just buy what I need, and then with the free time I have from NOT gathering, I can do something else.

What else? Well, I’ve been working on my ATT collection, pets, mounts, transmog, and of course there’s a LOT to do in TWW. I haven’t completed each of the delves yet, I think I’ve only got two of them done. I’ve been doing the anniversary events, but I wanted to take a look at the achievements to see if there was anything I could complete before it leaves us. I like how comfortable Warcraft is, and while I may not have a static guild or group of people to play with, I’m having fun finding my way again.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Leveling Up With Timewalking

Somehow I found myself activating all 5 Warcraft accounts, and running my own characters through Timewalking dungeons in order to level them up. It went very smooth, and I had a lot of fun. I have a fury warrior who is locked at level 11, wearing a bunch of Timewalking gear + TBC gear + SL gems, and then any 4 other characters. In this case I went with my 70 warrior, 70 hunter, and some low level 10 warlocks. I put 4 of my characters in a group together, and left the experience locked character out. Then I queued for a specific dungeon early in the morning, when I figured no one else would be queuing for it. Chance would have it that 5 minutes later everyone got invited to the same dungeon, and I didn’t have to worry about that experience debuff. If you try to group with someone who has experience disabled, and then queue, you won’t be able to gain experience. There’s a few other ways of working around this issue, but I went with the easiest (for me) method.

After that, it was smooth sailing. I was able to queue for the Timewalking dungeons which give a HUGE amount of experience to all characters. It took approximately 1.5-2 dungeons per level for the characters who were 70+ and the lower level ones gained levels much faster. By the end of the day, I had two more level 80 characters to add to my roster, along with two more 50+ characters. The level 11 will just sit there on the unused account. MUCH faster than doing pet battles, and I also now have the 25% bonus experience on all of my bnet accounts due to having max level characters (it caps at 25%, 5% per level 80). It’s not the most interesting method of leveling up, but once I’ve played through the story one time I just really don’t want to keep doing it over and over.

Next up? We’ll just have to see. Probably more level 80 characters. I only have while the 20th anniversary event is up (I believe it ends January 7th or there abouts) and then the regular timewalking weeks after that. I don’t imagine I’ll keep those extra accounts subscribed for too long – but I do intend to take advantage of it while I can.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer