
Am I Still Making Gold in Warcraft?

I know I haven’t exactly been posting a lot of World of Warcraft content since the release of The War Within, and some of that is on purpose as I took a break and stepped away from the game so I could find my ‘fun’ and some of that was just life getting in the way. I played the previous expansion pretty steadily, and I enjoyed myself but by the end of it I was really longing for a community, and a steady group of people around that I could get to know – in other words, I was lonely. My long time friends have moved on from WoW, and while I absolutely support their decisions, it still makes for lonely times in game. I’m hoping to find a community on the NA servers (even though I play EU hours) that’s casual and friendly, maybe on a roleplay server. We’ll see how that goes.

In the meantime – yes, I am still making gold. My methods have shifted over time, and I may not be bringing in as much gold as I have in the past, but I like to see the numbers go up. My warbank is capped, and I’ve been stashing individual amounts of gold around on my various characters. I have NOT maxed out my crafting yet, on anyone. I only have 1 level 80 character (I also have a 78) and I’m pretty lost as far as the story goes. I’m hoping to fix all of that over time, but it will take a bit. Ideally, I’d like to get ALL of my characters to 80, and I’m not sure that’s actually a realistic goal at this time.

I am also still actively playing two accounts, and I don’t think that will change any time soon. While I have been known to multibox 8 at once, those days are past me, and I feel much more comfortable with a smaller amount. I’ve also been trying to get more involved with the streaming community, they’re pretty close knit. While I’m not personally in the headspace to be able to stream, I do like keeping others company.

So. No promises that I’ll blog more, or even that it will always be Warcraft related – but there *should* ideally be more. We’ll see.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

The Search For Hrada-Oki BivouacĀ 

News came through a few days ago about a new wormhole site that acts as a deathless exchange outside of Zarzakh – and someone on reddit claims they found it (and are of course selling it to the highest bidder, unless it moves).

Signal Cartel excitedly posted about it, and of course I wanted to start searching and see if I could find it. Speculation is that it has a red giant star in system but if the site moves, who knows. 2 days later there was no follow up on reddit about whether or not the site had moved on.

I’m still living in a Wormlife Freeport, doing PI daily and hauling with another account once a week, so I headed out to see what was around. One jump from the freeport I found a C1 shattered system, already picked through but a good selection of other wormholes were there. I jumped into a C2 (C1 and HS static) but there was nothing of interest and a few fights had happened recently, so I backtracked and I found one that lead to a ‘dangerous place’ (that means C4-C6) and figured why not give it a peek – turns out it was another shattered system, this time a C4, with a C3 and C4 static. A little imicus showed up and was bouncing around for a while too, so I left one of the data sites up and wandered back home (it was about time for RL dinner anyway). I’ve never found a shattered that lead to another shattered before, so I thought that was pretty unique.

I doubt it will be easy to ‘stumble’ into this new wormhole site, but I like the idea of it. There’s a lot of lore behind the deathless, and I found a few more eve-centric discords to join so I can get more familiar with it. I also plan on running some Signal Cartel TripTik’s in the future, and I’m pretty excited about that.

As always, fly your way! o7

Personal EVE Economic Update (October)

I know this post is coming a bit late, but I took a tumble down some stairs (no, really, I did) so typing has been awkward and sitting at my chair incredibly painful. Hopefully things can get back to normal, whatever that is.

October was fantastic as far as making ISK in EVE Online goes. I settled into a pattern with my three active accounts, and expanded my PI process so now 8/9 characters are currently doing some form of industry. You’ll also see I made some pretty big purchases on October 30th, which I will talk about at a later date. I’m trying to space everything out a little bit so it’s not immediately blown up. My monthly earned was higher than I’ve ever had in the past, at just over 7 billion ISK. I also bought a bunch of new ships and did some hefty spending. Most of my income these days is coming from day trading. I’m still producing consumables, mining, ratting (though only a little bit) and I have also started getting into reactions.

Reactions are annoying. Well, to start with, at least. There’s no real good updated guides because that would almost be giving away trade secrets, which no one apparently wants to do. I keep hearing “reactions can make you billions of ISK, but it also costs billions of ISK to get into it” and I had no idea what they meant or what they were talking about. So I started looking into how they worked, and picked a few smaller ones to get started with. I’m still in the initial stages, so we’ll just have to see ‘how’ profitable it is.

The halloween event has ended, and I’ve got to say, I was very disappointed with it overall.

I felt like I spent most of my time hunting down sites and trying to find the right ones that I needed, which of course were never the ones I found – but I did both types any way because there was a chance at some neat loot from them. I did get quite a large collection of ship skins, instead of selling any of them I decided to keep them all for myself, and later on down the road maybe I’ll sell the extras.

This event was very difficult. The hacking was tough even with max skills, the combat sites were things I couldn’t even attempt. I’ve been a bit disillusioned with CCP lately, and this event did absolutely nothing to change my mind on that. There is another “expansion” planned for a few weeks from now, but once again I think very little of it will pertain to me or make a difference in the grand scheme of things.

I guess we’ll see.

Fly your way! o7

Expensive Month (preparing for fun)

I’ve mentioned before that I was curious about putting my own structure up in space, and so this month I have been preparing to do exactly that. I also invested in some ISK to get some proper hauling ships. I bought a viator & an occator (and fit them appropriately) and then practiced doing the MWD & cloak trick that I had heard about many times but had never actually executed. Turns out, it’s pretty simple, but there is some muscle memory involved so I flew around highsec with my empty occator just practicing (I keep forgetting to align and use bookmarks to dock, instead of warping straight to the station, which is bad, because you can end up outside of the docking area). I also set up a second highsec corporation, because once I have a structure down I’m open to wardec, and I wanted someone who can still do my PI hauling and act as a market character. Another reason is simply because I enjoy doing the 50lp dailies and wanted to be able to complete them. As far as I’m aware, there’s no easy way to do this from inside a WH.

As much as I’ve played EVE, I have zero experience with structures and I’m learning a lot. For example, I need to set up an ‘ACL’ which is ‘access control list’ so that I can allow / disallow people to do things like dock. This is how structures like the wormlife freeport operate, and something I hadn’t even considered. Somehow I forgot that structures are going to require fuel, though I am less concerned about that. I can either attempt to produce my own, or buy some and haul it in, a few months in advance.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the system I plan on using, and it has been quiet – but not silent. Some people come and go, and am pretty confident now that no one is actively living there. I will be setting up a POS to start with – I want to get the hang of things, and then from there I’ll expand and upgrade. It takes much less time to set up a POS than say, an athanor. It was an expensive week, but I feel confident in my spending and honestly the viator and the occator were both ships I had plans of purchasing eventually, anyway. The next ship I’m hoping to pick up is the Deluge. I have been flying a squall, but I think the upgraded version is quite beefy.

As always, fly your way! o7

Locked Out (again)

I found a nice bunch of gas and decided to do some huffing – thankfully I also keep a mobile depot and some probes and a scanner with me, because the exit out of this wormhole closed behind me and I needed to find my way back home. These days, it’s more of an annoyance than anything else, I’ve never been completely lost in space before, and eventually you will always stumble into some system that has a jump that leads out of the wormhole, whether it’s to highsec, nullsec, or lowsec. We’re 11 days into October, and I’ve made just over 1 billion ISK for the month, sitting at 1.3b. I’m hoping to use all of the ISK I make this month to purchase some sort of structure to place somewhere in a wormhole – with the understanding that it might just get blown up the very next day. I’m still undecided as to what sort of structure I want to place, I’m leaning POS just to get my feet wet and to learn the ropes, despite the higher fuel cost. That would allow me less stress about placing / taking down a structure but I could also learn about wormhole control and how to roll them. Or maybe I’ll just continue to suitcase for a few weeks until I feel more comfortable. I still haven’t found the perfect spot to be, yet. I don’t think I want a high sec connection, but a quiet C2 with a C1 static might be alright. I don’t want to draw attention to myself while I live there, but I also don’t want to always be completely out of content. It’s a delicate balancing act.

This week most of my in-game time (when not focusing on PI) has been trying to work on the Crimson Harvest event. Have I mentioned how much I dislike this event yet? It’s frustrating to have to constantly reach after VERY specific sites – I can’t just do any hacking site, it has to be a certain one. If I find a crimson one I don’t get credit. WHY?! Why is this a thing. Events should be fun and while I realize that EVE is nothing like other MMORPG that I play – I can’t help but wish it was just a tiny bit more familiar, because everything shouldn’t have to be a struggle.

Anyway, that’s where I’m at with things right now. As always, play your way! o7

Nomadic Gamer