What’s Going on?

A lack of blog posts – but instead I’ve been posting video of my adventures over on YouTube. They’re not fantastic quality, but it has been fun posting stream-like episodes of my adventures in space. I keep trying to fit into games like World of Warcraft, but since I have almost zero community in game, I haven’t been able to make it stick. The same can be said for GW2. I love playing, but I have limited time, and in EVE Online I belong to a handful of communities. I think that’s why I’ve been sticking with it for so long now.
I’ve been slowly (very slowly) working on my Crimson Harvest points. I’ve looted a number of ship skins, including a few for ships I actually fly. I’d love to find a helios version (does one even exist?) since that’s what I fly most of the time. The hacking sites are quite simple for me to do these days, though I have failed a can or two along the way. Things have fallen back into a familiar pattern that I’m enjoying quite a bit. When the servers come up from their daily restart I do PI on all my characters (that’s 5 characters, 6 planets on each), and then I start doing dailies on whoever I can before I have to tend to real life (I usually have just shy of an hour, which is enough to get dailies done on all 9 of my characters). Once I’m finished with whatever real life dailies I have to tend to, I decide if I want to do some exploration, mining, working on missions, gas huffing, or just flying around exploring. I’m getting more comfortable with multiboxing, and running 3 accounts seems to be a nice balance. I know there are people with far more (and others adamant about keeping just one) but any more and I think my attention wouldn’t be able to keep up. I normally do mining with 2 retrievers + a porpoise for boosts, and I have everyone with mining / boosting augments. Some days are better than others as far as ISK return – I did find a really expensive faction module this week that was worth 300,000,000 ISK which I promptly sold.
I’m usually flying a Helios for exploration, but I also venture off into the Astero. I fly a Vexor, Ishtar, or Typhoon for regular combat stuff. I fly a Tengu for C1-C3 sleeper sites. I fly a Wreathe for distribution missions, and a Squall for hauling PI, an Epithal for hauling PI around the wormlife freeport. I do have a stratios that doesn’t get much use at all, and since I’m no longer backpacking with the Orca, that has been sitting in the hangar collecting dust. My Jita alt can fly a Viator, but I haven’t purchased one yet.
There’s an announcement coming today which I assume will be about the next expansion. CCP had mentioned months ago with the release of Equinox that the Sov changes wouldn’t HAVE to take place until the following expansion – and that transition date is October 29th, so I can only assume that we’re going to be looking at some sort of expansion in three weeks. What will be changing? No idea. Equinox has been lackluster to say the least, and I doubt anyone would call it any sort of revival.
In any case, I’m really happy playing EVE, and I hope folks are not too upset at the lack of updates here. Fly your way! o7