I’m on a Boat!

Expect some boat posts in the future! We’re riding the seas.
Expect some boat posts in the future! We’re riding the seas.
I took my raft out to explore the seas – and promptly turned around and sailed right back home. Those things are difficult to move around on and annoying to sail. I think I need to pick up a boat before I attempt that again.
The class revamp and new season has all finally arrived, along with some in-game holiday events. I can’t wait to take part! Playing a new seasonal character? What did you decide to go with? Let me know in comments!
I went to school at a time where ‘home economics’ was still a thing, and in that class I learned to sew. We made stuffed teddy bears and other simple projects like that. A few years ago I bought myself a sewing machine in the hopes that I would one day learn how to use it, preferably for making quilts. While I can’t say I’m any closer to sewing quilts (yet) I can say that I had an absolute blast sewing this RCMP stocking. I filled it with hand made treats to give it as a gift to one of the members at our detachment here as a memento of our stay. I hope they like it.
The days in black desert lately have all been spent waiting for the next season to start (December 22nd, for those keeping track at home) along with the latest class changes (happening at the same time) and the hope that there are some holiday events taking place. A lot of fishing, some gathering, a tiny bit of questing, and that’s how I’ve spent 99% of my time since the last season ended.
I’m thinking of creating a ranger this time around, with a boost to tamer – maybe.