Purifiers, Purifiers Everywhere

I was minding my own business doing some mining, when a wormhole opened. Of course I scanned it down, checked it out, and found two gas sites inside, and a buzzard. I went and got my prospect, and then after I had gotten situated at the gas site, suddenly 6 purifiers showed up on d-scan.
OK then! So I warped back to the exit – but they were there. Waiting. Coincidence? There’s no way they had 6 purifiers there waiting for a prospect, they were obviously going after bigger targets and I just happened to bump into them on their way. So I relayed the information to my corporation, and really wished I had a ship to roll wormholes. In fact, that might be one of my next purchases. I waited for them to jump out, and when they had, made my move. My prospect is fit with covertops cloaking, and that always makes me feel pretty confident. I had no issues leaving the WH and heading back to the security of my station but it absolutely helped that they were busy going after bigger targets. I don’t fly anything fancy or even own anything expensive except for my Tengu & Orca and I keep those parked most of the time. I’m not very confident in my pvp skills, I don’t know all of the ins and outs and what to fly or what is good against something else. I’m learning, but it’s a slow process and it’s not really a part of the game that I particularly enjoy.
I noticed the economic report came out – and as a surprise to no one, the price of ore is going through the roof. It’s almost higher than the highest part of scarcity, a time no one wants to go back to. I have a lot of opinions on all of this, especially as someone who enjoys making ISK in game, and none of it is very good. When I started playing in April the max number of players during prime time would hover between 31-35,000 players. These days, the max numbers I see are around 5-10k less. Of course winter is coming and school is starting and summer no one is playing because they’re all on vacation and it’s too nice – but I really hope to see those numbers creep back up and I want to see the price of ore (and thus, ships) come down. People want content, but they don’t want a job where they have to budget to afford to fly something and risk losing it.
Anyway. It was an exciting night! I’m glad those purifiers were not all coming after me.