The GW2 Wardrobe is Underrated

GW2 has one of the most robust wardrobe systems I’ve played with over the years, and I think it deserves way more attention than it gets. Not only can you dye each piece with multiple colour channels, you can also have pieces that completely change your character – such as the screenshot above which is displaying a pirate hand (hook) and a peg leg.
Unlocks like these are account wide, so your characters can instantly have access to dye & appearance items no matter who you’re playing. The only other MMO I’ve played in recent times that has such a robust system, is FFXIV – and these reminders are what bothers me about World of Warcraft’s system, which appears antique by comparison. WoW just recently gave players the ability to unlock appearance gear account wide, previously you had to unlock it on a character who could wear that type of gear. They also do not allow for any dye, restricting your customization further. I understand that implementing these things so late into the game’s life isn’t something that can really be considered (thank you spaghetti code) but the more I play other games, the more I realize how much WoW lacks and how it has not risen to innovation over the years – probably because it never had to.
The latest expansion has released, and I’m slowly making my way through the story (really slowly) and exploring the first zone, Lowland Shore. I think because I have not completed some of the prior expansions it has put me at a bit of a disadvantage. I don’t have the flying mount, for one. There seem to be some places I can’t reach or some objectives I can’t do because of it. Since it’s all new, I’m not sure if I’m missing out or if there’s other ways to reach these places that I just haven’t stumbled into. I won’t be posting any spoilers, but I will say I’m enjoying myself, and I hope it lasts.
As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!