
A 3rd Account, and EVE-O Preview

I’ve been playing two accounts in EVE for quite some time, but I wasn’t very optimal in my play style, opting for one account on one monitor, and the other, on my second monitor. Then I learned about EVE-O preview, which lets you stack your clients and then have a smaller preview of each window on top of whichever window is active.

Game changer.

In fact I love it so much that I decided it was time to start up a 3rd account. This account is a bit different than my other ones, because it’s actually the very first account I ever made. My character is over 14 years old, but she also has less than 3 million skill points and got caught up in the renaming that happened many years ago, so her name was Gallente citizen 238423984723894738294738. Thankfully, CCP changed her name easily enough, as her original name was taken, and I spent some ISK and bought a month of game time to get started.

This week has been incredibly profitable when it comes to exploration. I found a storm system and camped it for a few days, earning just shy of 1b ISK in materials. I got some mining done (but not much) and have happily found myself back in the throws of EVE – despite my inner voice reminding me that The War Within launches very soon. No matter how I try, I just can’t seem to convince myself that Warcraft is where I want to be right now. I log in for market purposes, and then immediately log out. It’s exhausting trying to balance so many games, and I just don’t have the patience to play something that I’ve got to convince myself to enjoy.

In any case, I figure this 3rd account will become another mining character, and once the skills for that are trained up I’ll work on some combat skills. Nothing fancy is planned, but I know ISK/h goes up the more accounts you’re running (in most cases) so we’ll see how it goes. I can always drop back down to two accounts if it’s not for me.

As always, fly your way! o7

EVE Online Content Creators (I won 1b ISK)

I’ve mentioned in a few prior posts that I was looking for EVE Online streamers to watch on twitch – it tends to be a mixed bag, I’m not a fan of loud streams as I use them to relax, I like to lurk, and I don’t enjoy the very (VERY) “bro” like culture that typically stems from EVE Online. That being said, there are a few streamers I have found that I enjoy watching, and one such streamer is known as ‘Steve’ and his channel is ‘Steve’s Haven‘. He runs a lot of giveaways for people, the more subscriptions in the channel (gifted, etc) the more he gives away.

Last night I was hanging out in the channel – and for the first time ever, I WON! I was so excited! A billion ISK is no small amount, and I was very thankful and excited. I probably used up all of my luck for the year.

I know there’s a lot of controversy around EVE and how they treat their content creators lately. Some folks are frustrated, feel like they can’t grow, are not appreciated by CCP, etc. I hope that these people know how valued their streams are to people like me. Chaos1298 is another streamer that I enjoy watching, along with Erst, and MarkeeDragon (Oz_Eve, also, of course). I’ve been thinking about streaming my own adventures but I don’t think it’s in the cards, I have far too much anxiety and I really dislike people constantly telling me I should fit my ships THIS way or why am I doing THIS etc. I am not a fantastic EVE player, it’s just a game I really enjoy (and I’m good at making ISK in it).

Anyway. It was a really awesome night, that ISK is going to be put to some good things and I should have some more posts coming up about what I’ve been up to in game since details have been a bit sparse.

As always, fly your way! o7

Strange sightings

At the time of this post, I’ve visited 209 systems, and 150 unique wormholes. I’m not sure how many signatures I’ve scanned down, but I’m sure the numbers are up there. I notice a lot of similarities when it comes to scanning wormholes, but sometimes the layout still surprises me. Take, for example, J204030 which I mention above. When I entered that wormhole there were 5 other signatures up, all to wormholes. I thought I’d spend some time hunting down data/relic sites, but it was not to be.

Instead, it was 5 signatures that ALL lead to a highsec connection! FIVE! I don’t know that I’ve ever come across that before. I picked a random one to head out of, and found myself in a quiet area of Gallente space, so I decided to do some high sec scanning for a bit.

I must say, I do appreciate the changes that have happened to the daily opportunities. Instead of being forced into a specific type of gameplay, I can just carry on with my day and go about whatever it is I would naturally be doing. I feel like this is a much better method of motivating people to play – just rewarding them for logging in and doing whatever it is that they want to do. Sometimes I want to mine, sometimes I’m involved in combat, other times I’m doing some manufacturing, or exploration.

I know EVE Online posts here have been a bit lacking (as in, I haven’t done any) for the past month, but I just haven’t had the spoons to do much posting. Hopefully that’ll change, but if not, at least this is something. Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Too Hot

I am not a fan of summer, and this summer has been particularly brutal. There’s no air conditioning in my house, and while we have purchased a small window version for a single bedroom, it can’t keep up with the multiple 40C days we’ve had on end. The heat means it’s uncomfortable to be in front of my computer, and when I am there I have no energy to do much of anything.

With The War Within just a few weeks away from launching, and the pre-patch events in game, I have wandered my way back to World of Warcraft, comfort game of choice. I started placing auctions on the AH once a day on my two accounts, and have gotten some pretty nice sales. I am still absolutely convinced that mega servers are in the works for Warcraft and that we’ll see them before the end of TWW.

Last time I posted I was going on about the many glitches we had seen in the pre-patch, and a lot of those have been solved, but a few still linger. Players are unable to remove gold from their banks without using a weird work around (if the banks are full). Cross realm guilds are a thing – but you cannot use the guild bank at the moment if you’re not from that server. Uniques are not appearing properly in warband banks if you log in with a character who already has the unique on them. You still can’t apply azerite abilities to gear when you loot them.

Speaking of azerite, +speed (and longstrider) have been heavily nerfed, much to the disappointment of speed runners. The influx of raw gold from doing dungeons/raids was also moved down back to pre-pre-patch levels. I think we all knew that one wasn’t going to last and wasn’t intended.

Besides the pre-patch in retail, I’ve also been (slowly) working my way through the Pandaria remix. There’s no way I’ll obtain ‘all the things’ but I suppose it’s ‘fun’ and at least I’m collecting stuff. I just dislike the FOMO of the event. One sure way for me to NOT do an event is to make it temporary. The pressure and fear of missing out is just annoying to my gaming style.

There’s still some Wurm Online (Unlimited) EVE, and GW2 in the works, too, so you might see a post about that in the future. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Blaugust – but not really

It’s that time of year where normally I would sign up for Blaugust and make a post for every day during the month of August – but this year, I didn’t sign up. I’m not interested in the added pressure of trying to make a post, or the temporary social aspect. I get that this is very much a ‘me’ thing, but I’ve been writing my blog for 18 years now, and if I’m not inspired to write then I just don’t write.

That being said, for those who are interested I think it’s a fantastic event, and a good time to get started. If you enjoy reading blogs it’s also a good time to find some new ones, and if the action on Mastodon is any indication, there’s a lot of participants this year. There’s an active discord for those who are into that, too.

Nomadic Gamer