Day 1 of TWW Pre-Patch is ROUGH

Well, after a lengthy downtime World of Warcraft is back up, welcoming in The War Within pre-patch. Except not really. There are SO many bugs at the moment. Here’s a short list of the ones I’ve personally experienced so far.
- Public craft orders have a blank screen (using default UI with zero addons)
- The Warband bank is disabled until further notice (even though it’s one of the main features being promoted)
- The login screen is now basically useless for anyone who has characters with the same name, or more than 30 characters. We can’t sort by any anything, and when I manually set my characters to an order, the game just changed it around.
- There’s currently a fishing exploit involving the DF nets that was fixed months ago and it’s back in game
- You can’t trade cross realm any more right now
- You can’t remove gold from your guild bank
That’s just the small amount I’ve had to deal with. There are other changes that have taken place that are not bugs, but have greatly decreased my personal QoL – one of them is the latest changes to macros. I normally use an addon called GSE to create combat macros, which is easier on my hands when I’m suffering from a MS relapse. Macros now have incredible limitations and new rules to abide by, and GSE in specific has to be completely changed. Thankfully, I have found an active developer who worked on the retribution paladin macro, so I am up and running on that one character at least, but the others will have to wait.
There’s also the matter of raw gold being tuned upwards – is this intended? Who knows! It’s there though, so get farming before it isn’t. After a break away from game, I did the warband bank quest chain (the rest of the story arrives at a later date) and then wandered around admiring all of the bugs. Which ones have you come across? What are you doing to entertain yourself in this pre-patch? Let me know in commends! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.