
The Cost of the NA Token

It was time for me to restock some Blizzard balance before BlizzCon started, and refresh a few months of game time on each of my accounts. The cost of the token has never really bothered me, but I know for some others the high value has been a bit of sticker shock. Normally the NA token is quite a bit behind the EU token, but we’re slowly closing the gap.

I think there’s a number of reasons for this, number one – items in the market. You can buy extra tenders, you can buy transmog, pets, mounts, character services – all of this can be purchased with gold. Plus there’s all of the other Blizzard games you can also use gold for. I bought Diablo for my husband, but I used gold. New pet? Let’s buy it with gold. Yes, I know I could wait until they put that adorable cutie on the trade post, but why not just use gold.

When people have a reason to buy tokens from the AH (ie: Bnet balance) the cost of the token goes up. When there’s nothing to buy, it goes down. There’s been lots to buy for a good while now, and I don’t see that slowing down any time soon.

Collecting Mounts (#353)

I really love the look of this mount. Part fox, part dragon – and less than 10k if you don’t feel like farming the components. This is the Tempermental Skyclaw, and comes from Dragonflight. You need 60 components that drop from mobs or from the auction house depending on how patient you are. Let’s face it, even on the best of days I’m not that patient.

That brings me to 333! If I keep this up I might actually still reach 500 mounts before the end of Dragonflight. That was the original goal at least. I’m not sure what I started at, I believe it was under 300. We’ll just have to see!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Weekly Gold Making Wrap Up [Sept10-Sept17]

I’ve been back to world of warcraft ‘full time’ for two weeks now, and this week I made 5 million gold in profit, which was just lovely. I’m spending approximately 1h each day keeping this going, I don’t want to invest any more time than that. I’m currently spread across 20 servers, with one being my ‘main’ server (which is also low population, and thus very slow sales).

I haven’t been doing too much crafting, but that’s on the list. My evoker (current main) needs to switch from 2 harvesting professions to at least one crafting, there’s just not enough ‘stuff’ for me to do on that character. I’m having a blast playing her, and I11’m just shy of finally reaching my 2k rating for M+ this season. I’m at 1755, with plenty of dungeons left to go.

In any case, it’s good to be back playing, it’s nice to be making gold, and I’ve been lurking in the WoW Economy discord again to see what everyone is investing in. I’ve got about 300 pets to level (oof) and finding the time to do everything has been the most difficult part.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer