Personal EVE Economic Update (October)

I know this post is coming a bit late, but I took a tumble down some stairs (no, really, I did) so typing has been awkward and sitting at my chair incredibly painful. Hopefully things can get back to normal, whatever that is.
October was fantastic as far as making ISK in EVE Online goes. I settled into a pattern with my three active accounts, and expanded my PI process so now 8/9 characters are currently doing some form of industry. You’ll also see I made some pretty big purchases on October 30th, which I will talk about at a later date. I’m trying to space everything out a little bit so it’s not immediately blown up. My monthly earned was higher than I’ve ever had in the past, at just over 7 billion ISK. I also bought a bunch of new ships and did some hefty spending. Most of my income these days is coming from day trading. I’m still producing consumables, mining, ratting (though only a little bit) and I have also started getting into reactions.
Reactions are annoying. Well, to start with, at least. There’s no real good updated guides because that would almost be giving away trade secrets, which no one apparently wants to do. I keep hearing “reactions can make you billions of ISK, but it also costs billions of ISK to get into it” and I had no idea what they meant or what they were talking about. So I started looking into how they worked, and picked a few smaller ones to get started with. I’m still in the initial stages, so we’ll just have to see ‘how’ profitable it is.
The halloween event has ended, and I’ve got to say, I was very disappointed with it overall.

I felt like I spent most of my time hunting down sites and trying to find the right ones that I needed, which of course were never the ones I found – but I did both types any way because there was a chance at some neat loot from them. I did get quite a large collection of ship skins, instead of selling any of them I decided to keep them all for myself, and later on down the road maybe I’ll sell the extras.
This event was very difficult. The hacking was tough even with max skills, the combat sites were things I couldn’t even attempt. I’ve been a bit disillusioned with CCP lately, and this event did absolutely nothing to change my mind on that. There is another “expansion” planned for a few weeks from now, but once again I think very little of it will pertain to me or make a difference in the grand scheme of things.
I guess we’ll see.
Fly your way! o7