
A Dingo ate my (Dwarf) Baby

My Dwarf Fortress game has been going pretty well. I think I’m approaching my 3rd year at this location, and I have 58 Dwarves – well, now I have 57. Some dingo creatures moved in and they ended up slaughtering my Dwarf children. Whewps.

Before that though everything was going pretty well. I’ve had a few dwarves taken over by a Fae mode, and one even created a really fancy wooden mug worth $18,000! Of course shortly after a baron moved in and he demanded that he have the best of the best, so I made him a very fancy bedroom, office, dining area, and tomb.

He then promptly put a ban on exporting leggings. What have the leggings ever done to you! The mayor also has a ban on exports, in his case it’s short swords. So for now at least, we won’t be selling those items. I have no idea what the point of an export ban is except to create frustration for you. I don’t know what happens if we don’t abide by it, either.

I was disappointed by the dwarf who required SEVEN items for his mysterious creation, only to fabricate a spear that was worth a measly $5400. With such a high item requirement I was certain it was going to be something very impressive.

Still, it looks good on display at least.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

An Early Year in Review

It sure has been a very full year – though my blog doesn’t exactly demonstrate that. I’m hoping for 2023 I’ll get back into the swing of posting more frequently, but that’s never something I promise or count on. This year it didn’t feel like I accomplished very much but then I remembered we drove across Canada and moved from the far North to the Atlantic Coast as a family of four, and we bought our first house, and none of that was small potatoes.

What am I up to these days besides simply trying to get by?

When it comes to video games you will usually find me in World of Warcraft enjoying the Dragonflight expansion (I write about my gold making adventures over on my web site dedicated to that), or in Dwarf Fortress which FINALLY released for steam. It is absolutely everything I hoped it would be, and more. I have dedicated an absurd amount of hours to this game already, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. I would ideally also like to try to fit some Wurm Online in there, but there are only so many hours in the day.

Art! I had set a goal of completing 52 pieces of art this year, and right now I stand at 39 – considering the year we had, I’m OK with that. Next year I hope to challenge myself in the same way, and I hope to blow that challenge out of the water. Unfortunately with AI art and moral issues concerning both DeviantART and ArtStation I have no idea where to post my works any more. I’m contemplating setting up a Patreon, where people could subscribe to see my art process and my works without giant obnoxious watermarks on them. I’d like to get some prints of my pieces made, so I could give them away or maybe even sell them. I haven’t decided on anything yet.

Knitting – I did manage to finally complete my cardigan, but that was all I completed besides some wash cloths I knit before we moved. I also did a lot of spinning on my new Daedalus Starling e-spinner, which I adore. Knitting went into the “I wish I had time” pile, but I still managed to get that big cardigan project done (I am now living in it for the remainder of winter) so I’m pleased. I have to keep reminding myself I cannot do all of the things.

Speaking of all of the things! I made my way through 23 books this year – raising my original goal of 15, twice. I’m two books short, and I think I might still be able to make it.

I had more MS relapses than I care to admit, and homeschooling my 6 year old was both rewarding and exhausting, but overall 2022 has been alright. I’m hoping to settle in for a rewarding 2023. I plan on doing another reading goal, along with my art challenge, and maybe I’ll set something up for knitting so it doesn’t get forgotten about.

I hope everyone had a great year – thank you for reading my posts and keeping me company all this time.

[Unpopular Opinion] FOMO is what motivates gold making

With the release of Dragonflight everyone is looking for ‘the next big thing’ to sell on the auction house to players – before it gets nerfed. Maybe you were doing seed farms – nerfed. Maybe you were working up that crafting faction – nerfed (and apparently some ban waves along with that one). What I’m seeing a lot of in the WoW Economy discord is one person mentioning an awesome thing they’ve found – and then some people jumping right on that where they can, and then it slowly grows until a large portion are doing it and then it becomes less valuable.

The FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is VERY strong at the beginning of an expansion. How many people wanted to dive right into Darkmoon Decks, investing millions of gold right from the get-go. Apparently that one isn’t paying off quite the way people expected, but I imagine December 12th may tell a different tale.

I love watching the conversations that happen at the start of a new expansion. Everyone is excited, and everyone is branching off in a million different directions. Some pay off, some don’t. Some are temporary gains, some are long term. Whatever your decision, the FOMO seems to hang overhead, just slightly out of reach. When you see other people doing something to make gold, YOU want to do that thing too. It’s almost instinctive.

The community I belong to has been pretty open and honest about their gold making methods, and that’s just another reason I love it. There’s no animosity, and while there IS competition, it’s a more good natured flavour than anything else. I’m reminding myself to keep the FOMO at bay, I don’t play on a high pop server where these sales are happening, and I don’t have the time to dedicate to owning the market. Still, when you see the millions rolling in, it’s hard NOT to want to be a part of that.

A Little Wurm Online (Halloween)

If you’ve been following this blog at all for the past 15+ years, you realize that I absolutely LOVE Wurm Online (and the steam version, Unlimited) – but I do tend to take long breaks and wander away every now and again. In the fall I tend to wander back, this is when there are so many events going on, every day feels like a holiday. I love it. This year was no different.

I logged in for Halloween events. There’s a few – you can kill aggressive mobs and have a chance at a helmet (I haven’t seen one yet) and if you’re into archaeology at all, you can dig up spooky fragments which can be put together for some unique Halloween items. I did get a skeleton and some skull candles, I was working on a mask but the fragments seem pretty rare. The event does run until November 5th, which is plenty of time to get some serious archaeology under your belt.

Right now I’m playing on both the Northern and Southern islands. I keep hoping one day they’ll merge them, but it has been years now with no change. I have a priest with 100 faith stuck on the Northern islands, and I’d love to be able to move her to my main deed. In the meantime, I’ve actually started up a brand new deed on the Cadence server, very small, costal, along the highway. If the servers ever do merge, I should be able to sail to my old server fairly easily. We’ll just have to see!

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

How is it October..

It seems like I just blinked and September passed us by. On the 24th we got hit hard by hurricane Fiona, and it took until October 7th to be restored with power and internet. We had some damage to the house, and lost a bunch of trees – but we’re OK, and that’s what’s important.

In other news, I finally picked up a Steam Deck, and it should be here next week! I’m excited about this, I wanted to be able to use it for my xbox gaming pass along with my steam library. I imagine it will get a good amount of use, but we’ll see. I’m sure I’ll write about it when it shows up (late, since everyone else has already written about it).

I’m still spending the majority of my time playing Black Desert, and World of Warcraft (retail). I’m excited about Dragonflight, and I see that BDO also has an update coming out on October 12th – YAY! I can’t wait to see what they add.

I’ve also gotten a lot of knitting done, and even some reading (I’ll be doing updates on my book blog a bit later). Trying to organize my thoughts has been more of a trial than I thought it would be.

Remember if you’re looking for World of Warcraft posts (specifically centered around making gold) you can check out my other blog: – and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer