Why a Nullsec Bloc Just Wasn’t For Me

I mentioned in a few previous posts that I joined up with Pandemic Horde back in April of this year, but eventually decided it wasn’t really for me, despite feeling fierce ‘loyalty’ at being a part of something bigger – initially. The reason I ultimately decided it wasn’t for me is more to do with my own personal play style and frame of mind than anything else. The corporation didn’t do anything wrong, in fact they have very strict rules on not being assholes to new players which I really appreciated. There are of course bad apples in every corporation you’ll ever come across, but my time there was pretty relaxed, and highly profitable. The problem is (for me) the universe started to feel small. I felt almost like I was swimming around a fish bowl instead of a vast universe. You get comfortable in the systems you frequent, and you spin ishtars or you mine and maybe you attend a fleet or two – but you don’t really experience EVE outside of your little bubble.
For me, this was an issue. While I don’t begrudge people offering protection and ‘renting’ systems, they don’t actually *own* those systems either. It feels a bit like exploitation. Renters would pay for the ‘right’ to use resources in a game that is open to everyone. Anyway, the world of EVE was starting to feel small and I didn’t like feeling like I was swimming around a fish bowl, so I decided it just wasn’t for me. I like the freedom of exploring where ever I want, and if I stop to do something so be it, and if I move on, that’s OK too.
With that in mind, it was easy for me to make my next decision. I opted to move my Signal Cartel character into a wormhole to live, a wormlife freeport, in fact. I’m tired of the 15% tax on PI in high sec, and I was rarely ever hanging out at my ‘home’ base anyway, I don’t do invention or anything like that there. Plus the freeport has a highsec connection, so it’s not like I can’t just pop out any time I want. With two other PI characters living in the system, I’ve always got a way back in should I get locked out.
I don’t plan on leaving anything in the freeport itself, all of my ships have pilots in case something happens and it gets attacked, and since it has a high sec static there’s no problem with me moving things around. It might take a while to find a quieter place to hang out if I want to do relic/data sites as there’s other residents, but that’s alright, I mostly want a quiet place to do PI where the taxes (and resources) are reasonable.
As always, fly your way!