
A little motivation


So when she finally hits 70, Goudia has some new stabbies all ready

There’s nothing like a little motivation to get some levels for your character. Goudia is sitting at 60% into 63 right now, with not enough vitality for me to be able to even make it into the next level. However, she did manage to get her little paws on two VERY pretty .. pretties.. last night. She has a few levels before she can use them but I adore them none the less. I think it will actually be a hobby of hers. Once her bags are not filled with tradeskill materials, she can fill it with pretty looking stabbies. Even though I (one of the few who do) realize that bards are not exactly melee’ers. I had a discussion about this yesterday with a friend of mine, trying to figure out a few things. I was examining a few other troubadors, and noticed that they’re all spec’d for strength it seems. Now, I realize that I’m still fairly new at playing a bard. However. My bard is int spec’d. She’s wearing mostly moonstone jewelry until I can afford the nicer stuff with +int on it (and have the levels) and she’s got more int then anything else. She’s sitting at 434 currently. Does this mean she can’t melee? No, of course she can, but only 3 of her “songs” do melee damage. The rest do mental damage. Leading me to believe that she is pretty much a chain wearing caster, rather then a pure dps scout. If the bard is dead due to rushing up towards a mob, the whole group suffers. I’d rather hang back a bit and cast my songs from afar (they have some nice range).

Handy bag to have around.. and brings back some old EQ memories

Gerbil and Goudia (the dynamic duo.. a fae and a ratonga, you can’t possibly get any cuter) started (and finished) their bag of the tinkerers last night, along with some much appreciated (and needed) help from Shadowgeist. Oh, and because I forgot yesterday, a huge thank you to Lader for coming out and helping get those bone-clasped girdles done. The guild is almost level 20, which means another row of bank slots (cheers!), things are coming along nicely. Today it will probably be a round of Barren Sky quests, for some aa. Goudia has been slacking behind lately. I’d like to get more of her EoF aa’s completed. She’s got 68 currently. I’ll probably drag Misako around as well though I think she has the quests done she can at least buff the baby bard and warlock.

The game has been almost un-playable at night lately, which really sucks. There’s been huge amounts of chat lag. Not group chat, for some reason that channel works fine and is separate from the rest. However, guild messages take forever to go through after 7pm EST, and you may not even want to try zoning. I hung at the “receiving zone info” for a good 10 minutes, of course frustrating to me (and everyone else experiencing it).

It’s a whole lot of crafting..


And, the baby bard gets herself another proc item….

Another fairly busy weekend in game, Monday was a holiday, so that was nice. First of all, Goudia hit 63 which means two more levels and she’ll have her 65 rare spell, which of course I am really looking forward to it. It’ll be nice to hit 70 but not in a rush, enjoying some of the game a bit (again). Aside from that, and a few deaths, I spent a whole lot of time this week crafting gear / spells / jewelry for Darcyle who’s got almost as many alts as I do I think. We’re talking 21+ items which of course I had a blast crafting. If you play on the Antonia Bayle server you probably know who they are, and have heard them in channels from time to time. They’ve got quite the reputation. However. I don’t typically listen to that stuff. When someone pisses me off (as a few have done now) I will hold a grudge against them. Or if they hurt a friend of mine. However, since I am still fairly new to the server very few people are on that list. I’d rather not be narrow minded and shut people out before I even get a chance to get to know them, does that make any sense? Probably not.

In any case. Trying to decide who I’ll level up next. I’ve got the troubador almost at 70, the uhms ranger I’m thinking maybe? Who knows.

Preparing for RoK, trying to make some coin. Working on the houses, getting the rest of my set gear, maybe working claymore. Boring stuff eh? I know. Thunderwalker has his Gerbil sitting at level 65 now, rift is absolutely amazing (I have not seen it I just take his word for it), Xoolander hit 58 last night. The guild levels are slow but doing writs is fun. . . Yes, that’s right, I just said they were FUN. Honestly I don’t have too much else going on right now while I ponder whether or not I want to join a new guild and get into the raiding scene again. It’s not difficult with this many alts. I’ve been restless in game, go figure, nothing new there either.

I sent some tells to Jerrek yesterday, after reading his blog (again) and remembering (finally) that he’s on the AB server. Spent some time talking to Kilanna, and just had a very nice pleasant quiet day. Do I miss the drama from Inquisition? Nope. Lader and Thunderwalker do not either. Lader’s having a blast in JoTo, which I’m so glad to see. We’ll see where I go from here.

Misako’s 5-room (Freeport)


A work in progress of course, but a picture of the nursery, complete with crib (unrest collection finally done!) and a jack-in-the-box. It has the same graphic as the city merchant cube, however it’s slightly larger, and it also plays music if you right click it. The collections are the Estate Mementos (crib) and Cursed Objects (Jack-in-the-box). I paid a few plat to get the last few items I was missing for these two collections, but they were well worth it.

The kitchen and bar area is finally done, I love the way it turned out. Added that second hanging lamp for some colour. There’s another lamp along the counter but the light is picky for some reason and only shows if you get a little closer. The new Xegonite bowls make fantastic sinks.

A comfortable living space just off of the nursery. The shelves are quite bare for now but it’s a work in progress after all. I love the new vale furniture they added to game, gave things a real nice look. The house is of course a huge work in progress, but I’m happy with the way things are going. With these three rooms done I’m below half of my used item limit, which is always a good thing. The majority of the book quests out there don’t use any house space so I can add to the collection and not worry about hitting her limit. I’m unsure of what I want to do for the remainder of the space, but I’m sure it will come to me slowly. I’d like to try to get her an easel but they’re going for a few plat now since they’re no longer in game. We’ll see how it goes!

Are you leet? My Bow Crits told me I am…


A screen shot that I just couldn’t pass up, when I crit with the troubador for 1337…

The past few days have been hectic and a whole lot of fun. Goudia (the troubador) hit level 62, she’s pretty close to 63. Along with new skills, came new upgrades. Lots of upgrades. She can wear her mystic orb of the invoker (procs are awesome), not to mention I made her two new dollies, bought a full cheap set of melodic armor until she can wear her upgrades, bought a new weapon (or two) added some cheap adornments (+int) and at level 63 the little ratonga bardling is sitting at 430+ int, and 350+ agi and str. Oh, and she seems to have landed a few (8) master spells… wonder how that happened…

Along with Thunderwalker and Shadowgeist I managed to complete my RainCaller bow, which was a nice upgrade (until I hit 64 and then my bow from Grizzfazzle is more of an upgrade). Aside from the massive levels (all around, not just Goudia, Gerbil hit 64 and Xoolander hit 56) I had some time to work on Misako’s house, do some farming (wow, notice those rares anyone?) and a couple of other small things. Monday is a holiday here in Canada (Civic Holiday, for those wondering) so it should be some more fun tomorrow.

The only bad part about getting my bow HQ done was that now I have a huge inclination to play my ranger. Who gets not only the joys and fun of the bow, but can also use poisons, something my little troubador has to go without. So who knows, she may be next on my list of alts to level up. In the mean time, I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Oh, and one more thing. THANK YOU. Those three people know who they are! You all make this game amazing.

Goudia, a piano, and a whole lot of fun


Goudia smashing the keys to the piano in Unrest… the home owner didn’t seem so impressed

Last night was a great night in game, for a few reasons. First of all, spent the better portion of the day running around and questing with my dynamic duo of Goudia and <insert whichever class I am playing here>. For the most part I was playing Shadowgeist, fiance’s Shadowknight. After dinner a few of us were all wondering what to do. So we decided on an Unrest group. Now unrest can take a lengthily time even with a stable 6-person group of level 70’s. This was our group make up for the evening:

Shadowgeist (70 Shadowknight), Xoolander (54 Necromancer, boxed by Shadowgeist), Thunderwalker (70 Mystic), Kaylie (Boxed 70 Swashbuckler by Thunderwalker), Dasie (70 Inquisitor), Goudia (60 Troubador boxed by Dasie).

So, there are three of us really in the group. We’re all boxing. One is below level 61, the other is below there’s really only four people in the group. We wiped once, while doing the final portion to gather all the bones and spawn the last guy and did pretty damn good even if it did take 4 hours. Shadowgeist got the helmet to drop which was an upgrade, Goudia and Xoolander got plenty of aa, and Dasie got her class specific breastplate. She just needs two more pieces now (shoes and either gloves or pants, go figure) and she’ll have her 33% reduced spell casting. Even better then the fabled set out there in my opinion.

Dasie, pleased as punch about her new breastplate

Everyone did an amazing job, and I was just thankful that I wasn’t tanking it. I really don’t enjoy tanking at all. Hence why I only have my one little monk alt as a tank-type class, and she is a solo quester for the majority. I haven’t gotten to play Misako a whole lot lately or work up her gear to a great extent, but I’ve still been having a lot of fun in game. Lader was sending me frantic excited tells last night as he did FTH (Freethinkers Hideout) and sounded so happy to be raiding (and taking down) EoF content instead of the KoS stuff he’s been struggling through for the past few months. I’m so glad that he’s happy and doing what he enjoys in game.

Misako also got two new pretties from the adventures in Unrest, but I’ll write about that in another post tomorrow! It was an exciting day.