
The Symbol in the Flesh: Crested Mistmoore Shield

Level 68

This quest starts by examining the Glyph Tattoed Flesh, dropped by a Glyphed ghoul in Loping Plains.

  1. Find someone that can tell you about the tattooed flesh. Talk to Tavish Dracinov in the Village of Somborn in Loping Plains ( -395, 12, -53 ). This step can only be done if you are level 66 or above, otherwise she will ignore you.
  2. She will send you to speak with Amares D’Venhz at the other end of the room ( -373, 12, -33 ).
  3. He tells you that the symbol is the glyph of Mordiggian, a cannibalistic creature that stalks the Plains, and he sends you to gather:

    • 20 chunks of raw meat from bone golems (a carrion abhorrence) in Breathless Hollow ( -150, 7. 6 ). The rictus gnawers in Mistmoore Catacombs also update this step.
    • 20 congealed blood drops from stirges (a borebeak gorger, a borebeak sipper, a borebeak stabber, etc.) found in Mistmoore Catacombs.
  4. Return to Amares D’Venhz. He sends you to find information about a relic or weapon suitable for ghoul hunting.
  5. Talk to Havras "Hack" Scutter  in Somborn ( -310, 11, -49 ).
  6. He tells you to create a weapon suitable for slaying a powerful undead ghoul lord. This will launch one of 2 sub-quests

Gouldbane Empowered – If you have Ghouldbane BEFORE returning to Amares.

    1. Speak with Toranim Skyblade in North Qeynos (535.29, -32, -173.74).

    2. He will perform the empowerment ritual for you, but he needs you to:

      • bring him 1 Enchanted Ore from a transmuter. (As of Live Update #34)

      • bring him 6 phosphorescent pearls from deep spawn consorts in Loping Plains. You will find them on the beach, around the small wooden platforms.

      • find, and kill, Kassar The Uncontrolable in the Mistmoore Catacombs.

    3. Return to Toranim Skyblade (not to Amares D’Venhz)

Gogas Afadin – If you do not have Ghoulbane

  1. Speak to Gogas Afadin in Nektulos Forest

    • He is in one of the Thexian camps by the tunnel to Darklight Woods at ( -1392, 25, -1399 )
  2. Acquire the components for the ghoul-slaying weapon.

    • Acquire one Enchanted Azurite Capillary from a transmuter
    • Get 6 Phosphorescent Pearls from deep spawn consorts in the loping plains
    • Slay the beast called Kassar The Uncontrolable  in the Mistmoore Catacombs
  3. Return to Gogas with the components and 20g  and he will craft the weapon for you.
  1. Return to Amares D’Venhz.
  2. Kill Mordiggian, 68^^^ Heroic mob in the Breathless Hollow. To spawn him you will examine what looks like a plate on a rock near FTH. He will have 3 waves of adds. When the adds pop, he depops and seems to respawn back at the plate. The adds are a separate encounter.
  3. Return to Amares D’Vehnz in the chapel to claim your reward.
  • Crested Mistmoore Shield

  • 77,400 Status

An Old Memoir: Cloak of Flames

Level: 70

A. This is part 1 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

1. Collect 11 tome pages from mobs found in 5 zones.

  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 1 (LesserFay)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 2 (LesserFay)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 3 (LesserFay)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 4 (Loping Plains)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 5 (Loping Plains)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 6 (New Tunaria)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 7 (New Tunaria)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 8 (Mistmoore Catacombs)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 9 (Mistmoore Catacombs)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 10 (Kaladim)
  • Snuffing the Fireknight – Page 11 (Kaladim)

– Chest drops for most of them, stick to green or higher. They’re VERY rare and annoying to collect, so just stick with it. It can take literally weeks.

2. Once you’ve got the pages, speak to Juna Crankfizz on the Butcherblock docks.

B. This is part 2 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

You will recieve 3 quests

  • The Fourth Warrior-Silken Drape
  • The Fourth Warrior – The Woven Metal
  • The Fourth Warrior – The Leather Cloak

C. This is Part 3 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – Silken Drape:

  1. Juna mentions that the drape is in the hands of Taerenun.

    • This is the cursed elf who can be found in Lesser Faydark roaming near Obelisk of Blight.When you talk to him he becomes agro. He is level 70^^^ Heroic.
    Note: If more than one person in the group is working on this step, everyone must finish clicking through the dialogue before he dies, or they will not get the update. He has a 15 minute respawn.
  2. When you kill him, go back to Juna.

D. This is Part 4 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – Woven Metal:

  1. Juna asks you to find Valyn Gloin

    • He is a dwarven ghost, standing in a corner near the Mushroom Patch at ( -88,26,-391 ) in Kaladim.
    • You can use invisibility to get to this NPC and then huddle into the corner to avoid mushroom agro.
    • After some dialog he gives you the metal.
  2. Return to Juna.

E. This is Part 5 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – The Leather Cloak:

  1. Juna asks you to pick up Balarus’ armor and blade in Felwithe.

    • found in the building in New Tunaria just before you reach the castle at ( -360, 100, -480 ) and ( -370, 100, -480 ). They are 2 highlighted pieces on the pedestals and the mouseover name is NOT Belarus.
    • There are several see-invis mobs that are green and agro to a level 70 in the area of these pieces.
  2. Go to The Combine Spires in Greater Faydark. In the center of the spires is a ghostly presence, shifting in and out. Interact with him and give him the armor and blade.
  3. He respawns as a 70^^^ Heroic Shadowknight and attacks, kill him.
  4. Return to Juna.

F. This is Part 6 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – The Ardent Cowl

  1. Juna sends you to speak with An Ardent Elder in the Mistmoore Catacombs.

    • She is found on a ledge near the Myr’Dal, to the Southwest of the middle ascent, at ( 60, -124, 152 ).
  2. She tells you that in order to re-power the cowl, you must do a favor for each of her 3 children, and one for herself:

    • Ardent Cowl – Living Stone
    • Ardent Cowl – Lyrech
    • Ardent Cowl – Raem Stone
    • Ardent Cowl – Spirit Gem
  3. When you have completed all 4 tasks, speak to An Ardent Elder again to empower the cowl.
  4. Return to Juna.

G. This is Part 7 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – Solusek Mining

  1. Juna asks you to condense some Dozurite to power some lamps inside of Solusek’s Eye, to power the big machine in the front of the giant crater.
  2. Go down to the area with the magmatic golems, titans, and sentries (-166, -225, 48). The golems start if you go through the teleporter to the giants and then head east back to the entrance.

    • Use the Focused MCE Ray that Juna gave you on the golems and sentries to make a superdense magmatic gloem(70^).
    • If you get two golems be sure to kill the un-condensed one first.
    • When the dozurite golem dies he will drop a harvestable dozurite. It will disappear very quickly, so gather the dozurite fast.
  3. Once you have 30 dozurite find a large refining machine to convert your dozurite to a refined version.  It takes three unrefined dozurite to make one refined dozurite. There are several machines throughout the golem area. There is one at (-5,-250,33) and another at (-259, -239, -40).
  4. Once you have the 10 refined dozurite go to the tall lamps and insert the dozurite by right-clicking on them. They look like old fashioned street lamps with a glowing yellow light and are scattered throughout the upper part of Sol’s Eye. Not all the lamps are clickable. There are exactly 10 functional lamps and can be found at:

    • (-5,-250,30)
    • (15,-285,90)
    • (-25,-245,30)
    • (-15,-240,0)
    • (-50,-240,-150)
    • (-145,-230,-85)
    • (-225,-240,-25)
    • (-300,-220,20)
    • (-270,-40,-190)
    • (-215,-20,-60)
  5. Now you need to turn on the power generators so you can re-imbue the cloak. Go to the large hole near the zone entrance. On either side of the hole by the ramps at (-104,11,-18) and (-104,-11,68) there will be a lever. Click them both to route power to the machine.
  6. Now go to the middle of both levers where there should be spinning gears (-69,-12,25) and click the center of the machine to get the final update.
  7. Return to Juna.

H. This is part 8 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – Jhal’Dolek

  • Juna asks you to heat the leather cloak.
  • Go to Steamfont Mountains, to the geyser area (the one with the steam elementals and harpies).
  • Mine Flamesalt in the area around (-670, 75, 1475) near the vents, before the water.
  • You need to summon Jhal’Dolek (70^^ heroic). Stand on top of one of the vents and use the Flamesalt in your inventory. This summons either Jhal’Dolek the air elemental or a fire elemental. Kill the fire elementals till the named spawns. You can continue to harvest more flamesalt to use on other vents, but you need to find a different vent each time.
  • Once he appears, right click and use the paste Juna gave you. You will get an update message that the cloak has erupted into flames. This puts an incurable effect on you for about 10 minutes or until you zone/evac.
  • Note: You may also use the paste right before using the flamesalt to summon Jhal’Dolek. The important part is you need to be fighting Jhal’Dolek after applying the paste.
  • Warning: If you die after applying the paste you will have to go back to Juna for more paste! Just delete the quest and she will give it to you again.
  • While the cloak is on fire, kill Jhal’Dolek. He drops a chest with the Heart of Jhal’Dolek in it.
  • Use the heart on the cloak. The heart can be traded so everyone in your party can use it on their cloaks. This must be done while you are under the incurable elemental effect.
  • Return to Jun

I. This is Part 9 of 9 in the Heritage Quest for the Cloak of Flames

The Fourth Warrior – Unification

  1. Juna sends you to Greater Faydark with an item that summons goggles.
  2. In Greater Faydark, summon the goggles and wear them. You will now be able to see previously invisible miniscule spider silks. These look like harvestable ?’s, however, they have the words "miniscule spider silk" above them rather than ?’s.
  3. Harvest 20 miniscule spider silks’
  4. Return to Juna for your reward.
  • Reward: Cloak of Flames
  • 86,000 status points

New GU37 House items are a big Hit


Working on Misako’s home, slowly. Managed to finish up the bar area close to the entrance

So my first impressions of GU37 went quite well. Of course I spent the majority of the time locked in a crafting instance frantically creating all of the new pretties that are available, but hey I’ll get to the rest eventually. I can’t pin point a favorite item quite yet. In the image above of course is the new (small version) vale bar. I have a hanging potted plant along with one of the new hanging mine lamps. There are some Faydark wooden stools lining it, along with of course my market board. I’m planning on adding another lamp to the other side (closer to the board) so that the lighting is a little more even.

Besides the new house items, they’ve added some very handy commands. My favorite would have to be the new control command. When you’re moving any piece of furniture that would typically sit on the floor, you can hold down control, and using your mouse wheel, scroll the item vertically. What does this mean? Well, remember those hours and hours of building up items so you could place your loft floor just right? The new method allows items to “hang” in the air, without any support. Fantastic idea for building all those lofts, adding stairs, and numerous other creative ideas that I’m sure are incoming. I of course wasted no time in creating a loft in Misako’s home, a living area that I hope to work on eventually. I have been trying to find a method to her home decorating that won’t leave me feeling all flustered. I figure the best way to attempt this is to work one room at a time, forming lists of what I’d like to see crafted for the rooms and then of course slowly adding to those lists.

Close up behind the bar, complete with wine rack, roses, and some azurite chalice

It’s a very slow progress, but I’d like her home to be impressive. At least to me. I’ve been browsing through the Norrathian Homeshow trying to get ideas for the rest of the house. It’s also difficult at times because I do not want to hit my 500 item limit. I’m also trying to work around the 50,000 status I need weekly for up keep, by crafting some of the higher quality items that give a lot of status reduction. There are always a few quests Misako could stand to do as well to help lower the rent (such as the ship in a bottle from Thundering Steppes and the Idol of Everling).

Another change that went in that I love, is the alchemist one. There is a quest in Rivervale that will provide you with the means to change your lower tier dusts into higher level ones. Combine three lower tier dusts and it will produce 1 higher level dust + you’ll get one of the lower dusts back. I’m not sure how this will affect the market but it should be interesting. The T7 dusts (On the AB server at least) sell for anywhere from 10-20g each. They of course are the bi-product from adept3’s. With the ability to combine lower level dusts into higher level ones (thank goodness I bought out the market every chance I could.. I just wish we could batch produce these, it’s going to take forever!) there’s going to be a lesser demand on the original T7 ones. On the plus side, my characters who use potions like they’re going out of style (which is pretty much all of them) are going to find this an incredible thing to produce. I may try my hand at selling some more potions and poisons, and see how it goes. I imagine that alchemists are going to have their hands full trying to combine all these lower level dusts.

I have not checked out the world event yet (apparently located in QH and EFP) but I will today (if I can find the time between crafting!). Apparently the Freeport version of the quest did not reward a house item, or anything in fact. The Qeynos version rewards with a book you can place in your home. The event of course is in preparation for RoK which is only three months away from release now (the game is abuzz with anticipation). As I look around at the server, I’ve noticed a huge influx of people returning to the game. The lower level chats are all filled with people who are giving it another try, who want to be around for RoK, who heard that they’d (SoE) improved on a lot of things. It’s great to see, and I really thing SoE”s been doing fantastic lately. I realize some people are unhappy with the changes to agro (my poor Goudia lost a good bit from her songs that de-agro the group) but in my opinion it is stuff folks will work around and change with and adapt to. We’ll just have to see how it goes. I’m looking to get her to level 60 tonight as well. If I can tear myself away from the crafting and homes!

Game Update 37 – Notes


  • · You can now sell items on the broker with more than one character.
  • · Emerald Halls is now a persistent instance raid zone! See below for details.
  • · You can now buy back items you most recently sold to NPC merchants!
  • · Items that offer or are needed by quests will now display that information.
  • · Achievement points spent are no longer locked to a single tree. When you respec, you will be able to spend them on either tree (up to 50 per tree).
  • · Crafters now gain tradeskill experience from completing tradeskill writs.


  • · Nektulos Forest content has been touched up to be more playable.
  • · Harvesting and Adornment application will be immediately interrupted by taking any damage when in combat.
  • · Content in Antonica has been touched up to be more playable.
  • · Combat music should now terminate properly when fighting and zoning.
  • · Tinkered pets should no longer be useable against players in PvP.
  • · Brigand Thugs will now more consistently attack their target
  • · You may only buy language books if you don’t already know the language.
  • · Casting skill debuffs will have improved results against NPC targets.
  • · Human males who visit their local barber will discover that hairstyles once reserved for alternate appearances are now available!
  • · Rumors regarding a series of attacks on both ships belonging to the cities of Qeynos and Freeport have residents in Qeynos Harbor and East Freeport abuzz with excitement. Numerous sailors and other individuals have gathered around to exchange stories and speculations about these events.
  • · The residents of the Scale Yard are all astir with the news of Iksar ships being sighted. Speak with the residents there to find out what they believe.
  • · If someone finishes harvesting the same node before you do, you will stop harvesting immediately.
  • · Shrub type harvest nodes can now yield a rare root! Other harvesting changes should result in pelts being a bit more plentiful than meats, and yield only one type of imbue harvest item per level range instead of four.


  • · You can now sell items on the broker with more than one character!
  • · All characters on an account can list items for sale at the same time.
  • · Items remain listed as long as you log in with any of your characters at least once every 7 days.
  • · Each character will need to maintain their own broker boxes.


  • · The 7 piece Troubador’s Fascination set bonus will now add aggression.
  • · The Staff of Light, Lucanic Staff and Soulfire Staff now have a one-handed appearance.
  • · The Lucanic Longsword and Soulfire Longsword now have a two-handed appearance.
  • · Djinn Bracelet of the Sky: Carpet of the Djinn Master will no longer deactivate once the ward has been depleted.
  • · The effectiveness of Burning Deathfist Arrows has been reduced.
  • · Stat/Resist bonuses from equipping an item will be removed when the item is in a disarmed state.
  • · The bosses that drop Legendary and Fabled armor-set pieces in Echoes of Faydwer are now aware of which set pieces characters in the group/raid currently possess. These bosses will only drop an armor-set piece that someone attending needs. As long as you have the item either equipped, in inventory, or bank, you are counted as “possessing” the item.


  • · Griffon travel services are now being offered in the Butcherblock Mountains. Mount stations can be found near the docks, Greater Faydark and Lesser Faydark.
  • · Horse rentals are now available in the Greater Faydark to reduce your travel time. Hitching posts can be found near the Old Kelethin Acorn lift, Crushbone Keep and the Butcherblock Mountains.
  • · Citizens of Neriak may now use the power of the Sea Gate to travel to the Nektulos Forest and Thundering Steppes docks. Check it out at the Neriak docks.


Emerald Halls

  • · Your raid force can now clear part of The Emerald Halls, leave, and then come back later to pick up where you left off.
  • · There is no longer a “failure” timer. You will be locked to an instance for 5 days once you kill any mob. You can reset your timer after 5 days and enter a different instance, or you can choose to continue in the same instance for up to 9 days total.
  • · The “Zone Reuse Window” now has two tabs:
  • · “Lockout” for zones with traditional lockout timers.
  • · “Persistent” for persistent zones like The Emerald Halls.

Thundering Steppes

  • · The industrious Gigglegibber Gamblin’ Game vendors have taken up real estate closer to the end of the docks in the Thundering Steppes for your convenience.

Darklight Wood

  • · The Gigglegibbers have finally made it into Darklight Wood. They have set up shop in the Wanderlust Fair.
  • · Questline, “Stones of our Fathers”, has been added to Darklight Wood for players of level 18 and above. Talk to Thadus Flintwrit at the Wanderlust Faire.


  • · The old Bear Caves respawn point has been moved to the entrance to Darklight Woods.

West Freeport

  • · Broker Mallium in West Freeport now fences items from Neriak.


  • · Explorers in the Feerrott have found some dark and fearful creatures, and are looking for your help.
  • · Alchemist Janicia in the Fools Gold in Rivervale is in need of assistance from a very high level alchemist …
  • · More quests in Antonica, Nektulos, and The Bloodline Chronicles now grant Achievement Experience.
  • · The Stormhammer epic quest has been modified in places that were adding frustration more than challenge.
  • · Items now show in their tooltip and examine windows if they offer or update a quest
  • · Items that offer a quest are implicitly LORE, NO-TRADE, NO-VALUE, NO-SACRIFICE and NO-TRANSMUTE
  • · The first time you complete a repeatable quest it will now grant achievement experience.
  • · Quests that come from an item will be removed if that item is destroyed (with confirmation).
  • · Quest Rewards that have not yet been accepted (and have no item selection to choose) and have been available for more than 5 minutes will be automatically accepted upon zoning or logging in.
  • · Language quests are slightly different to help clean up unwanted “garbage” loot and excess inventory litter.
  • · The items that start language quests will only drop as loot if you’re not already on the quest.
  • · The items that update language quests will only drop as loot if you need them for the language quest.
  • · You no longer need to examine the dropped items to get the updates for the quest. It happens automatically when you loot the item.
  • · ‘Studied’ versions of the language objects will no longer appear in game. If you have any you may sell them to NPC vendors.
  • · Language quests started from NPC item drops will now scale to your level.
  • · The behavior of Fix The Broken Item quests have improved in usability:
  • · Broken Items will no longer drop from NPCs if you already have the item or are already on the quest.
  • · The popup tooltip on the quest starter now shows that the item gives a quest.
  • · You no longer have to examine the item after each step.
  • · Due to the changes, if you were already on one of these quests, the quest will reset to the beginning.
  • · “History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. I”: This quest no longer requires brewers, lackeys, and servants, and now instead requires: any runnyeye goblin, Gorehorn pitmasters, and clay remnants.
  • · “History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. II” The portion of this quest that used to require “a Runnyeye apprentice” now requires any Runnyeye goblin.
  • · Quests in the Claymore and Infiltrating lines in the Sanctum of the Scaleborn as well as Barren Skies and Palace of the Awakened that targeted rare named mobs have been modified to also update on their place holders. A couple quests have been modified to target new mobs in the same rooms to accommodate these changes.
  • · The Bowels of the Bonemire quest, in the Claymore quest line, been modified to update on the new place holder mobs as well as the original named mobs that were required for the quest.
  • · “Breaking of the Pact”: The portions of this quest that once asked for “a drowned footsoldier” will now accept drowned soldiers of any type.
  • · “Winter Comes”: The portions of this quest that once asked for “a Sabertooth tracker” will now also accept “a Sabertooth scout” and “a Sabertooth hunter.”
  • · “The Three Keys – The Second:” The portions of this quest that once asked for “a young timber badger” will now accept any badger. The portions of this quest that once asked for “a weald wolf” will now accept any wolf. The portions of this quest that once asked for “a young antelope” will now accept any antelope.
  • · “The Three Keys – The Third”: The portions of this quest that once asked for “an undead worker” will now also accept “an undead farmer,” “an undead caretaker,” and “an undead settler.” The portions of this quest that asked for “a flesh scavenger” will now also accept “a corpse feeder” and “a carrion gorger.” The portions of this quest that asked for “a roaming dead” will now update on killing lions.

The following quests have had a number of their targets changed to mobs or mob-types that are more readily available:

“The Age of Cataclysms”
“The Age of Destiny”
“The Age of Monuments”
“The Age of Scale”
“The Age of Turmoil”
“Ship’s Log – Bountiful Mane”
“The Chilling Terror”
“Destroyer’s Folly”
“The Felling of the Ice Wyrm”
“The Ice Queen”
“The Kromise”
“The Lady and the Scamp”
“Lost Treasures of the North”
“Preacher Story – Thex’Ka V”
“Preacher Story – Thex’Ka IV”
“Preacher Story – Thex’Ka III”
“Watcher of the Mauls Theriig”
“The Words of Freedom”

“Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy”
“Words to Remember – by Mother Deasie”
“Leatherfoot Brigade Field Training Guide”


“The Varsoon Collection, Volume 1 – Varsoon and the Combine Era”
“The Varsoon Collection, Volume 2 – The Quest for Immortality”
“The Varsoon Collection, Volume 3 – The Gift of Immortality”
“The Varsoon Collection, Volume 4 – The House of Varsoon”
“The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 – The War of Plagues”

Obelisk of Lost Souls
“The Shadows of Lonesome Hollow”
“Remembrances – Prime”
“Remembrances – Norrath”
“Termble Clankerbang Findings Vol. 98”
“Remembrances – DyzAz”
“Remembrances – Tel’riia’mil’an’ane’ie”
“Remembrances – Nyalla-Phon”
“Remembrances – Berrox”

The Sabertooth Miner’s Guide, Part One
The Sabertooth Miner’s Guide, Part Two
The Great Flood

The Temple of Cazic-Thule:

“How to Serve Mortals – Slow Thoughts”
“How to Serve Mortals – Flowing Thoughts”
“The Amygamalion – The Dulling”
“The Amygamalion – The Form”
“The Amygamalion – The Four That Are We”
“The Pirate Queen and the Nightmare Creature”
“The Pirate Queen and the Heart”
“The Pirate Queen and the Map”
“The Pirate Queen and the Seafury Buccaneers”
“The Pirate Queen and the Temple”


  • · You can now respec your achievements and spend the points in another tree.
  • · All second row achievement abilities in the class tree no longer share reuse timers with each other.
  • · Subclass Achievements have been tuned for desirability and balance.
  • · Please speak to any of the <Achievement Counsel> NPCs in order to receive a card with five charges of subclass achievement respecs. Aelia Naeni in Greater Faydark, Nexa L’Dur in North Freeport, Wynia Vethe in South Qeynos, and Tria L’Belk in Neriak may all present you with the card.


  • · Enhance: Murderous Focus: Also increases duration by 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Deft Defense: Also increases bonuses by additional 4% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Ignorant Bliss Poison: Increased hate reduction effect from 6% to 10% per rank.
  • · Getaway: Improved reuse speed from 90s to 45s.
  • · Enhance: Attribute Poison: Increased attribute reduction from 5% to 8% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Apply Poison: Increased trigger percentage from 1% to 1.5% per rank. Increases damage of poison by 3% per rank
  • · Frontload: Increased duration from 15s to 24s. Additional poison damage is dealt by any poison that is triggered.


  • · Agility 5 – Vanishing Act: Stealth affect now properly allows the use of stealthed combat arts.


  • · Enhance: Screaming Rage: Reduced bonus from 6% to 5% per rank.
  • · Berserk: Increased bonuses when this Berserk is in effect.


  • · Enhance: Heavy Scarring: Also improves reuse speed by 6 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Close Mind: No longer requires both Stone Deaf and Heavy Scarring achievements. Improved reuse speed from 5 to 7 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Intervene, Intercept, Intercede: Also grants a temporary damage absorption bonus to your target by 3% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Impose: Also reduces resistability by 1% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Brag: Also reduces resistability by 1% per rank.
  • · Soak Hit: Whenever you are the target of an Intervene ability, you receive a temporary damage absorption bonus of 9%.
  • · Drag: Reduced duration from 5 to 4 seconds.
  • · Alternate: Shiftiness: Increased detaunt effectiveness.
  • · Evade: Renamed Control Hate: If Shiftiness is active, it reduces a hate position. Otherwise, it increases a hate position with an enemy.
  • · Retribution of Stone: Increased trigger percentage from 20% to 25%. Damage by all ripostes are increased by 35%.


  • · Enhance: Circular Strike: Also increases hit chance by 3% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Ruse: Also increases damage by 4% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Cuss: Improved reuse speed bonus from 1 to 1.5 seconds per rank. Also improves resistibility reduction by 3% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Beg for Mercy: Increases mitigations of target from 3% to 5% per rank.
  • · Honor Among Thieves: Improved reuse speed from 45 to 30 seconds. Increased power gain from 25% to 50%.
  • · Tenure: Reduced duration bonus from 15% to 12%. No longer affects any DoT durations.
  • · Enhance: Evade: Instead of hate amount, it improves reuse speed by 1.5 seconds per rank and its recovery speed by 20% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Stay Low: Improved reuse speed bonus from 3 to 4 seconds per rank.
  • · Safehouse: Instead it now triggers during an event that would have caused death and instead places the Brigand into bleeding and reduces hate with that enemy. When this happens, a 5 minute timer preventing Safehouse from being recast is applied.


  • · Enhance: Dispel Magic: Improves casting and reuse speed as well.
  • · Thought Snap: Improved reuse speed from 3 minutes to 90 seconds.
  • · Tashiana: Increased duration from 10 to 13 seconds.
  • · Coercive Healing: No longer increases power cost of heals.


  • · Enhance: Vehement Stone: Improves reuse speed by 12 per rank. Ranks cost 1 achievement point each.
  • · Enhance: Minion’s Intervention: Improved reuse speed bonus from 15 to 18 seconds per rank, increases amount healed by 20% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Fireshield: Increased bonuses from 6% to 9% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Fire Seed: Increased trigger percent bonus from 1% to 2% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Elemental Vestment: Increased duration from 1 to 2 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Blazing Presence: Also improves reuse speed.
  • · Enhance: Splinter of Essence: Improved reuse speed from 2 to 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Stoneskins: Increased duration from 30 to 60 seconds, increased stoneskin trigger count from 1 to 2.
  • · Unabate: Reduced bonuses from 20% to 15% each.
  • · Cure Elemental: Reduced point cost from 3 to 2. Improved reuse speed from 10 to 4 seconds.


  • · Enhance: Curse of Shielding: Also increased triggered ward amount by 4% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Distill Soul: Increased trigger percent bonus from 4% to 6% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Dread Invective: Increased trigger percentage from 1% to 2% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Primordian Terror: Improved resistance reduction from 3% to 5% per rank.
  • · Curseweaving: Also increases curse durations by 5%.
  • · Hexation: Now Toggles. Improved trigger percent reduction from 30% to 50%. Improved reuse speed from 90 seconds to 2 seconds. Duration increased from 36 seconds to 1 minute. It drains power overtime instead of a single large cost.
  • · Soul Ward: Can only be cast while in combat.


  • · Enhance: Sapping Shot: Improved reuse speed from 1.5 to 2 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Lanet’s Excruciating Scream: Improved reuse speed from 1.5 to 2 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Garsin’s Funeral March: Improved reuse speed from 2 to 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Wail of Woe: Improved percentage from 4% to 8% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Elegy at Death’s Door: Restoration amount is 2% per rank from 3%, Reuse improved by 2 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Elegy of Awakening: Also improves restoration amount by 2% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Oration of Sacrifice: Also increases amount healed by 4% per rank, and health cost is reduced by 4% per rank.
  • · Confront Fear: Increased Reuse speed from 60s to 45s. Health and Power regeneration now work in combat.
  • · Luck of the Dirge: Reduced bonus from 25% to 20%.
  • · Magnetic Note: Increased reuse speed from 90 to 60s. Duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds. Can only be used if an enemy is already in combat. Its triggered effect uses Aggression skill adjustments, and it is resisted less often.


  • · Enhance: Feral Tenacity: Improved reuse speed bonus from 40 to 60 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Hibernation: Increased heal trigger from 10% to 15%.
  • · Pact of Nature: no longer mentions that your Salve lines of spells are disabled. Salve spell granted is slightly more power efficient than before.
  • · Enhance: Fae Fire: Fixed casting speed bonus to properly improve by 0.2 seconds per rank.
  • · Kudzu: Has a 25% to also root the target with each hostile spell.
  • · Energy Vortex: Reduced bonuses from 50% to 40%.


  • · Double Attack: Reduced bonus from 10% to 9%.
  • · Cripple: Increased Riposte reduction from 35% to 60%.
  • · Got Your Back: Increased radius from 10m to 25m. Increased duration from 12 to 15s.
  • · Block: Increased duration from 10 to 15s.


  • · Illuminate: Increased duration to 20 seconds.
  • · Time Compression: Reduced casting speed bonus from 25% to 20%, recovery speed from 50% to 40%.
  • · Split Personality: Forces ally to taunt. Pet taunts are more effective, and it taunts the entire encounter throughout the duration.
  • · Enhance: Phase: Increased bonus from 5 to 8 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Illusory Allies: Increased bonus from 7 to 10 seconds per rank.


  • · Devotee’s Repentance: Increased damage bonus from 7% to 9% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Zealotry: Penalties ignore item triggered effects.
  • · Enhance: Imprison: Improved resistibility reduction from 4% to 5% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Fearful Conversion: Improved reuse speed bonus from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Heretic’s Demise: Increased damage bonus from 7% to 10% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Retaliation: Also increases damage by 10% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Verdict: Increased duration from 5 to 10 seconds in which Verdict is allowed to trigger.
  • · Punishment: Applies hate increase to enemy’s target only each time an effect is


  • · Alternate: Mongoose Stance: can be cast on a raid ally.
  • · Enhance: Beckon: Also reduces resistibility by 1% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Stare: Also reduces resistibility by 1% per rank.
  • · Alternate: Mongoose Stance: Increased detaunt effectiveness.
  • · Enhance: Dragonbreath: Reduced reuse speed bonus from 5 to 4 seconds per rank (but reuse speed of original ability was improved).
  • · Evade – Renamed Evade Check: Non-fighters in your group have their hate reduced with the encounter. If Dragon Stance is not active, your hate is also reduced with your encounter.
  • · Enhance: Will of the Void I: Reduced cost to 2 points instead of 3.
  • · Enhance: Stone Stance: Increased spell mitigation bonus from 4% to 6% per rank. Also improves reuse speed by 6 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Outward Calm: Also increases duration by 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Tsunami: Increased reuse speed bonus from 7 to 8 seconds per rank.
  • · Master’s Evasion – Renamed Superior Riposte: Ripostes the next attack or reflects the next spell. Increased duration by 5 seconds.
  • · Enhance Jabs: Instead of 20% casting speed bonus per rank, it improves both casting and recovery speed by 15% per rank.


  • · Enhance: Resurrection Efficiency: Improved power reduction from 8% to 12% per rank.
  • · Spirit Dance: Increased resurrection amount from 15% to 40%. Improved reuse speed from 2 minutes to 90 seconds. Increased radius to 30m.
  • · Enhance: Cures, Fading Spirit, Ancient Balm: All ward amounts have been increased by 20%.
  • · Immunization: Improved reuse speed from 3 to 2 minutes.
  • · Weapon Mastery: Also increases effectiveness of Summoned Spirit Companion (single down arrow instead of double down arrow).


  • · Enhance: Splintered Heart: Improved reuse speed from 2 to 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Dispel Magic: Reduced point cost from 3 to 2.
  • · Enhance: Revivication: Increased bonus from 2% to 3% per rank (or 20% of its original value per rank).
  • · Enhance: Consumption: Increased bonus from 4 to 6 seconds per rank.
  • · Blood Pact: Drains health and power half as fast as it did before.
  • · Lifeburn: Decreased lifeburn damage/health ratio from 5:1 to 4:1.
  • · Enhance: Fear: Also increases duration by 1 second per rank.
  • · Tainted Heals: Increased pet heal amount from 13% to 18%.


  • · Enhance: Intervene: Increased reuse speed from 2 to 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Elixir of Resuscitation: Also improves restoration amount by 3% per rank.
  • · Cure Spells: For each impairment removed, hate by enemies near the paladin is increased.
  • · Enhance: Castigate: Also increases radius by 1 per rank.


  • · Enhance: Hawk Dive: Also improves reuse speed by 6 seconds per rank.
  • · Befriend Animal: Increased effectiveness of charmed animal.
  • · Enhance: Lunge: Increased duration bonus from 0.4 to 0.5 seconds per rank.
  • · Hook Arrow: Improved reuse speed from 2 minutes to 90 seconds.
  • · Enhance: Thorny Trap: Increased reuse speed bonus from 6 to 8 seconds per rank. Also improves casting speed by 0.4 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Survival Instincts: Also increases bonuses by additional 4% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Fettering Poison: also increases snare amount by 3%.
  • · Enhance: Ancillery Poison: Increased skill reduction bonus from 4% to 7% per rank, resist bonus from 3% to 5% per rank. Also improves reductions in defense, deflection, and parry skills.
  • · Conservation: Duration of potions are doubled. All potions consumed are 20% more effective than before.
  • · Double Arrow: Reduced ranged doubleattack bonus from 10% to 8%.


  • · Alternate: Siphon Armament: can be cast on a raid fighter.
  • · Enhance: Cleave Flesh: Increased wisdom reduction amount from 10% to 12% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Despoiling Mists: Improved reuse speed bonus from 3 to 6 seconds per rank.
  • · Alternate: Siphon Armament: Increased mitigation gained by 33% more than before. Can now be cast on a raid ally.
  • · Pools of Blood: Increased bleed pool amount by 60% more than before.
  • · Reaver: Reduced health returned from 2.5% to 2%.


  • · Enhance: Flamboyant Strike: Increased bonus from 6% to 8% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Quick Flurry: Increased resistibility penalty from 10 to 13%.
  • · Enhance: Offensive Poisons: Increased debuff bonus from 3% to 5% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Turgur Poison: Increased bonus from 1 to 2 per rank.
  • · Enhance: Mental Poisons: Increased drain amount from 5% to 8% per rank.
  • · Potency: Increased trigger chance bonus from 5% to 7%.
  • · Enhance: Avoid Notice: Increased trigger percent from 1% to 2% per rank.
  • · Reach: Reduced bonus from being able to attack at 10m to 9m.
  • · Slightly lowered the proc amount on Swashbuckler Potency.


  • · Blessing: Reduced bonus from 25% to 20%.
  • · Mana Cure: Can be cast on a raid ally. Cure effect is applied to the Templar’s group.
  • · Enhance: Sign of Pacification: Improved resistibility reduction from 3% to 5% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Soothe: Hate reduction applies to all your non-fighter allies. Hate amount reduced to compensate. Also improves casting speed by 0.1 seconds per rank.
  • · Overconfidence: Improved reuse speed from 3 minutes to 2 minutes. Increased duration from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Improved casting speed from 1 second to 0.5 seconds. Reduced trigger count to 1, but effect will not reduce trigger count unless enemy strikes a non-fighter ally.


  • · Kian’s Destructive Anthem: Increased Wisdom Reduction from 7% to 10% per rank.
  • · Demoralization: Fixed debuffs to properly stack their effects with each Demoralizer ability active. Increased miss chance from 3% to 5% per rank.
  • · Sonic Interference: Increased effect from 25% to 30%. Removed effect that increased durations from this spell.
  • · Enahance: Breathtaking Bellow: Improved percentage from 4% to 7% per rank.
  • · Harmonization: Increased effect from 7% to 10%.


  • · Nature Walk: Changed minor knockback immunity to snare mitigation of 50%.
  • · Enhance: Cures, Verdant Sigh: Increased hits allowed from 3 to 4.
  • · Enhance: Resurrections: Reduced bonus from 4% to 3% per rank. Also increases all of the resurrection bonuses that follow the resurrection by 5% per rank.
  • · Reformation: Death prevention spells also restore 30% more health than before.
  • · Shatter Infections: Cure effect now triggers when an ally’s health drops below 50% of their maximum health instead of 25%. Increased duration from 30 seconds to 90. Triggered cure is twice as effective.


  • · Enhance: Concussive: Also improves casting speed by 0.1 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Nullmail: Also improves reuse speed by 20 seconds per rank. Increased duration bonus from 1 to 1.5 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Interference: Also increases detaunt amount by 7% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Curse of Darkness: Also improves casting speed by 0.2 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Venomous Grasp: Increased trigger percent bonus from 1% to 2% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Boon of the Dark: Increased trigger percent bonus from 1% to 2% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Poisonous Veil: Increased trigger percent bonus from 2% to 3% per rank.
  • · Enhance: Abhorrent Gift: Increased duration from 2 to 3 seconds per rank.
  • · Enhance: Netherous Realm: Also improves casting speed by 0.2 seconds per rank.
  • · Propogation: Increased bonus from 3% to 4%.
  • · Aftershock: Reduced trigger percentage from 50% to 40%.
  • · Enhance: Dispel Magic: Reduced point cost from 3 to 2.
  • · Enhance: Curse of Null: Improved casting speed by 0.2 seconds per rank. Increased debuff amount from 7 to 8% per rank.
  • · Volatility: Improved reuse speed from 10 seconds to 5 seconds. Improved casting speed from 1.5 to 1. Now targets an encounter. Casting range reduced from 50 to 35 meters.
  • · Vacuous: Increased taunts/detaunts from 15% to 25%.


  • · Spell Reach: Increased range by 1.
  • · Enhance: Surge of flames: Increased duration bonus from 2 to 4 seconds per rank.
  • · Fireshape: Increased duration from 25 to 30 seconds.
  • · Enhance: Frostbound Gift: Increased duration bonus from 1 to 2 seconds per rank.
  • · Iceshape: Increased duration from 20 to 24 seconds.
  • · Enhance Concussive: Also improves casting speed by 0.2 seconds per rank.
  • · Manaburn: Decreased manaburn damage/power ratio from 5:1 to 4:1.


  • · Both Adept I and Master I versions of Conjurer’s Signet and Conjuror’s Mark now have a chance to drop.
  • · Offering of Armament can be cast on a raid ally.
  • · Fighter ability lines that start at level 18 that grant avoidance to a group ally are now castable on any raid ally. This affects the following abilities:
  • · Guardian: Stand Firm
  • · Berserker: Reckless Aide
  • · Paladin: Ancient Pledge
  • · Shadowknight: Evasive Tactics
  • · Monk: Martial Order
  • · Bruiser: Staggering Stance
  • · Crusader: Offering of Armament can be cast on a raid ally.
  • · Some Fighter group buffs were enhanced:
  • · Paladin – Vigor of Trust: Increases Wisdom, removed Strength (moved to Blessing spells), and increases Healing of all spells.
  • · Shadowknight – Contract from Below: Increases Stamina, removed Strength, and increases Damage of all spells.
  • · Monk – Swiftness: It also increases casting speed.
  • · Bruiser – Brutality: It also increases taunt and detaunt amounts.
  • · Paladin – Blessing of the Penitent: Also increases the Paladin’s Strength.
  • · Modified effectiveness on certain hate increase/reduction/transfer abilities on scout classes and coercers. This makes all achievements that modify hate more worthwhile, and places slightly more responsibility on predators/rogues in controlling their aggro generation.
  • · Assassin – Shadows: Reduced percentage
  • · Ranger – Reconnoiter: Reduced percentage
  • · Swashbuckler – Swarthy Distraction: Reduced percentage
  • · Brigand – Confound Adversaries: Increased trigger percentage. Doubled hate reduction amount, but removed hate position decrease.
  • · Dirge – Hyran’s Angry Sonata: Lower level bonuses are higher than before, but its highest level upgrade bonuses are slightly reduced.
  • · Troubador – Alin’s Serene Serenade: Its highest level upgrade bonuses are reduced by 3%.
  • · Coercer – Smirking Demeanor: Reduced hate increase component, but added a hate transfer component. This allows it provide additional hate transfer bonuses, even when the hate increase percentage cap is reached.


  • · Intimidate: Properly shares a reuse timer with Instill Doubt, as is described by its examine information.


  • · Increased the reuse speed of Dragonbreath from 90 to 75 seconds and increased the damage slightly.


  • · Revivication is now affected by spell scroll quality.


  • · Castigate now also deals some damage if there aren’t any hostile effects dispelled.


  • · Evade: Increased range from 10m to 35.


  • Tranquility now heals if there aren’t any hostile effects dispelled. The heal amount was increased.


  • · Crafted deity altars are no longer flagged “Lore”.
  • · Wuoshi’s Molted Scale, Bark of Growth, and Seed of Growth are no longer flagged Lore.
  • · Imbue type harvests are now known simply as “material” instead of four separate types (“flower”, “stone”, “tooth”, “scale”), simplifying bank space usage logistics. Existing flowers, teeth, and scales will not be renamed but can still be used.
  • · Crafters now gain tradeskill experience from completing tradeskill writs.
  • · Crafters who have respec’ed their crafting class and wish to exchange their crafting tool from the Village of Shin quests can now speak to Rai Faela Nurwin near the Village of Shin brokers.
  • · The following tinker-made items are now tradable: gnomish flotation device, spring-loaded gnomish stilts, goggles of the bats, gnomish diving goggles, gnomish shades, full spectrum goggles, gnomish anti camo goggles.
  • · The Dark Bargainers have noticed a business opportunity and moved to fill it! Neriak now has its own tradeskill faction and faction merchant.
  • · Carpenters have removed the following recipes from their recipe books, as they are identical in appearance to other existing items: Maple Gnome Chair, Gnome thinking chair, Gukta ironwood shelf, Ornate bedside table, Burlap painting, Elegant bone chair, Fir trophy box, Ruckas rug, Bone shelf.
  • · Tradeskill writs now award Dark Bargainer faction to Neriak citizens.
  • · Tradeskill faction merchants will now sell in-home crafting stations to crafters whose efforts have sufficiently impressed them.
  • · Kindling merchants not working inside the tradeskill societies are now stocking a wider inventory of recipe ingredients including cream cheese, cocoa, and sugar.
  • · The Norrathian Carpenters’ Guild has quietly retired the recipe for the Twisted Oak Table due to lack of demand (existing twisted oak tables will be unaffected).
  • · The horned leather backpack recipe is now level 63.
  • · Grandmaster’s Elixir of Second Sight will no longer be removed when you zone.
  • · The recipe for the teak oval table is now correctly named.
  • · An intrepid band of single-minded interior decorators has ventured deep into what remains of the Misty Thicket, and returned bringing yet more furnishing ideas to the cities of Norrath.
  • · Carpenters have discovered Steamfont hot springs heating technology! The carpenter-crafted moonstone pools now look slightly more desirable than the quested versions with similar appearance…
  • · Jewelers across Norrath have discovered how to make pristine quality handcrafted and mastercrafted rings accept adornments!


  • · You can no longer evac charmed players.
  • · Regenerative wards will no longer refresh until you fight back in PvP.
  • · Food and drink should not force you into PvP combat.
  • · Fixed an issue allowing players to be attacked in Kelethin.
  • · Deity charms can now have a greater chance of being resisted by players.
  • · Evil Players who die in the Witches’ Cove will now have respawn options.


  • · You can now re-purchase your 10 most recently sold items at the same price.
  • · No time limit!
  • · Even after logging out or zoning!
  • · The drop-down box to select players in leader-only loot is now smart about LORE items and items that start or update quests. Only eligible players will appear in the drop-down box.
  • · Loot windows will hide items that are LORE that you already have or quest items that you don’t need/can’t use
  • · Tooltips that would otherwise be empty will now show any item description text.
  • · Paperdoll screenshots (created with Shift-Printscreen by default) should once again contain an image of your paperdoll.
  • · The intro movie will only play once when the game is installed. There is a new ‘View Intro’ button at the character select screen to allow viewing of the intro movie.
  • · Examine windows that previously showed text under the icon should no longer do so.

Goudia hits 59, and the update is today! *squeels*


Goudia hits 59, thwacking away at various mobs in TT, working the basket quests.. too bad she’s out now

The little Ratonga stopped and stood still a moment. She tilted her head to the side, a huge grin spread out on her face. She clasped her hands to her chest. Stood on her toes. Opened her mouth, and let out an earth shattering shriek. It could have pierced glass it was that loud.

HHHhheeeerrrreeee little swoop serpent! Let me cut cut cut, gonna jab jab jab! Hhhheeeeeeerrreeee little swoop serpent! Let me thwack thwack thwack let me hack hack hack!

She danced over the grass nimble as could be, tucking her tail around her waist as she passed over the small stream, careful not to get it wet. Goudia loved her job. Loved singing as she did her job, and the shinies that accumulated in her pockets after each session of work was rewarding in itself.

So as you can see above, Goudia finally hit level 59. The troubador is a lot of fun to play, I really would like to experience raids playing a scout class. It would be the first time I’ve ever played one, though she is almost exactly like playing an illusionist I find. She has PoTM now, which gives a proc for every spell cast for 20 seconds. I find myself petitioning to get her mystical orb of the invoker back (which the GM’s helped with, thank you very much, it was appreciated) and looking for proc gear. She’s going to have to do her bone-clasped girdle HQ shortly, and I’m looking forward to it. Who would have known the little Ratonga could be so much fun! I have no dreams of betraying back to dirge, though I believe I will make another bard and level up a dirge eventually. I would like to get into raids with her, but we’ll see how that goes.

The game is down for patching right now, go figure. I’m excited! Very excited. New furniture items. Revamped class aa (though there are down sides to this) and multiple characters selling. I’m excited.. I spent most of last night harvesting in preparation for writs now giving tradeskill experience, and for all of the new items. I’m sure I’ll post update notes once I can see them.