
Ring of the Four Winds, and some days I just hate people..


A vision into the future rewards this very pretty ring after you kill Chel’Drak, now Dasie, Stargrace, and Arysh each have theirs

Dasie was so far behind her Mystic Lake quests at the beginning of this week, I had really thought she’d be getting her ring next week. However, karma is nice some days and she ended up getting it last night. I managed to catch her up (with some help) to the Nizara portion of the quest. Then a group of guildies were doing it and two of them logged off early, they happened to be the main tank and the defiler, their templar also left. So as I mentioned in a previous post, me and a few other guildies took their spot and completed the zone. There were quite a few of us who needed the updates. Since Chel’Drak was cancelled on Tuesday due to quite a few essential people missing, we scheduled it for last night.

We did a portion of Deathtoll first, granted some folks were unhappy that we also skipped two of the named, the splitting globule one as well as cruor. We did it to save time I suppose, though I can understand their frustration. Especially since it took us 4 (real) pulls to down Chel’Drak. Disappointing after we got him down the first pull the week before. I don’t understand the lack of consistency. People should be doing the exact same things every time we raid, or so you’d think. The first wipe was not exactly anyone’s fault. for some reason again when we zoned in we found Chel’Drak on top of us, none of the trash spawned in the long hallway, and just happily died. The next few wipes were just silly really. The main tank was dropping far more then he should have been. People not paying attention. I burned through my power roots (I LOVE those house plants that give roots.. having 6 roots that give you between 10% and 22% power back with a very small re-cast timer is amazing) and knew there’d be no way we could down him if some groups had no power regen. So we added some to the raid, switched groups around, and finally had a flawless pull (and kill). There’s still a lot of drama and issues going on in the guild which I know is quite common for any guild, but I really hope they dissipate some time soon. It makes for a very uncomfortable playing situation, for a simple game that we all pay to play.

So Dasie has her pretty ring, the 3rd character I’ve taken through that quest line. Next she’ll need to work on her Claymore. Since she already has MoA, and SoD, I’m not planning on doing Godking with her — though she does have the quest and is almost finished it, so we’ll see how that goes. If I can get claymore and DT access done for her I’ll be happy. I’d like them done before RoK comes out, if I pushed claymore I know I could complete it in the next two weeks, but I doubt I’ll be pushing for it. I’m finally getting her geared up to where I’d like her to be. She needs two bracelet upgrades (hence why I’d really like to get DT access done on her) and then most of her gear will be at least fairly nice. She could also stand a new breastplate as well, hers is not horrible, but it’s not the best.

Today it’s nice and wet and raining out. I’m contemplating just quietly crafting. Goudia is going to buy a new home in Neriak, so then I’ll own a 5-room in Qeynos, Freeport, and Neriak. The rent is actually not that bad at all, since I can work the status on the other homes down to 0 easily enough, and the homes are about 20g each in rent (the Qeynos and Freeport ones at least) the Neriak one is barely even 7g if I remember correctly. Addicted? Sure why not. Need to have some place to put all those L&L trophies and HQ’s.

Goudia (and everyone else) gets a work out


This little troubador couldn’t be more happy with her new gear and levels

A friend is working up (power leveling) their warlock in order to have them raid-ready as soon as possible, so for the past few days I’ve been helping them out on various characters. It was suggested that since they were already working up the warlock, why don’t I try to level up another one of my characters with them. Since Misako is already 69 with no real push to get to 70 since I’m not raiding with her, I decided that it was not a bad idea. But who would I level? I have a 53 conjuror who’s just sitting there, a 52 ranger, and at the time, a 50 troubador. I love my baby bard, I really do. I’ve betrayed her back and forth between troub and dirge for some time now, having completed the betrayal quest approx. 6 times with that character alone and never managing to settle. The first time I did it, it was actually for the books, so that I could buy the vendor sold one from either Qeynos or Freeport to add to my collection. Yesterday was a great day for the troub, as she not only hit level 51, but also 52, and then 53. She finally got to wear that pretty cobalt armor that I’d had stashed away for quite some time now. She visited instances she’d only dreamt about, and all in all, did very well. Of course it helped to have the 55 warlock and 70 zerker as well as my 70 fury all mentoring her *grins*.

As she was nearing the last 4% of her level, some guildies asked if the zerker and myself (as Dasie) would not mind helping them out in Nizara. Apparently their group had lost two healers as well as their main tank in frustration over the zone. I was a little bit leery, wasn’t exactly in the mood for the zone, you have to really know what you’re doing or you’ll be there for quite some time. They’d cleared to the third named or so, and off we went. Dasie was actually on the part of the Four Winds ring quest that needs Nizara, so I of course had some hidden motivation.

Two hours later, and the final mob fell. Yes, we died. In fact we died a lot, but it was still not bad and we still stuck it out and accomplished our goal. So now Dasie just needs Chel’Drak (which we’ve been downing without too many issues for some time now) and she’ll have her ring of the four winds that gives a 5% reduced cast time. Essential for any mage or priest. The ring (as well as the one before it) is also an upgrade in general, and free upgrades where I don’t have to spend dkp are always a good thing.

Misako also received a new baby dragon for her home yesterday, a huge thank you on that. With all the furniture updates incoming I’m taking my time working on her house and I will update as I go along. Especially with all of the wonderful plants and status items that I want to add to it.

Guild leader actually talked to me a bit yesterday which was nice after four days of pretty much silence. Not on the warmest of terms, but it’s a start, right? Still looking forward to Kilanna coming back so I can ramble about my adventures.

The housing continues


Misako looks around her new (empty) 5-room in NFP

So Stargrace has a some what impressive 5-room in Qeynos, it was only natural that I’d want one on the evil side as well. Housing is not what it used to be, I remember when the 5-rooms were way out of range of anything anyone would have ever paid, and were considered guild halls by most. Now the status and the items needed to complete them are not as difficult as they once were. Arysh is settled into a 3-room (though her’s is also coming along quite slowly) Dasie has her home set up in a 2-room + loft in EFP, leaving me with plenty of creative ideas for each home. With GU37 introducing a whole lot of even nicer and newer furniture, it’s difficult for me to decide what I want to do with all of it. I admit, I am a housing fanatic, I’ve admitted it for quite some time now. I love decorating. There are a few things that Misako has ‘wish listed’ for her new home, such as a baby crib (collection in unrest) and a few crafting tables, but they’ll have to come with time. I also want to work faction for some display cases (sighs, Stargrace is such a slacker!) and some other pretties. Then there are of course all of the book quests. I love having a unique house tailored to each character. Is that silly? Hrms, maybe.

Last night due to weather / computer issues I did not attend raids, so nothing much to say on that front. Kilanna is away for a few days on business, I hope her trip is going well and am looking forward to her return.

I’ve been helping Geabrial (an alt of a guildie) level up some, which is always fun. Yesterday we decided to try to box Nizara (it did not go so well, though we DID down the first named!) and Unrest (again, we got the 1st named then realized we would have to cut it short for time). It was a lot of work but also challenging and fun at the same time, if that makes any sense. Due to some “issues” in the guild, the leadership has been giving me the third degree for a few days now, which is really a shame because I actually thought we were becoming good friends. I will never understand people. I don’t imagine that I will be in the guild too much longer, which is also a shame. It’s just not a comfortable place to be. When people used to talk to you all of the time, and ask you to log onto vent to chatter, and group up, and then suddenly drop it down to nothing not even a hello any more, it hurts. I apologized for my side in the matter and had figured that all was ok and we could move on or what ever (it was not even that big of an issue.. just two different views more then anything) but such is not the case. Oh wells. I’m not sure what to do about the entire matter yet, so I’m giving it some time to just cool down and make sure that I’m not just acting on impulse.

I spent some time harvesting yesterday, which was great in it’s simplicity alone. It’s been a long time since I spent any amount of time harvesting or really crafting all that much, though I did make quite a bit of things for Misako’s new home. I have rough ideas of what I want, but it will take time. It was also stupidly expensive, and after I had changed all of the walls and floors to my liking I had spent about 5p in total.

Gothun seems to be eating up the levels, though I know he finds it slow still, it’s fun to watch. I got an email in game from someone I had not heard from in a very long time, and it sort of caught me off guard. I’m not sure if it’s in a good way or a bad way yet, I’ll figure that out later. I’m still stunned I think.

You know it’s been a busy weekend when..


She may not match, but Misako finally hit 69

It’s been a few days since I’ve posted, that’s always a sign that maybe I’ve been busy for once in game (as well as in real life). So a brief summary of everything that went on this weekend besides the groceries. Saturday’s raid was HoS, and it was a disaster. It’s amazing how some nights we can get Chel’Drak down on the very first pull and then other nights we have issues completing one zone. I’d love to see some consistency. Not to mention I was completely out of sorts because someone said something in the healer channel that I took offence to. As a result, I also stepped down as being the healer class lead. I just do not have the patience for it. I may be a good healer, but I am horrible working with others. I try and I just can’t do it. So for my sanity, as well as the sanity of the other healers, it was time to step down. Didn’t last long, but it was nice while it lasted.

In other news, Misako hit level 69, which was a lot of levels for her since she was 65 when the weekend started. I went to PoA and did a lot of instances. I also used two experience potions so that helped a little bit. She got to wear her new set pieces (shoulders and shoes) she is also wearing the earring of the bloodlust handler now, as well as the buckler of blight.

Dasie didn’t get to do much adventuring this weekend, but she got out none the less. I think I got an aa or two with her. A lot of people have been working on the sword of destiny, and I have NO motivation to work on it at all with another character. It leaves a very unpleasant taste in my mouth in fact. I didn’t get much crafting done, I need to contemplate adornments for Misako, and there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the days lately to get everything done that I want to do. You’d think I was distracted or something.

Yamini (the ranger) hit 52, which means she’s now sporting the new cobalt set of gear I had stashed away for her, as well as the new pieces from Mines of Meldrath. I never did get that fabled dagger, but since it’s level 52, maybe I can keep farming it or something. She has very bad weapons. I actually made a list of things I’d like to get for her and gear her up with. She needs a new bow and she needs some new odds and ends. At least the cobalt looks pretty good on her.

My kitty is no longer sick, so that’s good. Life’s sorta bleh right now but I’m sure it’ll work itself out. Dang moods!

Deathtoll, and even more housing items


This quaint little home in Rivervale may not be so far away to visit in the near future..

Littlebyte, who is co-guild leader of my guild, pointed out this amazing post found on eqtraders, about the new housing items that they’re going to be adding with GU37. The last update is barely out the door yet and already they’re talking about what’s going on with the next one. I love it. I realize a lot of people gripe and complain that there’s so much else that needs to be done and fixed with the game first, however. The game has departments for all of that, and I’m glad to see that the housing / furniture item department is getting some loving. Whether people want to admit it or not, it’s a huge portion of this game, just take a peek over at the Norrathian Homeshow to see how busy.

Apparently from the article there are at least two dozen new house items making their way into the game, taken from the Rivervale zone. The image posted shows some bread pans, muffin tins, comfortable chairs, and two types of stoves. So I’m thinking that they may also include these beds and / or lights in the image above. We’ll have to see, only so many of the items are being released at a time on eqtraders so I’ll have to check back for updates. None the less I was pretty dang pleased to see it.

I was informed about the new furniture during our Deathtoll raid last night. It went very well, not a single death for Dasie and for once Tarinax decided to leave her alone and not swipe at her during the final fight. On an added bonus, we attempted (and defeated) Cruor, who is a huge snake that likes to be mean to people. We did have to use our AoE avoidance signets and blade dance, but since it was our first attempt, it was pretty nice. We had a few issues with the splitting drake still but we didn’t wipe, just trained it off once the MT went down. Did I mention we only had three groups for the majority of it? It was nice. I’m still working with the healers and trying to get everything sorted out where they’re concerned, but it’s not going too badly. I’ve set up a healer channel for us to all use and communicate with one another. Lets me ask who needs heal crit potions and who needs shards and hearts, and just to gripe about things if they’re not going well. It’s not heavily used yet, but over time people will get used to it. I have the regular healers in there each raid. If we need a specific strat, or we need people healing specific people outside of their group, that’s where I tell them.

Of course the day would not be complete with some sort of guild drama. I’ve seen other posts about cliques and guild issues, that’s always going to be present pretty much any time you have a group of people all massed together. Not everyone is going to get along. Doesn’t mean I can’t keep wishing and hoping for it though!