
Some times it’s nice to spoil yourself..

Meet Bork, the newest addition to Stargrace’ home

Some times it’s nice to spoil yourself, even if it is just in a video game. The way I look at it, people worry about money constantly in real life. In a video game, it’s nice not to worry. So what if you can’t afford that master, it’s not life and death. Oh well if you can’t quite buy that new shiny thing on broker. Just like in real life, I enjoy rewarding myself in game. So. When I saw the little gem above being sold for 25p, I set aside whatever masters I thought I should get for Dasie, and decided to buy it instead.

Yes, that’s right, I bought a baby dragon house item for 25p. Do I feel badly about it? Of course not! I have no qualms paying that amount of money for a house item that is rare and typically goes for anywhere from 50-100p on most servers. Spells will get upgraded with expansions, but this baby dragon will be around in Stargrace’ house for a long time (or at least until she moves and some how it gets bugged, or whatever). Of course, after I bought it one of my friends told me he would have given me his had he known….. but that’s a matter for another day. It doesn’t leave me broke, and I can still buy any masters that I may need for Dasie (she’s actually only missing three that I care about to any degree, that’s not too shabby) over the course of the next few weeks. I used to have a baby dragon and I ended up selling it one day when I was broke. I regretted it ever since, so I’ll be sure that this time around I don’t end up doing that.

Today was Halls of Seeing. It was going to be Freethinkers, but the guild is going through a few changes, and a lot of people have been missing. We were down to 5 healers, which is astounding considering we had 9 healers on our last Freethinkers raid. I realize in the summer that things are slightly inconsistent, but dang that surprised even me. We did well on the zone, Dasie died twice I forget what she died to. She also got a very nice earring upgrade, and I was pleased about that. With her relic pants she’s sitting at a little over 6,300 power self buffed, which is great for an inquisitor who does not buff wisdom at all, nor do they buff power. There are of course a few more things I’d like for her. I have been trying to farm Valdoons for the earring that drops there to no avail, the zone hates me what can I say. I also need to complete her music box from poets palace, and she needs a few odds and ends in adornments. As soon as SoD is released I’ll get to work trying to finish that off so she can get a sparkling new hammer. Aside from Claymore, I’m quite happy with her. It will of course take time to build her up properly, as it does any character.

Chattered some to Kilanna today, which was nice as always. Cordanim should hopefully be coming back to game soon, he’s been busy with real life stuff. I also managed to get a level of alchemy done on Yamini, been a while since I’ve done any crafting or harvesting. The problem with raiding, some times once you start you find yourself with very little time left over. I did a quick halls of fate group today, helping some guild mates out with experience. All in all, a fairly good weekend.

It’s always nice to be home

Niagara Falls, pretty to visit, but it’s good to be home

One of the (many) pictures I took of Niagara Falls, the picture is of the Horse Shoe Falls, on the Canadian side. It’s roughly a 6-7 hour drive to get to the falls, left really early. The hotel room wasn’t ready so we spent a few hours wandering around. Everything is of course very expensive. The hotel over looks the falls, and is within walking distance easily. Just as an example of how expensive things are, if you want a room that over looks the falls themselves, it’s $150 more expensive then the exact same rooms on the opposite side of the building that over look the city. Go figure. I had a blast though. We did the walk beneath the falls because it’s just one of those things that you have to do, and spent the rest of the time sight seeing. There were people everywhere even though tourist season hasn’t officially started yet. The weather couldn’t have been more beautiful.

It was nice to come home, Princess was trying to sneak herself into my suitcase before we left, poor thing couldn’t come along on this trip. We actually made it home early enough to attend raids on Deathtoll, and I’m happy I went, as plate greaves (relic pants) dropped. They were a huge upgrade to Dasie, who was wearing the quested legendary ones from Loping Plains. The new ones add 62 points to one of her direct heals, and also have 150 power vs. the 50 power of her old ones. Deathtoll itself was a little.. messy. To say the least. We’re missing one of our key dps’ers and that makes a huge difference. Even with almost perfect group set ups people seemed to be slightly off. We wiped a few times on the splitting drake, and we wiped once on Tarinax himself. People were either standing in the wrong spot, or not curing their dot’s because they were getting hurt badly. Of course the more people who die the worse the raid goes because the encounter spawns adds for everyone who dies. Some guilds mez, some guilds burn the adds. We need dps to burn those adds. If the dps is dead, and we’ve got multiple encounters up.. well, yeah. It’s pretty self explanatory.

Sword of Destiny, rewards were posted. Legendary and fabled. I am exceptionally excited about them to say the least. The legendary healer item is a 1h hammer with +75 to heals. The stats are not that amazing, it’s +20 wis +100 power and I think stam. The fabled one of course has better stats, and on hostile spells it also proc’s a life tap. Very worth it for Dasie to complete. If I were a mage, I’d be pissed off. Their staff is 2h and it also adds +75 spell dmg, but for a 2h item it just doesn’t seem worth it. Especially since for illusionists / coercers you can’t even use a 2h item with their spell chain line — they are removing the fact that you need off hand free for *some* of the aa lines, but I didn’t see anything mentioned about perpetuality, only for the other portions of the same chain. I suppose we’ll just have to see how it goes.

Girl who cried Nerf

Dasie in Darklight Woods, working on getting those aa points by mentoring

Everyone on every channel that I listen to lately has one subject on their mind, and that is the dreaded GU36 and 37. Why do I say dreaded? Well, the notes can be found here with all of the new changes listed. I personally like a good deal of them, but there has been huge out cries from raiders and casual players alike. Especially when it comes to agro, and reducing a few classes usefulness on a raid. People are screaming nerf every which way.

However, I don’t feel the same.

In preparation for any expansion the first thing that happens every single time, is a game wide “nerf”. There’s really no other choice though, it has to happen. Why? Because they’re adding another 10 levels, and in order for those next 10 levels to be on par with everything else, they’d either have to be super duper hard so hard that only the best of the best raiders could ever attempt anything at all — or — they down grade how we play now, and make us learn and adjust to the new changes. Come on now, this is not new, it happened with DoF it happened with KoS, and when it’s happening with RoK people should not act so surprised or hurt. It is going to affect everyone, it’s going to make raiders re-learn how to handle their agro, maybe switch up some of those MT groups. Scouts are going to have some learning time with their changes, summoners as well. So when everyone is screaming on the channels about all this stuff that’s going on, I just sit back and listen. It’s not going to be that bad, and if it is, it will get changed. That’s why it’s on the test server, to change and adjust. Until they go to live, and even when they do, it won’t break the game for me or make me not want to play any more. It will just be a period of re-learning my classes to work with the new changes. Finding my niche again. I can completely understand why people who have already spent time learning their class and how they work do not want to have to re-learn how to play, but MMO’s are dynamic and ever changing. It’s never going to stay exactly the way it starts.

I find it amusing the ruckus it’s caused. I’ll wait for it to go live, and adjust with the changes. I’m sure some people will get pissed off and leave like they did after GU13 (which went down in record books I am sure for creating disturbances, you may remember it as the great combat revamp) but the majority of people will stick it out and realize that the changes are needed and are not that bad at all.

Sides, there are a few things that I love coming out with this update. More crafted furniture for one. The ability to respec your tradeskill class as another. I have two jewelers and I’m looking forward to making one a carpenter or weapon smith instead (I have two because one used to be on another server and then I transferred them).

Another side note, I’m headed to Niagara Falls for a few days this week to get away from things, so no blog entries here. I hope everyone enjoys their week though and it’s filled with happy gaming, I’ll bring back lots of pictures.

Dasie does Deathtoll… and SoD

Hanging out in Tunaria, even the fire comes to life to talk to you

Alright, you’ll have to forgive my title for today, it was the first thing that came to mind, I’m sure it will be recognized. Anyhow, last night was Deathtoll. I’d never done DT on Dasie before ever, nor had I done it with The Inquisition (my guild going on.. three weeks now I think, I keep losing track). Plus it was my third raid as an inquisitor. I was a little worried about how her saves would be vs. cold and heat (those eyeballs are nasty) but she was in the MT group, and did just fine. Our typical templars all decided to go on vacation at the same time, so I was moved to MT group. Not a big deal, after all healing is healing, right? We had one wipe on Tarinax at the end which wasn’t really a wipe but someone had oodles of pets out calling oodles of adds on us as each one died (sighs) so we rez’d up and tried agian. Now, I always mention that each guild does things differently and Tarinax (and DT in general) is no exception. Everyone stands different places, pulls differently, some guilds mez the adds that spawn if someone dies, and some guilds (like I found out yesterday) just wack through the mobs and don’t bother mez’ing. They all work, just different ways of doing it, so of course I’m still in a process of learning the guilds quirks. I think I’ve done pretty much everything with them now raid-wise at least. I spend my evenings helping to level up some bards and warlocks along with the main tank, playing my healers typically. It’s good practice for me, to learn how much the tank can handle and where that “emergency” line is so to speak. To know how much they can handle before they’ll go down. I really do think it’s important to group up and learn how your guild members work.

Aside from the raid, I decided it was about time I did the Sword of Destiny quest chain with at least ONE of my characters. I picked the one I’m actually raiding on since the last chapter is going to involve a new raid zone in New Tunaria (Felwithe) and I’d like her to at least have a chance at completing it. Now, I’ve done the long chains of quests out there. Dasie has her Prismatic 1.0, Arysh has her Godking (Prismatic 2.0) and her Claymore (3.0 pretty much) and this quest was one of the most annoying quests I’ve ever had the pleasure of completing. Not because it’s difficult (though parts of it are) but because it requires a LOT of running around to a LOT of different zones. 47 or so zones in fact. I won’t get into too much of the lore behind the Soulfire (which is the sword) because I don’t want to ruin it for the junkies out there (chances are they’ve already completed this quest when it was first released a few months back) but be sure to read the text and books you get. Very well done. Of course, the main reason I completed it:

A wonderful statue house item, that give 300 rent reduction. Anything is worth having a new semi-rare house item added to my collection. Beside it is the spire replica from the live event a few months back. So, that’s one more quest under Dasie’s belt. There’s so many wonderful quests in this game and I really wish I had experienced more of them, though I’m hoping with time I’ll get a chance to. With RoK just a few months away now and the level cap raising to 80, now is the time to experience some of the older content before it becomes REALLY old. As I made my way through both the Qeynos and Freeport sewers, I didn’t run into a single soul. There are plenty of quests and mobs still in those zones, and yet they’re barely used. I miss stuff like that. I used to remember doing my quest to become a cleric at level 10, and needing those sewers and barely being able to find the mobs I needed because of the others in there doing the same quest. Ah the good ‘ol days.

As a side note, a huge thank you to both Dalthar and Shadowgeist, who helped me run around collecting the 50 statues. It was nice not to have to do all of unrest just for that one update, and Acada was a breeze. Kaladim didn’t like me or Dalthar very much, but at least we got a master out of the deal!

Dasie gets some pretties

Dasie’s newest pretty, a pair of shiny gloves from Chel’Drak

So after a little consideration, I requested to be able to play my inquisitor as my main for raids. We didn’t have one in the guild at all, where as we had another illusionist, and I’m a healer at heart lets face it. How anyone can have three level 70 healers (who have all betrayed, so I’ve played both sides of each class) and NOT like healing, is beyond me. Yesterday was my first real test, as we did Labs and Chel’Drak. I knew Chel’Drak was going to be harder this week, we were missing some key players, and Dasie’s resists are really low for poison. It meant that I had to park her at the back of the raid out of AoE range, and joust accordingly. Since I’m the one who calls the AoE’s (I love ACT and my G15 keyboard what can I say) it wasn’t that difficult. Though I noticed that by the end the timers were off by 10 seconds almost instead of their usual 5 seconds. I’ll have to look into that.

We wiped twice. Actually, we wiped three times but the first time some how had Chel’Drak on top of us as we zoned in. The mobs in the hallway were not spawned, so we have no idea how he managed to find us at the entrance to his lair, but smush us he did. He didn’t even summon us to the center of his room, he was just there on top of us in the water. In labs Dasie got herself a pair of new boots, and that combined with the gloves takes care of her two worse slots. Since I know I can use her as my main now, I also splurged and bought her 6 new masters, one heal and a few debuffs and nukes. It leaves me pretty broke, but hey it’s worth it. She is still missing one level 70 group direct heal, and her group buffs, the prices on those right now are out of my league, but for a character I’ve only had a few days after betrayal, she’s coming along nicely. There are things I need to work on with her of course (I made a list). She needs her music box quest completed. It’s an item that goes in charm and is far nicer then anything else I can obtain at the moment. She also needs to complete her +15 wis idol from the Fallen Dynasty expansion. I need to try to get the earring of the bloodlust handler from Valdoons (easier said then done when he never seems to want to drop it) and she needs to work on some resists with some potions on hand.

I also need to work on the Sword of Destiny with her. Claymore, and complete Godking. She’s on the final stages of Godking and no one wants to harvest eyes for access, so I’m doubtful that it will happen any time soon. She really could use a new weapon, so we’ll see how it goes. This morning I worked on my Tunare quests with Stargrace, since I am donating the wolvesbane to guild for future MMIS uses.

It’s damn hot and I’m feeling bleh, so this’ll be a short post. Time to go jump into the shower and try to cool off (again).