
Questing along..

Monk Quests

Qutey hit level 18 this morning, and 127 quests completed before I logged out in preparation for the newest GU (game update) today. I find that even with combat experience turned off, she levels quite fast. Not a bad thing, but not exactly a good thing either since I’m trying to complete a number of quests before they turn grey to her. As you can see by the list, she’s really not delved out too far, besides the smaller towns, the sewers and Antonica. There are still a huge number of zones and quests that I’ve skipped along the way already. I’m considering going back for them though, some were just far too frustrating to want to complete.

I do plan on making an evil fae (I know I know that’s not what they’re really called) today. However, I also know there will be a million other people making their evil fae and running around Neriak, so as I’ve stated a few times, I’ll create the character and then play someone else, I’ve got no desire at all to wander around with a bunch of others all trying to kill the same mobs and level at the same time. I’m thinking of moving Misako to Neriak depending on what the city is like and the housing. I do believe that they were supposed to implement a citizenship quest much like the one from Qeynos / Kelethin. I suppose I’ll look into it another time.

Another thing I really like about having my combat experience turned off is that my vitality does not go down at all. So I can quest away and then if at a later time I want to grind off a level, I’ll have the vitality to be able to do that. At level 20 I also have my armor quests, which they’ve downgraded to all be solo quests. I’m looking forward to that as it’s one of the main reasons I made my fae monk. I’ve been collecting “Gi” for my monk to wear. They start with one white one initially, and there is a quest in the Forest Ruins that rewards another white one. I know the level 30 player crafted DFC gear is also a dark red Gi. There’s also the raid set that’s fabled, and very pretty (which I know my little Qutey will never obtain) and a purple set. The armor quests at level 20 is a light yellow if I remember correctly. I really like the look of them (and leather in general) so that’s what I’ll outfit her in. I know it would probably be handier to outfit her in the T3 rare leather armor, but I’ll save that for the slots that AQ’s don’t cover, as well as her weapons.

Only.. 2 more hours of down time to go! *twitches*

Stargrace Le’Reveur – Illusionist of Qeynos


Stargrace is my “main”, one of Three four that I play quite frequently. She’s betrayed in the past from illusionist (at about level 10) to coercer, and back to illusionist (at level 70). She’s level 70, 100 aa, 70 provisioner, and my tinkerer. She’s wearing mostly raid gear from both KoS and EoF. She’s completed uh, a number of quests. EQII players is down right now so I can’t check specifics, she hasn’t done too many though. She’s completed the major chains like MoA and uh wait no she hasn’t finished claymore… (ew for casters except for the symbol reward, second last). She’s 100% dps spec’d aa wise, and she can do more then her fair share. Not to mention she’s got all of her spells at master quality except for one (dang you T6 spells!) and I’ve taken a lot of care with the character. She also owns a 5-room house in South Qeynos, 4 bayle court if you’re ever wandering through. I’ve gotten my fair share of compliments on it. Role play wise, she’s the twin sister of Misako, who betrayed to Freeport. Stargrace is the “older” of the two by two minutes, and she tends to hold that over Misako when she can. I love playing the illusionist no matter what the group make up is. She has a lot of utility and can hold her own just fine. At times I contemplate betraying her back to a coercer, but it would take a lot of prodding from a raid guild I wanted to join I think in order for me to actually make the change. I also slacked a lot on this character, she’s barely a year old, she has a whole lot of lore and legend books to complete, and a lot of unfinished heritage quests. I pretty much grinded her to 70 and forgot to take time to smell the flowers along the way. Bad habit.

Faydai – Conjuror of Qeynos


Faydai is my gnome necromancer conjuror, currently level 53 she’s not played very often. She’s also my level 62 sage, which is where I get the most use out of her. I liked her better as a necromancer, so I’ll probably betray her back in the future. For now though she resides in the Baubleshire. I’m not sure why I even made a gnome, I think I liked the glasses and the hat she’s wearing. I typically group up with her, she’s done a few quests. Her name used to be Willamina on Najena, and I’ve transfered her a few times now from server to server. I miss role playing with her, she used to be quite.. unique. She’d talk to her undead pet and raise a lot of eyebrows. Again it’s been some time though, so I’ve sort of stuck her on the shelf in the mean time.

Yamini Mineymo – Ranger of Qeynos


Yamini is my halfling assassin ranger, who just finally came home to Qeynos. Her name means night, though I forget where I got that from now. I always have such an issue coming up with character names. She’s also my alchemist. She’s level 48, and will probably stay there for quite some time, I’m in no rush at all to level her. She’s a 51 alchemist, and I love being able to make my own potions and poisons, a very handy trait. Her home is Baubleshire.. err.. well it used to be, I think I forgot to relinquish the one she had in Big Bend, go figure. I love the ranged attacks, and the class is a nice change from my typical healers and mages.

Making it Manifest, and the quest count rises

Qutey posing in Nettleville Hovel, waiting to speak to the constable

101 quests completed, and the little monk has hit level 15, almost 16. She’s also 98% through her 7th aa, almost hitting 8. I’ve been having an enormous amount of fun with this new character, just doing my own thing and attempting quests that I haven’t seen in a very long time in zones that are pretty much deserted now even with the server being as populated as it is. How many people remember the making it manifest quest in the crows resting place? With the sword of destiny series in game it send you there, the home of Fippy, but the instance itself has been around for quite some time. The quest rewards you with a pretty nice legendary tunic that was actually a slight upgrade from my mastercrafted leather.

I haven’t delved into too many quest zones with her yet, she’s played around some what in Antonica doing a lot of far seas requisitions and some of the easier ones, but a lot are too high yet. I did take her around the Down Below, and did a few quests in there (including the tunic one). Went out last night and watched Shrek3, that was a lot of fun, looking forward to seeing Pirates3 next weekend. The weather is beautiful and days are wonderfully sunny.

Crafting and other characters have pretty much been on hold while I relax and play my monk. I’ve been setting aside all of the coin she’s made from questing and loot in her bank, seperate from the coin she carries around daily. For some reason I want to keep track of how much coin you can make in this game just from simple questing. She’s up to 21g and some change so far, not too shabby for just getting started. Of course she is very nicely geared up but most of what she’s fighting is green anyhow. Qutey also finished the gnoll language and is almost done the lore and legend. Her home got a few more pretties, a pet cage and a few more books. More updates as the day goes on I’m sure!