
The return of Neriak and a new race

Where are my extra character slots?!

That was the first thought in my head when I read about the upcoming adventure pack, said to release at the end of May. What details were released so far can be found here. I’m sure there will be an abundance of posts about all the nitty gritty details and pictures of the new "evil fae" race. . . wait, wait a second here. Another new race?!

With a limit of six character slots, and already having to condense character slots to make room for the fae that were released with EoF, I’m wondering how on earth people will manage. I have two accounts, I’m lucky. I also have over six characters who are level 50+ and none of them are the good or evil fae. That means that if I didn’t have these two accounts, I’d have to delete a character that I put a lot of time and effort into just to make room for the new races, and who wants to do that?

I am excited about the new content. I love lower level content, gives people a chance to mentor and explore new places and remember why we all were drawn to this game to begin with. It gives raiders a chance to remember that there’s more out there. I hear every day about a push for high end, top end content. But honestly with KoS and EoF there is enough of that right now. Not everyone is level 70 with 100 ap. I know making alts and leveling them up is not a whole lot of fun for very many people, but it does appeal to some. I’d love to work on more quests, gray or not, and just work my over all quest count. I missed so much content just plain leveling. Anyhow, just my two cents on that.

I’ll be making an evil fae warlock once they come out. I’ve never played one before and I’m looking forward to it. Plus I want the ability to port to EoF zones on both accounts. I have the fury on one already. I don’t know what I’ll name her but it’s fun to think of none the less.

As a general update this week I haven’t been up to that much. I started my own little guild for my alts. A place to stash my tradeskill supplies and while it’s very small it’s a nice thing to have none the less. Plus when I do HQ on my alts I hate to see all that status go to waste. At least this way I can feel some what productive and take advantage of the benefits that come with a guild. If anyone out there on the Kithicor server is looking for an escape (and not a busy one at all) or wants the advantage of having a guild, feel free to poke me or any one of my characters to talk. I joined Uprising when I first moved to Kithicor. It was the guild that my old guild on Lucan had agreed upon. However, after two days there I decided that it was not exactly the place for me. You can always tell right away if a guild is "home" or not. I didn’t get the vibe that this was a place I wanted to stay. I’m more then likely going to betray my fury back to a warden. I miss being one. Everyone keeps asking me if I’m worried about losing my masters (since she has them all) and my answer to that is simply.. no, why would I be. Adept3’s are more then enough for what I need her for. She’s not raiding. I’ll probably betray my conjuror back to a necromancer as well. I miss the feign death. I also miss their rez. We’ll see how it goes though, in the mean time I’m simply getting all the "girls" settled into their homes and fixing up their banks again.

Through the Looking Glass – Rp

Some times, you just need a change

“I seek advice,” the dark elf spoke in stuttered sentences, trying to gather the nerve to continue on with her thoughts. She stood in a room with a mirror and nothing else. The walls were brightly coloured, and a rich carpet lay on the floor. A strand of hair fell over one eye and she brushed it away absentmindedly. After a few seconds with no reply (not that there was anyone around to answer) she continued.

“I feel… restless..” She hedged around the words. “Unsatisfied. Not only with myself, but just in general. I have no direction… not since… well.. since he died…” She trailed off, and blinked away some unshed tears. She looked down and quickly tried to clear her mind, noticing a small patch of lighting flickering from one finger to the next, a curse (or blessing some would think) from Solseuk Ro, the Burning Prince. She managed to calm her emotions before continuing.

“Let me start from.. well.. the start. Things were not always this way. Things were happy, for a time. I felt things. Good things.” She lowered her voice as she remembered them. The time after her accident, when she was taken care of. When the prophets first spoke to her about the Burning Prince and what he wanted her to do. She felt needed, and wanted. It quickly got out of hand though. The exhilaration of the heat.. the flames.. as they licked their way through her body. The storm that followed quickly after, it consumed her. Before too long, she was lost in it. Ignoring both friend and foe she heard nothing but the call of the Prince. Entire forests fell before her, and in the night time hours her once violet eyes glowed red instead. It was too much.

She woke one night and could not recall the events that transpired. The thought scared her beyond belief. She had pushed aside everyone to obtain her goals with single mindedness and was standing in an open field the stench of something… wafting up around her with an underlying metallic scent. There were no animals around, no birds calling. No people. Just her, clothing slightly scorched and a pounding headache. She glanced at her hands, blackened. It repulsed her. Something had to change. This was not her it did not feel right it was not right it —

“Ugh..” She let out a soft moan and sunk to her knees on the floor.

“It’s not too late.” Came a very quiet whisper almost next to her ear. “You know you are always welcome home.”

The elf sighed and wrapped her arms around her knees, rocking herself on the floor.

“Tell me what to do, have I made a mistake?” She asked the empty room.

“Just.. feel..” Came the voice. A hand brushed against the elf’s cheek, and wrapped protectively around her, a small attempt at comfort. The elf let out her tears, the water coursing down her cheeks. So much pain and confusion built up that finally spilled over. She hoped, that things would only get better from here. That she’d find some strength, and lose her curse.

(( Restless tonight. I’m in a cranky mood and decided to spew my moods all over my blog. Been a while since I’ve written an Rp story, hopefully a lot more will follow, not quite as dreary ))

Settling in nicely

The move was worth it, just for the piano

The move went off without a hitch — almost. When I got to my new servers (I am on Kithicor now, with all of the girls – decided to follow the members of my previous guild with everyone, instead of splitting them up and remaining on both Najena and Kithicor.. thank goodness we could move twice) I noticed everything from my house vault, was doubled– not something I had planned by the way. My house vault was filled with crafting raws, spare fire places, and 6 vaults worth of items. Even the boxes themselves were doubled and placed into my overflow. So my first reaction was to petition it, and bug report it. Because what would prevent someone from filling their house vault with masters and transferring their characters around only to find that they suddenly had two or three of a certain item.

Later on in the day, I was pleased to see this announcement, though I am also glad I got my move in before they ended the server transfer service (for the time being). A few of my guild mates are still looking to move, and I hope the service is back up today so that they can proceed. I had no idea what I was supposed to do with the doubled items, if I’d get into trouble for selling them or using them, this was the only responce I got from SoE about the incident:

Response (GM Kimbial) – 05/01/2007 03:11 PM
Greetings Vivacious,

This is Senior Game Master Kimbial. Thank you for contacting Sony Online Entertainment In-Game Customer Service. And welcome to Najena. The issue with the duplicating items on any server is known and Development has been made aware of the issue. We ask at this time that you hold onto the items, if you can, or delete them to clear out your over flow. We’ll have a better idea of what Development wants us to do to resolve this matter once they’ve taken a look at the coding and address it there. We do apologize for the inconvenience.

If there is anything else we can try to assist you with, please do not hesitate to ask.

Safe journeys,

Senior Game Master Kimbial
EverQuest II Customer Service
Sony Online Entertainment

It made for a fairly interesting day I suppose, none the less. I joined my new guild, and headed to HoS (it was an off night, so we were all just raiding for fun). It was nice to see 20+ people logged in on a non-raid night. Surprised me in fact. Most raiding guilds there is no one around if raids are not planned. Tonight is our first “real” raid night that I’m apart of. The guild is actually branched off of a previous one where leadership did not see eye to eye on certain matters. I was not apart of that incident nor do I know what happened (nor do I care). It means that the guild is level 25, and that actually makes me happy. It means I can be a part of helping it level and actually feel as though I’ve contributed to the guild.

I’ll still be starting my own private guild for alts, just because I need a place to stash them. There is an alt guild, but I’d rather have access to my own and take advantage of the guild bank and what not. As you can see pictured above, the move was worth it just for the mistmoore piano I bought. The item is obtained through collection quests, or blue shinnies as people call them. From Castle Mistmoore. A place that I rarely venture into, let alone farm shinnies in. At 10p, this piano was a steal. I also bought two easels, which are no longer in game for 1p50g. So I may not have moved servers and bought any new masters or anything “useful” in others minds, but the house items were something I’d wanted for a long time, and lets be honest. That piano rocks.

Home Sweet (new) Home

Warg quests completed, hope they don’t bite hard!

The SoE site was packed this morning with people trying to transfer their characters. Be it a permanent move like my own, or a temporary one to pick up something on another server at a better price (or something that just may not have been offered at all on the home server). At 7am EST they were still not working, or at least it was hit and miss. By 10am though things were working in full swing. I moved my illusionist first, having already applied to a new raiding guild. I haven’t seen any of the members on quite yet but it’s still early. The server welcomed me (and about 10 other people who just moved) and it seems friendly enough. Prices are comparable to the old server. I moved due to the lack of population and a dire need for a change. The rest of my characters I moved to another server, where my old guild is settling down. I know it’s probably not smart to be playing on two servers — but since transfers are free all week, I figure if I don’t like it by the end of the week, I have a second transfer I can use, and will move everyone to the same server. We’ll see how it goes.

The change thus far, has been very nice. The population is huge. Appealing. It’s the same game with new people. I’ll have to make some new friends, and I’m not exactly keen on that, I’m picky and tend to be fussy. It’s nice to see different people talking in channels then what I’m used to. The conversations are much the same. Picking on Paladins, making jokes, crafters looking for work, unrest groups going every second. People needing healers. I’m nervous, having applied to a raid guild but having no idea what to expect. Well, I mean I’ve raided plenty, I do know what to expect. Just hope I can live up to it!

Looking forward to taking some time to work on collection quests I have. Mostly the house item book ones of course. I want to get that library up and going fully. Just a small post today as I wiggle around and test the water in my new homes, I’ll post more updates as they come!

Where in the World of Norrath

Any ideas? One hint.. Rat Queen.

I spent the weekend relaxing before the server transfers go live (which I think will start on Tuesday now, since the EU PvP server merge is a 24 hour ordeal). I took everything out of my shared banks so that it wouldn’t get left behind, removed all my items from broker including the containers, and made sure my characters actually physically own everything in their respective homes, incase anything got lost along the way. I’ve had some issues moving once before and losing a few small house items, so I took care this time around. I’m hoping the move goes smooth. I did join a nice Labs raid, it went well, no wipes.

I also worked a bit on the new library and lore section of the site. It’s something I’ve had in the past, typed out the tomes collected in my library by hand for others to read, also describing where the book came from. Blame my obsession with house items. So once the raids were done, and my banks cleaned, I worked on book quests.

There are three type of book quests really. There are ones that are sold by merchants. The Sage located in the mage towers for Qeynos and Freeport, then there are also mob dropped ones. These ones are the most annoying for me, as I’ve pretty much out-leveled any place that has these drop. Examples would be Obelisk of Lost Souls, where there are at least 7 mob-dropped-only book quests, I tried farming as many as I could with the defiler, she has six on the go now I believe. There are also collection books, where you can find the pages scattered across Norrath, they can drop from mobs as body drops or they can be found on the ground as pages fluttering in the wind, marked by a shiny explanation mark. These ones are just as annoying, as you’ve no idea where to search for the specific pages that you need. My favorite by far are the ones sold by the sages. They’re interesting stories and send you all over the place. I wish that each side could complete the tomes, but since the sage in Freeport won’t talk to my Qeynosians and vice versa, I’ve betrayed characters just so that they could obtain books on both sides.

There are a LOT of book quests out there. I am missing so many of them, it’s sort of an inspiration for me to try to gather more, keeps me motivated. On the down side, I did not play the defiler at all this weekend (though maybe that is a blessing?) and saved up her vitality. I logged her in to make a set of tailored gear for a stranger (who was new to the server, I also gave them a plat to play around with) and that was about it. I need to do more farming for her at some point or another as she’s low on T5 stuff.

Other then that, things are quiet. Look for an rp-related post later in the day hopefully!

** Edit ** News about the transfers here! Looking forward to this.