
Crafting and Diplomacy

Chi Sau Lotusfield, located in a building next to the harvesting trainer

Ok. Not sure what’s up but I’ve tried to write this article three times now to no avail. So here’s try number four. I did diplomacy. I finally beat the above npc and it was annoying as hell. It took me forever to figure out the key to beating him, but once I did it was so refreshing to have that quest completed. I hate the way the quest journal can not be organized by area, or level, or anything for that matter. How do I remember if one quest was gotten in Tanvu vs. another quest gotten in a random outpost on the way to Khal. Really wish they’d fix that. Picked up the infineum cloak quest with Rasklnikov, hopefully we can work on that some this weekend. Would be nice to be wearing a cloak. Think of it like a heritage quest from Eq2.

Switched my crafting around (again). For once I don’t care about housing, or furniture, so there was no desire to remain as an artificer. I switched for outfitting, since a majority of my characters wear cloth (or medium) and bags are never a bad thing. I hate spending money on gear, I’m always fairly broke. I’ll figure out how to make money later.

The bane of my exhistance, frenzied dreadwing venom, finally, FINALLY completed yesterday, I needed 10 of the things, for Ulla, NW of her tower. Only one or two ever seem to spawn though, and with others hunting for them, yeah. Not a fun quest. It took me about four hours to complete that one portion I think.

I’d post longer, as I had that nice long post already typed out I’m feeling cranky so I think I’ll just leave it at that for now. Happy hunting, with double exp (adventure / kill only) this weekend, it’ll be interesting to see how populated it is in game.

Bugs.. bugs.. and more bugs..

That’s my templar Dasie to the right.. but what’s wrong with that cloak on the left?!

So Vanguard is not the only game with bugs, seems like EQ2 was hit with one (or two, or three) when they installed the latest patch as well. I noticed as I hung around the broker in NQ that some people’s cloaks have taken on some interesting characteristics. For example in the screen shot here.. the cloak is side ways, and in front of the persons face. Behind me was another cloak, floating directly beside (and side ways) its wearer. Cloaks are rebelling! Watch out!

Vanguard has been especially annoying with their latest set of bugs, people who have been playing will know it well as the appearance bug. The one where you can log in 20 times and each time you look like someone new. Saving and loading a new character template does not fix it. So once my character looked some what similar to my original, I decided to just play like that. Also noticed that in diplomacy, when I switched gear around to get +25 with the nobles for a quest, it didn’t acknowledge the new gear. I logged out and back in and the gear showed up finally. It was reading 3 when it should have been 24. Grumbles.

Still debating with myself on which game to play and which one to get rid of. While Vanguard is “beta in a box”, it’s also new and fresh. My server is thriving (for how long, I’ve no idea). There’s plenty of “spheres” to work on. EQ2’s population may be lacking, but there’s a bunch of new quests. A very small population which is my issue. Three high level characters that I worked very hard on, and some crafters I wouldn’t mind working up. Is it worth it though? I’m really not sure. I’m reluctant to consider paying the $29.99, I could have TWO Eq2 accounts with 12 character slots for that rate, and just box. Sorry to drone on about a topic that everyone else is also commenting on, but it’s a hefty decision. I’ve got a month at least.

So in EQ2 I worked on my tailor. Got her to level 30. Farmed for her with my 70 fury, got some (useless) loam rares, and a root (wuwu!) chattered with one of my good friends on Najena and heard all about her boxing adventures with her husband. It was nice to catch up. On Vanguard, I did diplomacy. How do people get special bags to carry around all of their hearsay and evidence etc? I really need one. By the end of the evening I’d moved to 67 diplomacy (I think.. maybe I’m lower I can’t quite remember) and picked up a few copper in items, turned in a few hearsay items for some gear and sold some of the lower / older stuff. Banks need to be separated per sphere I think. I have my bank currently filled with crafting materials, harvested goods and powders from mobs, from T1-T2. Then I also have all this extra gear now from diplomacy, which takes up a good portion of my 10-slot bags, so I stash it in the bank when I’m not working diplomacy. Then there’s the crafting gear besides all those supplies I have. I can quickly see this becoming an issue. Blood mages got an invis spell, I’m liking that a lot. I also figured out how to extract the twitching muscle I needed in order to make the damage shield symbiotic piece – mob has to be affected by my root spell before I extract. The type of affliction on the mob will determine the sort of body part I get. Makes sense if you’re a blood mage, trust me. Still only level 20, and not planning on leveling any time soon, but it’s been fun to explore the other spheres. Splitting my time between EQ2 and VG hasn’t been that difficult. I just feel like there’s nothing really to do in EQ2, even with the new epic line in, and unrest, and the new L&L’s scattered around.

Eenie Meanie Miney Moe..

So. Station access is getting bumped up to $29.99 a month American. x 2 for my house. Ouch.

Converted over that’s almost $100 a month to play video games, and only two of those games are played to any extent, Vanguard and EverQuestII. Worth it? I’m beginning to think not. So the new decision I have to make, is which game am I giving up. There are good and bad points for each.

EverQuestII is still a lot of fun for me, I have three level 70 characters, two raid geared, fully mastered, and a bunch of crafters. The issue with that game for me, is lack of players on my server specifically, Lucan D’Lere. If it merged, I wouldn’t have so much of an issue. The down side, well obviously a lot of my friends have left for Vanguard. The game is lacking high end content. If you’ve been there and done it all, why bother any more?

Vanguard is also a lot of fun for me. My highest level character is 20, meaning I have a lot of work left (if I were to stay). The game unfortunately is very buggy. Not that it won’t get fixed over time I am sure, but do I want to be paying full price for a game still in beta? How many people are going to stay around in Vanguard once LoTR and WarHammer and Conan and all those other MMO’s come out? At least in EverQuestII I know there is some sort of a player base. It’s just relatively small. If I were to spend some money and move to a more populated server, would that solve my issues? Najena for example is still thriving. Lucan can barely support one ‘real’ raiding guild.

It’s a shame that they’ve decided to raise the price. I feel even worse for those who had station access due to the free adventure packs, as well as the extra character slots. Why would you pay TWICE as much as one monthly subscription if you only play EQ2. I’d be mighty pissed off if that were the case. They should allow you to keep your $24.99 price if all you’re after is the extra characters and the free adventure packs (splitpaw, the village of shin, etc). I think this was a very unwise business move. Not only will Sigil lose money from those who were only playing Vanguard due to station access and the ability to play both games at a discounted price, but SoE will lose money from those who decide to give up their station access fully and move to Vanguard. It will be interesting to see how (if any) affect this will have on the populations of both games. I know I’m tempted to just throw in the towel and go play WoW again, just to not deal with this any more.

The price change goes into affect April 2nd, so they’ve given one months warning. Unless Vanguard by some miracle fixes the numerous issues that players face every day, I won’t be renewing my subscription. If the situation on EQ2 doesn’t improve with the decline in players (and so many servers that we’re all spread over) then they also will no longer have my monthly business. Does SoE care? Of course not, I’m one small subscriber. In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t make the slightest dent. If enough people do it though, they’ll see the change. I already know quite a few bloggers out there are talking about what they’ll be doing, which game they’ll be playing, and what’s next.

For further reading about the ideas and opinions out there, check out the following:

The Ancient Gaming Noob , CuppyCake , West Karana

Vanguard Patch Notes

Vanguard Build 1758a Patch Notes 2/28/2007

– When you recover your tombstone after a death, instead of the returned experience bringing you to a total no higher than where you died at, you will now receive the full amount of experience stored on the tombstone, even if you’ve already done some adventuring since you died.
– Adventuring kill experience rates have been moderately increased across the board.  Experience rates for challenge level 4+ NPCs have had an additional increase on top of the global increase.
– The temporary teleporters will now teleport you to anywhere the public ships will go.  You no longer have to teleport through Ca’ial Brael first.
– Maps – The following locations have been added to the in game map:
Recondite Threshold in Southeastern Thestra
Strandan Port in Northeastern Thestra
Highlands Landing in Western Qalia
– NPCS – Ranged attack using NPCs will now display their animations correctly. Additionally, NPC ranged attacks will now be considered melee attacks instead of spells.
– Player Housing – Adjusted player home and guild hall purchase prices and upkeep costs.  If you have already purchased a plot that is affected by this change, your upkeep cost will be adjusted in an upcoming patch.
– Racial Abilities – Raki racial ability: Planar Shift has been adjusted. It now does as the description says, mitigating 50% of *only* spell damage for the duration of the effect.
– Spells – Recasting invisibility after it has begun to fade should now be successful.
– A new boat master has been placed in Khal that will send players to the following destinations in Qalia:
Ahgram (Minimum Level 15)
Upside Defense Garrison (Minimum Level 15)
Strandan Port (Minimum Level 30)
– Additionally, a boat master has been added to each of the above locations that will send players back to Khal as well.

– General Combat – Removed unintended sympathetic combinations from the game.
– Bard – Asilam’s Disenchanting Cry II and III have been added to trainers.
– Bard – Added the following abilities to bard trainers: Energizing Embellishment, Cirel’s Counterpoint of Clarity, Illestine’s Epic Substitution, and Asilam’s Dirge of the Mariner. These abilities were unintentionally left off.
– Blood Mage – Ritual of Awakening now lasts for 5 minutes, instead of 2 minutes.
– Blood Mage – Strip Enchantment II, III, and IV have been added to trainers.
– Blood Mage – Strip Enchantment has increased in effectiveness.
– Blood Mage – Quickening Symbiote now requires a quickening symbiote to cast instead of a renewing one.
– Blood Mage – Conducive Symbiote is now removed when another symbiote is cast over it.
– Blood Mage – Quickening Jolt no longer requires a symbiote to cast.
– Blood Mage – You now have to stay in your forms for at least 2 seconds before you can switch out of it.
– Blood Mage – Removed incorrect text on Focus of Gelenia and Sanguine Focus. Both were claiming to produce effects over time which were not actually occurring.
– Blood Mage – Despoil should now display its animation properly.
– Blood Mage – Severing Ritual has gotten a face lift. It now has a damage over time component and costs only 3 blood union.
– Blood Mage – New ability line Translucence has been added to the blood mage at level 10.
– Blood Mage – The Severing Ritual ability line has had its particle effects adjusted.
– Blood Mage – Blood Feast is now group and lasts 15 minutes.
– Cleric – Aegis of Blades IV will now buff the cleric as intended. Further, it will display damage correctly.
– Dread Knight – Despoil has increased in effectiveness.
– Dread Knight – Despoil II and III have been added to trainers.
– Druid – Okeli’s Shield should no longer be on trainers twice.
– Druid – Sageberries have significantly increased in potency.
– Druid – Added Sageberries II, III, and IV to trainers.
– Druid – Hibernate will now only work on Creatures and Fey as intended.
– Monk – North Wind Breaks the Trunk II is now level 50.
– Necromancer – Sundering Fist grafts now attach the proper ability to your abomination – this increased the damage of these fists
– Paladin – Stalwart Soul is now obtained at level 10.
– Psionicist – Time Trick is now arcane rather than mental.
– Psionicist – Temporal Shift now slows the target’s melee attack rate.
– Psionicist – Psionicists should now be able to max all of their perception skills as intended.
– Rogue – Added Fade to trainers at level 26
– Rogue – Added Deter to trainers at level 12
– Rogue – Added Trick Attack to trainers at level 22
– Rogue – Added Fatal Stroke to trainers at level 30
– Rogue – Added Eviscerate to trainers at level 44
– Rogue – Added Smoke Trick to trainers at level 18
– Rogue – Keen Eye now increases critical hit chance by 8%, up from 2%
– Rogue – Increased the energy cost of Keen Eye
– Rogue – All versions of Knee Break now show an icon when applied to your target.
– Rogue – All version of Knee Break require the kick skill.  This will mean that all rogues with low kick skill (*cough* all of them *cough*) may not be able to hit with this skill until their skill values are raised.
– Rogue – Added Vital Strikes to trainers starting at level 34
– Rogue – Reduced the refresh timer of Elusive Mark to 5 minutes, down from 10
– Rogue – Opponents who are confused by your Feint ability are much more susceptible to attacks like backstab.  Experiment to see what we mean.
– Shaman – Purge I through IV have all increased in effectiveness.
– Shaman – Purge V has been replaced by Wardship of Krigus.
– Sorcerer – Disenchant has increased in effectiveness.
– Sorcerer – Disenchant II, III, and IV have been added to trainers.
– Warrior – Leap Attack is no longer a valid ability.
– Warrior – Killing Blow III is now obtainable at level 50 as intended.

– Focus items have been adjusted statwise. Any focus item that had only focus added to it has had its allocation spread to include an attribute mod as well. This change was made to resolve a problem resulting in crafted focus items giving more focus bonus then intended.
– Crafted quiver recipes are now a part of the work order reward tables starting at level 11. Like other recipes these have a chance of giving a better reward when maxing out at grade A.
– Switching trades now requires more confirmations.
– Changing specializations now requires more confirmations.
– Initiate and Journeyman level cornerstones now require fewer resources.
– Fixed bug that caused some higher rarity tools to not be recognized (blame deconstruction)
– Rune of blocking and rune of mitigation have been rebalanced
– Stiff Leather Armor Upgrade recipe now gives proper rewards.
– You no longer receive utility coin for finishing the tutorial.
– You now receive a small amount of coin for completing the “Learning Recipes” quest.
– An issue with the artificer “Business Partner” quest recipe has been fixed.
– The crafting outpost near the Kerash Wall has been removed.
– Weskan Tahl has moved to help Southwatch.
– Fixed isse that was causing max A decon tables to return no dusts for artificer
– Gregan is no longer interested in pewter statues. He wants something else instead.
– Many crafted tools and pieces of equipment have had appearance/icon updates.
– Some incorrectly priced crafting equipment has been fixed.
– Dien Hatelt now actually teaches outfitter recipes.
– Social clothing belts should now show up properly.
– Starting crafting equipment has been updated.
– Finally found and fixed issue causing some bags to say you do not have enough inventory space
– Etching Knives have been renamed to Engraver
– Crafted cloaks should now have a graphic when equipped
– Gift of Might should now proc on hit instead of spell case when put on heavy armor
– Fixed bug causing items below level ten to be deconstructable. This was resulting in empty parts.
– The blacksmith journeyman tier quest refining recipe now produces ingots.
– Martok blacksmiths now actually have to turn in their assembled hammer to Gratosha before getting one back.
– A few typographical errors and incorrect name references in a some of the crafting novice quests have been corrected.
– The Pankor Zhi initiate quest items are all now located just outside of Pankor Zhi itself.
– The initiate quest now always requires 3 items, no matter what continent you are on.
– Some assembly stations at outposts were not functioning properly. These have been fixed.
– Complications and Quality recipe of the tutorial has had its total action points reduced.
– Fixed an issue that was causing some bows and crossbows to fail during upgrading.
– Fanatic’s Spear of Combustion and similar items now show the proper stats.
– Skipping the crafting tutorial no longer gives you any items.
– You can now deconstruct diplomacy clothing, jewelry, and held items
– The quest “The Swordsmith’s Apprentice” now only requires one nickel ore.
– Social clothing has had some name/color corrections.
– Added more compelling crafting complication complexity
– Crafted arrows max stack size has been doubled
– Ammo recipes rewards per grade have been doubled
Grade D: 40
Grade C: 60
Grade B: 80
Grade A: 100
Grade A+: 200
– Harvesting – The chance of receiving rare rewards while harvesting has been increased.

– Diplomacy skill progression altered to be a bit easier to gain skill points above skill 39 and below skill 470. For instance, at skill 50 it takes approximately 5 completed parleys against a skill 50 opponent to gain a skill point – it will now take approximately 4.5 completed parleys. You may experience a gain in skill points as a result of this change.
– Sa’id Modabi will now parley in the “Clear Evidence” quest.
– Some NPC decks have been adjusted slightly. Should be slightly easier for lower levels, possibly more difficult for mid skill levels.
– A number of quests are now available that only require 12 presence in their parleys.
– The Ethanol Potion Vendor “Mixmaster Macken” now offers a small selection of beverages. He would like to draw your attention to the research potion “Macken’s Wisdom” which may provide a permanent Diplomatic benefit, or a disastrous result.
– Craeyn Summerglow, the wood elf Civic Diplomacy trainer, no longer thinks she is a citizen of Tursh and will no longer flip out like a ninja to those who are friendly with the wood elves.
– Jade Soulfire Teardrop now has no special requirements to equip.
– All tier 1 Diplomacy earrings have increased Presence – example, a 1 Presence Earring is now worth 6 Presence.
– All tier 2 Diplomacy earrings have increased Presence – example, a 5 Presence Earring is now worth 16 Presence.
– All tier 1 Diplomacy footwear has increased Presence – example, a 5 Presence Boot is now worth 9 Presence.
– All tier 2 Diplomacy footwear has increased Presence – example, a 15 Presence Boot is now worth 20 Presence.
– Bug with equipping Diplomacy info belt corrected.
– Bug with equipping some Diplomacy chest items corrected.
– Grammar fixes to Informants. Learn me a book!
– The Diplomacy information belt item has been moved to the Diplomacy Shoulder slot. It now has a different graphical representation in the game. This is a temporary measure until the information belt item is moved to a new slot entirely.
– Civil Diplomacy – Fixes to Leth, Tursh, Tanvu, and Ca’ail Brael Civic Diplomacy levers. More fixes coming.
– Civil Diplomacy – Power of Faith Civic Benefit now has a more clear mouseover text.
– Hathor Zhi – Fix to “Checkmate” in Dark Elf diplomacy line.  You should now have to watch the fight in the Lecturn before completing the quest at Nalzen.
– Hathor Zhi – New 12 presence quest, “A Dying Man’s Request”, available at Hathor Zhi Outpost.
– Hathor Zhi – New 12 presence quest, “The Centurion’s Edict”, available at Hathor Zhi Outpost.
– Jalen’s Crossing – The 12 presence quest “Bring Him Home” is available in Jalen’s Crossing.
– Jalen’s Crossing – The 12 presence quest “Compiling Our History” is available in Jalen’s Crossing.
– Khal – The Khal to Service: The spawn distances of the Ksaravi have been changed so players do not automatically lose the parley for being out of range. Factions have also been changed so they are not immediately aggro to players who have not completed the parley.
– Martok – New 12 presence quest, “A Regular Stake Out”, available at Martok Docks.
– Martok – New 12 presence quest, “Increasing Fares”, available at Martok Docks.
– Mekalia – Low Constable Tiprey at Neamsog Bunker is now on Upside Alliance Faction.
– Mekalia – Gnome newbie line quest “Call The Constables” can be reacquired if you abandon it and return to the location of Niro Gavea.  This fixes players who are stuck on the line and cannot continue despite abandoning and attempting to reacquire the quest.
– New Targonor – The repeatable quest “Common Thieves” is available in the Heartsworn District of New Targonor for diplomats of at least 250 faction with House Heartsowrn to continue building faction.
– New Targonor – The repeatable quest “Intercepting Contraband” is available in the Remniol District of New Targonor for diplomats of at least 301 skill to continue building faction.
– Raia Village – The 12 presence quest “Mislead the Envoy” is available in Raia Village.
– Raia Village – New 12 presence quest, “Dropping in on Razi Kordiyeh”, available at Raia Village.
– Tahean’s Vengeance – New 12 presence quest, “Vault of ‘Heroes’”, available at Tahean’s Vengeance.
– Themnwar’s Shield – The 12 presence quest “Foul Gypsies” is available at Themnwar’s Shield.
– Three Rivers – Envoy Renna, the Voice of Kaerellun in Three Rivers, has been temporarily removed for the time being.
– Three Rivers – The 12 presence quest “The Dam” is available in Three Rivers.
– Three Rivers – Legend of Blue Boar Quest: Players must now complete the parley with Falur Veaton before they may talk to Gadin Edson or Ceemi Edson. The quest summary has also been updated to be a little more clear about quest flow completion.
– Three Rivers – Legend of Blue Boar Quest: The Barrel of Blue Boar Ale is now given to the player when they complete the parley with Falur Veaton.
– Tursh – Envoy Krista, the Voice of Kaerellun in Tursh, has been moved to the crossroads between Tursh and Three Rivers.


New Areas: Southwatch and Spire’s Keep

Before the erection of New Targonor there existed another castle of massive proportions from which the kings of Targonor ruled. When the undead armies swept through the Thestran lands, engulfing everything in their path, the castle of Old Targonor fell to the army of bone. Since those times, the undead army continues to amass its forces in the lands surrounding the once great castle. The only thing keeping the undead at bay are the dwarves of Bordinar’s Cleft, humans of Tursh, halflings of Rindol Field, and the high elves of Leth Nurae joining forces to create massive bulwarks between the tainted lands and Southwatch, a once peaceful community ruled by Lord Hugo Heartsworn.  Citizens from all parts of Thestra have congregated in Heartsworn’s land to assist in the war effort, but their resources are dwindling, soldiers are perishing, and vagabonds have realized the opportunity to profit in the chaos. Lord Hugo Heartsworn, residents of Southwatch, and all of those living on the continent of Thestra need the assistance of adventurers to ensure that the undead army will never break through the bulwarks and wash over the continent. Southwatch is intended for solo adventurers and small groups level 30 through 35.

– Cragwind Ridge – Spawn timers have been adjusted on all overland named mobs in Cragwind Ridge for the better.
– Cragwind Ridge – Overland population density has been lightened up a bit.
– Cragwind Ridge – The named in the Shrine events in Cragwind Ridge have been itemized.
– Cragwind Ridge – Cragwind Ridge Shrine event named have been itemized
– Cragwind Ridge – Lord Bamf Kya now only walks the night and will despawn at dawn as originally intended.
– Coldbay Cottage – Added adventuring drops to Madman Prin in Coldbay Cottage.
– Dazar – Dazar, the Cavern of Reflection, has received significant tuning and polish.
– Fallen Grove – Fallen Cove has been itemized and populated
– Marsh of Peril – Rumors of Thorian Glowban’s recent discovery regarding legendary artifacts have been circulating the Celestine Ward, it would appear that the Marsh of Peril has not yet offered up all of its secrets.
– Mekalia – Felgar Dovasig at the Upside Defense Garrison now offers item repairs.
– Quests – Fix to “By Night”.  This should solve the issue with the Large Stalking Wolf not spawning as intended, and allow players to continue the quest.
– Quests – Morfare Council Quest: Page 5 of the Book of Morfare will now actually drop when the correct NPC is killed.
– Quests – Resource Denial: You can now obtain the proper amount of food to complete the quest.
– Quests – The experience reward has been reduced for the quest “Task For Renton Keep: A Watchful Eye”
– Quests – The quest “Terranynth Residue” in the Jharru area now gives the locations of several terranynth camps. The terranyths will also yield residue slightly more often.
– Quests – Strange Things are Afoot – Directions augmented, Warder Pondar should be easier to find.
– Quests – Strange Things are Afoot – The quest should complete in the normal way now, without requiring you to say “Hail” to the NPC.
– Quests – Strange Things are Afoot – Travel journal entry added for Runaway Xacharia
– Quests – Help the Runaway – Captain Fubared’s guards have been reduced from 4 dots to 3 dots.
– Quests – Collecting Ore for Donovan – The pickaxe has been changed from No Trade to Quest
– Quests – Infineum Immunity – Respawn time on the book has been reduced from 10 minutes to 2 minutes.
– Quests – Infineum Immunity – Travel Journal Entry added for the location of the book.
– Quests – Infineum Immunity – The quest objective can now be attained by reading the book, as opposed to answering the book’s questions.
– Quests -  The Ordo Jakala event has been made much easier.
– Quests – The Captain event for the Infineum quest line has been tweaked yet again
– River Palace – The safe point/evac location in the River Palace has been moved slightly.  Players should no longer get stuck inside the altar.
– Skawlra Rock – Leddo Savobar of Camp Skawlra on Skawlra Rock now functions as an item repair merchant and general goods vendor.
– Skawlra Rock – Many of the quest rewards from Skawlra Rock have been fixed to grant the proper amount of statistics.
– Tar Janashir – The starspark trade has begun! Players in and around Tar Janashir can now begin acquiring and learning about starspark salt. Start by finding and speaking with Ava Diba in Starspark Hall.
– Tar Janashir – The starspark trade continues with Kaaras Sejeh at Starspark Hall in Tar Janashir. She now has a quest line available that’s appropriate for level 36 to 40 players.
– Tawar Galan – The place you teleport in to Tawar Galan as been moved off the dock.  This should resolve the problem some people have with falling into the water.
– Thelaseen Dungeon – The rare mementos in Thelaseen have had their maximum duration significantly reduced.
– Thelaseen Dungeon – True Blood Caretakers have had their level lowered to match the other NPCs in their section of the dungeon.
– Thelaseen Dungeon – Lower rarity mementoes will now have a slightly lowered drop rate from chests.
– Thelaseen Dungeon – Several of the named within Thelaseen have been adjusted and now have more powerful abilities.
– Thelaseen Dungeon – The Terulean Broodlord is now immune to many things it was previously not immune to and will no longer flee.
– Thelaseen Dungeon – The brood prince and terulean broodlord now run much faster.
– Trengal Keep – New quest added in Trengal Keep: “Karujin’s Rewakening.” Players who currently have the Binding Ring of Karujin, or who complete the Crux series from now on, will qualify for this repeatable quest. It yields another Binding Ring of Karujin, so you can summon Karujin repeatedly without having to leave Trengal Keep… though not without some effort.
– Tursh – The guards in Tursh will now give correct directions to the general goods vendor.
– Tursh – Moved some NPCs around Central Tursh to improve framerate.
– Tursh – Moved Thestran Market Broker in Tursh to the front porch of the Barley Harvest Inn.
– Veskal’s Exchange – Adventuring trainers for all classes have been added to Veskal’s Exchange
– Wardship of the Sleeping Moon – Players with maximum Celestine Ward faction can now take a quest for an ultra-rare item from Thorian Glowban at the Wardship of the Sleeping Moon.
– Zaraj Arena – Arena enforcers in the Zaraj arena are no longer attackable.
– Zaraj Arena – The platinum event in Zaraj Arena now yields 60 coins instead of 90.
– Zaraj Arena – Arena Enforcers can no longer be attacked.

– Infineum Plates Greaves will now show up as an assembly recipe for those of sufficient skill.
– The wording on the Binding Ring of Karujin has been clarified.
– High-end weapons are in the process of being retuned with raiding in mind and may have skewed statistics until the next patch.  For the very few that have these, please remain calm and patient.
– Sets of Kojani Superior Protector’s, Oracle’s, Brute’s and Wayfarer’s heavy armor should now have a visible appearance
– Armor specifically tailored to heavy users has had +dodge removed and reallocated on it
– Players can no longer repeatedly loot Krenkel’s tooth.
– Heroic loot off of Nishek is now soulbound and has had it’s stats tweaked
– Zaraj Potions now have a 60 second refresh timer.
– The enchanted amulet that allows access to the depths of Dargun’s Tomb is now soulbound.
– The following quest rewards are now properly marked as Soulbound:
Carmella’s Longbow, Carmella’s Heavy Crossbow, Carmella’s Deflection, Carmella’s Wall, Celestine Helm, Celestine Crown, Celestine Cap, Celestine Skullcap, Delthia’s Earring of Divinity, Delthia’s Earring of Force, Delthia’s Earring of Regeneration, Delthia’s Earring of the Keen Eye, Ice Drake Scale Ring of Accuracy, Ice Drake Scale Ring of Divinity, Ice Drake Scale Ring of Health, Ice Drake Scale Ring of Power, Thestran Watch Shield, Watch Drum, Thestran Watch Pendant

Game Update #32 – EQ2

Game Update #32 February / 28 / 2007

*** General Gameplay ***

– The Fae Glide trait will no longer suspend when you zone into a dungeon while on a mount.
– Candle flames no longer go out on lower particle settings
– Items can no longer be looted into overflow using Tradeskill Harvest Bags.
– Adding items to collections now works when you also have that item in the bank.
– Fae should no longer be able to jump as high while wearing gnomish spring boots.
– Resolved some occasional time issues when switching zones (spell reuse timers, zone timers, etc).
– After years of humiliation the Boarfiend has been given some pants instead of just a loin cloth.
– Veil Hunters under the effect of Boon of the Veil will no longer continue to receive damage if they are killed in the Veil.
– You will now be asked to confirm leaving raid zones when you have a lockout timer.
– You can no longer queue spells while you are dead or knocked out. If you somehow manage to have a spell queued when you die, it will be cancelled when you resurrect.
– Using the /yell command in Emerald Halls, Inner Sanctum, Clockwork Menace Factory, and Freethinker Hideout will no longer break the encounter.
– To make his disciples more efficient in combat, Mithaniel Marr has reduced the size of the summoned Valiant Beast.
– Casting Escape in the ‘A Meeting of the Minds’ zone will now take you to Feerrott instead of Everfrost.
– The investigation skill should now only appear once you properly acquire it, which might take some investigation itself.
– Mentoring and deleveling should no longer cause you to go crash to character select.
– Mitigation adjustments from items and spells now offer protection and penalties much closer to the amount listed. Previously, lower level spells and items that granted mitigation bonuses would sometimes not offer any increase at all if the level difference was extreme enough. Now the bonuses scale properly by comparing the level of the item or spell versus the level of the player. For example: A level 70 Dirge casting the level 35 spell “Zander’s Choral Rebuff” will see an appropriate amount of mitigation decrease on the target now, whereas before that spell would have had no effect at all.
– Enemy Level is compared only once in determining mitigation adjustments and is now calculated before the mitigation diminishing returns curve is applied. This fixes situations where often plate armor’s longevity plummets much faster than lower mitigation armors against high yellow and low orange content.

*** Achievements ***

– Points spent in the Class achievement have been refunded.
– Achievement respec costs now start out at 10 gold, followed by 1plat and then cap at 10plat. 30 days after your respec the cost will reset to 10 gold.
– Obtaining the final ability in any Class achievement line will grant a new player title.
– Final abilities in the Class achievement lines have been reduced in point cost from 8 to 2. Point progression between rows of achievements have been adjusted to more evenly distribute the points between the rows and maintain most of the popular spec types that players had from before the update.
– The spell description for Cloaked Assault will now display properly after purchasing its enhancement achievement.

– Coin Toss – Duration to trigger HO effect reduced from 3 to 1 second. Reuse time increased from 1 to 5 seconds.
– Harbinger’s Sonnet – Benefit is now directly tied to Selo’s without having to cast another spell, and slightly increase the non-combat movement speed.

– Perserverance will now double the in combat regen rather than adding 100.

– Enhance: Spirit of the Wolf – Reduced speed increase from 6% to 4%.

*** Spells & Combat Arts ***

– Spells like Water Spirit that cause you to sink in water will no longer cause falling damage.
– Ammo will no longer be consumed when using a ranged combat art.
– Spell Casting time calculations will add/subtract modifiers before multiplying modifiers.
– Spell reuse will no longer exceed the amount it was prior to zoning or logging out.

– Selo’s Speed of Sound, a new upgrade of Selo’s Accelerating Chorus is available at level 55.

– Increased defensive stance physical mitigation percent bonus from 20% to 25%
– Increased hybrid stance physical mitigation percent bonus from 10% to 12.5%
– Increased defensive stance minimum deflection chance from 7.5% to 10%
– Increased hybrid stance minimum deflection chance to 3.5% to 5%

– Double Up – Now works with Sinister Strike.
– Plane Shift – Hydromancer pet’s size is increased. No more tiny water snake.

– Crypt’s Quiet – Increased triggered damage.
– Death’s Door – Increased triggered damage and percentage.
– Dissonance – Reuse time changed from 20 to 12 seconds.
– Noxious Chorus – Increased resist amounts.

– The full description of the Fury spell Bristleskin will now display correctly.
– Color Shower should now trigger procs correctly.

– Alin’s Keening Lamentation – Casting time changed from 3 to 2.5 seconds. Reuse time changed from 15 to 12 seconds.
– Arcane Chorus – Increased resist amounts.
– Elemental Chorus – Increased resist amounts.
– Performer’s Talent – Increased trigger percentage.

*** Items ***
– The Spring Loaded Gnomish Stilts will no longer work while on horseback.
– Crude, shaped & worked versions of the Tailored Tranquil Dragon’s Breath Slippers now have the appropriate divine resist.
– The invisibility effect from Rhaondrilliis must now be activated to work, and can no longer be cast while under stun/stifle/mez. Casting time has been set to 2 seconds, with a reuse of 3 minutes.
– The tailored tranquil dragon’s breath blouse, shawl, pantaloons, mitts, cuffs, and cap should all now have the correct amount of divine resistance.
– The Circlet of Storms may now be transmuted or sacrificed.
– ‘Environmental’ is now spelled properly in the following items (and their effect text): Worn Arcane/Elemental/Noxious Environmental Suits, and the Full Body Arcane/Elemental/Noxious Environmental Suits.
– The worked version of the halasian boiling pot will now properly show the Handcrafted tag.
– The effect Dark Purpose from Band of the Chosen should now be functioning.
– The recipe for Ruinous Hesitation (apprentice) now consumes the proper number of rosewood and hanging root (5 each).
– You can no longer activate the Spring Loaded Gnomish Stilts while on horseback.
– Orb of Truth: When triggered, Healing Pulse will now heal the caster instead of adding additional healing to each heal cast.
– Orb of the Healer: When triggered, the caster of the spell is now the origin of Healing Wave.
– Dark Aura of Protection should now properly proc from Hoop of the Chosen.
– The ‘Arcane Feedback’ proc will now show the correct icon.
– The effect on the Blithe Bixie Cloak will now return power to the caster, instead of draining it.

Appearance Changes:
– Profession hats should no longer make you bald.
– The “Crested Mistmoore Shield” heritage item will now mount properly on the wall.
– “a small figurehead” house item should now place correctly against the wall.
– “a letter from the Dismal Rage” will no longer sink into the floor and table when placed.
– “a militia skull display shelf”, “a Coalition skull display shelf”, “a Dismal Rage skull display shelf” will now place properly when on a wall.
– ‘a Qeynosian wall sconce’ now places properly on the wall.
– The house item book ‘History of the Feir’Dal’ has an in-house appearance now.
– Many weapon drops in the Emerald Halls have been given unique appearances.

Tradeskill Related Items:
– All 1% tradeskill success modification items created through tinkering are now usable at level 20 instead of a range from 2 to 20. This will not impact characters who have the items, as to equip them, the character previously already needed to have the tradeskill class. This change, along with the two below should create a more level playing field for tradeskillers working through these levels.
– All 2% tradeskill success modification items created through tinkering are now usable at level 33 instead of a range from 33 to 41.
– All 3% tradeskill success modification items created through tinkering are now usable at level 54 instead of a range from 59 to 68.
– Tradeskill created Xegonite idols will now properly be equippable at level 62 instead of 67.
– Tradeskill hearths now have appropriate sounds when lit.
– The River Rock, Ashen and Sandstone hearths now all properly carry the ‘Handcrafted’ tag.
– The portable tradeskill devices may now all be used at level 41, rather than a range of levels from 41 to 47.
– Fixed a typo in the description for the Elaborate Stove & Keg prose.
– Crafting the pristine version of the Mechanized Platinum Repository of Reconstruction will no longer award one more xegonite than was required to make the item.
– Alder bookcases are now properly labelled mastercrafted rather than legendary.
– The last charge on the Gigglegibber’s Secret of Death will now work properly.
– The crude, shaped, and worked versions of the imbued adamantine warhammer now have the proper stats.
– Miscalibrated and Calibrated tinkered harvesting tools (such as automated shears) now require tradeskill level rather than adventuring level. This is consistent with the higher-level Overclocked tools.

Item Sets:
– The first bonus from the Necromancer Spirit Siphoning Set, Focus: Abate Life will now remove 200 power cost instead of adding.
– The Coercer EoF Force Itemset focus Impetus now adds 10dps, instead of haste.
– Coat of the Requiem – Focus: Luda’s Nefarious Wail II has had it’s damage modifier increased to 160.
– Robe of Dark Arts – Focus: Void Distortion II has had it’s damage modifier increased to 100.

– Ammunition just became less mysterious! Examining ammo will now show damage, range and accuracy modifiers.
– All store-bought ammunition now has a max stack size of 100. Previously it fluctuated between 99 & 100 depending on level.
– All tradeskilled ammunition now has a max stack size of 100. Previously it fluctuated between 99 & 100 depending on level.
– All tradeskilled ammunition recipes award 25, 50, 75, or 100 items depending on the tradeskill success.
– All tradeskilled ammunition should correctly show up as ‘HANDCRAFTED’ rather than ‘UNCOMMON’.
– Specific to arrows, the following changes have been made:
– Store-bought arrows have the lowest damage potential, range and accuracy.
– Ranger summoned arrows have mid-line damage potential, range and accuracy – these arrows have not changed from their current state on live.
Tradeskilled arrows now have the following properties:
– Broadhead arrows: High damage, low range, low accuracy, slashing damage type. (These arrows were formerly known as hunting arrows.)
– Bodkin arrows: Medium damage, medium range, medium accuracy, piercing damage type.
– Field point arrows: Low damage, high range, high accuracy, crushing damage type. (These arrows were formerly known as rounded arrows.)

*** Adornments ***
– You can now place adornments on imbued tradeskill weapons, armor and shields.
– No tradeskilled or store-bought ammunition may be adorned. All tradeskilled arrows should now have the ORNATE flag to reflect this.
– The initial damage on Flickering Molten Bindings has been slightly increased.
– Reduced the damage over time on the Sparkling Molten Bindings to be more in line with the other heat damage bindings.
– The effect on the ‘Xxxx of the Magi’ adornments will now properly state ‘Xxxx of the Magi’ rather than ‘Xxxx of the Pontiff’.
– Fixed an issue that was preventing adornments with procs triggered on casting from working.
– The Finesse of the Pontiff line of adornments should now properly reduce hate around the caster on successful heal casts. Note: The effect will only trigger while the caster is in combat.
– The Focus of the Pontiff line of adornments will now properly return power to the caster.
– The adornment ‘Reinforced Splint’ should now properly display as a legendary adornment.

*** Quests ***

New Quests:
– A quest line to go from Kelethin citizenship to Exile has been added. If you are level 10 or higher speak to Saelir Varryn in Greater Faydark.
– A quest line to go from Kelethin citizenship to Qeynosian citizenship without betraying has been added.This quest line begins with Duryo Valstat in South Qeynos.
– The first chapter of the Swords of Destiny quest line has been released.
– Shareth D’Frexin could use your help to retrieve something he lost in New Tunaria. He was last seen lurking about above the waterfall in The Greater Faydark.
– There is now a tradeskill tutorial quest for characters starting in Greater Faydark.
– New Lore and Legend Quests are available for Brownie, Bugbear, Clockwork, Kobold, Minotaur, and Werewolf.

Existing Quests:
– A goodly number of quests that involved heroic feats are now properly marked as heroic quests in the quest journal.
– Quests under level 10 will no longer give achievement xp.
– Greater Faydark (Kelethin): Whittier should now offer his quest again if you decline it the first time.
– Heritage: Cloak of Flames: Juna will now offer another Inert Leather Cloak at any time during the quest that requires it.
– Antonica: Attack of the Killer Bear: The Windstalker Grizzly will once again properly spawn.
– Beholders now count as Evil Eyes, as they are eyes… And evil… They will update the Evil Eye legend and lore quest and the mastery strike awarded from that quest will work on them.
– The quest items required for’The Heart of Gnome’ will now be removed from the player when the quest ends, as they should be.
– Bonemire: The Flame of the Corpse Candles: It is now possible to catalog the sated corpse candle for this quest.
– The quest “A Fallen Beauty” (both monk versions) may now be completed, even if the target NPCs have despawned. Simply speak with Jin Li again.
– The quest ‘Relics for Elurad’ is now flagged as heroic.
– Crystal and Stone golems now give auto update credit for Golem Lore and Legend quests instead of Elemental updates.
– All drakes in Kingdom of Sky are now considered drakota.

Tradeskill Related Quests:
– If a character deletes (accidentally or otherwise) any of the ‘Seeking a Profession’ (II to IX) tradeskill quests, they can now return to the questgiver and continue with their progress again.
– The quest ‘Seeking a Profession IV’ now requires a level 3 scroll be scribed (Light Strike) to match the quest level, rather than the level 5 scroll, Arcane Bindings.
– The tradeskill tutors for the Seeking a Profession IX quest will now properly tell players that they will need a Fashioned Lead Hoop instead of a malachite ring.
– Citizens of Kelethin may purchase the note to begin their tradeskill tutorial from Raclika. New characters will receive this note automatically upon logging in.

*** Tradeskills ***
– The merchants Newman Hines and Garfa Gillgrinder will now properly sell incense for new crafters going through the tutorial.
– You will now get a failure message if you do not attempt to counter a tradeskill event.
– Numerous corpse items that claimed to be useable in crafting have had their description changed to remove this legacy data.
– You should now see an interrupted message when you move while transmuting.
– The tradeskilled cobalt hearths were renamed ‘ashen hearths’ to avoid confusion with needing cobalt clusters in their creation.

Commisioned Work:
– If a lore component is required for a recipe then the character commissioning work must provide it.
– The level 28 alchemist recipes (apprentice & adept) Essence of Barrage are now named Essence of Berserker Barrage to properly reflect the combat art they make.
– Fixed an issue where level 60 fighter spells created by alchemists wouldn’t properly return their rare components if combine completely failed.
– The recipe for Elddar’s Grasp is now correctly flagged as a level 64 recipe.
– Level 60 sage recipes in the volume 59 books for priest apprentice spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 sage recipes in the volume 59 books for priest adept spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 sage recipes in the volume 59 books for mage apprentice spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 sage recipes in the volume 59 books for mage adept spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 jeweler recipes in the volume 59 books for scout apprentice spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 jeweler recipes in the volume 59 books for scout adept spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 alchemist recipes in the volume 59 books for fighter apprentice spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– Level 60 alchemist recipes in the volume 59 books for fighter adept spells will now properly use 51-60 components/fuel instead of 61-70.
– The recipe for the Xegonite Wall Sconce now requires the use of a forge rather than a woodworking table as the other sconces do.
– The prose for the Metalworking art ‘Anneal’ now accurately reflects the effects of the spell.
– The prose for the Tailoring reaction art ‘Stitching’ now accurately reflects the effects of the spell.
– Tailor made crude/shaped/tailored/pristine woven etched leather armor now properly has a wisdom bonus instead of an intelligence bonus.
– The recipes for the Ornate Cambric Rug and the Horned Leather Rug now require a loom rather than a woodworking table as other rugs.
– ‘Old Fashioned Dwarven Wire’ now has an appropriate description.
– The recipe for cambric rugs now requires the use of a sewing table (or loom, if you prefer) rather than a woodworking table.
– The recipe for Amplify (Adept III) now correctly calls for copper instead of lapis lazuli.

Recipe Books & Scrolls:
– The Apprentice Blueprints 0.001 recipe scroll now has a slightly better progression for new tinkerers. The recipes inside the blueprint pack were all slightly reduced in level so that new tinkerers will have a recipe to create that doesn’t start out at ‘Very Hard’.
– The recipe for Minor Lucid will now properly show up in the level 4 artisan books instead of the level 3 books.
– Woodworker Essentials volume 24 now contains recipes for cold, disease, divine, magic, poison and mental imbued ash wands.
– Advanced Woodworker volume 25 now contains recipes for disease, divine, heat and magic imbued fir wands.

– The 59 jeweler normal & rush order writs ‘My Precious!’ now display the proper icon for the nacre orb.
– Woodworker tradeskill writs which previously called for 150 arrows or thrown items now call for 600. This is the same number of pristine combines as before the recipe change. Where applicable, the writs also reflect the correct new name of the arrow type (broadhead or field point).
– Woodworker tradeskill rush-order writs which previously called for 75 arrows or thrown items now call for 300. This is the same number of pristine combines as before the recipe change. Where applicable, the writs also reflect the correct new name of the arrow type (broadhead or field point).
– Fixed a typo in the ‘A Little Rusty’ & ‘A Little Rusty (Rush Order)’ tradeskill writs.

*** Zones ***

– Dragoon V’Riv is no longer charmable.
Crushbone Keep:
– Players should no longer become stuck behind the flour sacks at location 32, -1, -41 in Crushbone Keep (no matter their size).

Crypt of Thaen:
– T’Rath the Usurper is no longer charmable.

Crypt of Valdoon:
– Players that go linkdead in the Crypt of Valdoon will no longer zone into Loping Plains when logging back in.

Emerald Halls:
– The Ancient Grovebeast in Emerald Halls will no longer make an untimely exit.
– Rare Tradeskill recipes can now be found in Emerald Halls.

Freethinker Hideout:
– Malkonis D’Morte will no longer abide cowardly behavior.

– Kaladim ring events have had their termination timers removed.

Laboratory of Lord Vyemm:
– Uustalastus Xiterrax in the Laboratory of Lord Vyemm should no longer become stuck with both absorption shields up at the same time.

Lesser Faydark:
– A nasty werewolf spawn has been moved further away from a revival point in Lesser Faydark in order to avoid … unfortunate accidents.

Mistmoore Castle:
– Fixed an issue causing certain vampires in Mistmoore Castle to reaggro on you if you zoned out and back in.

Mistmore Catacombs:
– Werewolves in Mistmoore Catacombs should now drop corpse loot.

Pillars of Flame:
– Foresting in the Pillars of Flame will return the correct number of items gathered to the chat box.

Solusek’s Eye:
– Members of the Drednever Expedition in Solusek’s Eye should no longer attack pets.

Steamfont Mountains:
– Adventurers can now sell their loot to the Bloomhedge sisters and Lola Punwicket in the Steamfont Mountains.

The Caves:
– The creature dens in the Qeynos caves no longer report incorrect text about the object lessening to the chat box.

Thundering Steppes:
– Elowys Laceleaf in Thundering Steppes should have quest icons now.

*** PVP ***
– You can no longer charm a mob that is fighting a player if you are not grouped with them.
– Various crafted poison should now have proper chat window notification when used against players in PvP combat.
– In level limited zones, players will no longer be able to heal those outside their level range unless they are grouped together.
– Level ranges for the zone will now also display in chat when you zone and within the map window.
– The stun effect from Rain Caller has been reduced to 1 second in PvP combat.
– A number of spells such as Spores will no longer trigger when you are attacked by a player unless you engage the player that attacked you. This will prevent these spells from inadvertently limiting your ability to zone in PvP.

*** Classes & General Combat***
– Increased weapon autoattack damage to match Rogue tables.

– Increased weapon autoattack damage to match Rogue tables.

– Increased weapon autoattack damage to match all other Fighters tables.

– Increased weapon autoattack damage to match all other Fighters tables.

*** Poisons ***

– Increased other poison damage to better compete with Caustic Poisons.
– Hemotoxin – Increased tick count from 5 to 7. Damage per tick and total duration remain unchanged.
– Vitality – Small increase in damage.

*** Pets ***
– Pets will no longer run in-place on boats.
– All pet commands from Entertainment pet spells have been removed.
– Pets will no longer display in the tracking window.
– Tinkered temporary pets should no longer fail to cast when the last charge is used.

*** UI ***
– More items should be interactive with your default mouse click action without having to use the context menu, such as the pillars for the Intercepting Stones quest.
– Bag Windows are now resizable, re-shapeable, and now have options to modify the icon size and padding.
– If you use an Escape ability with a quest reward window showing, the reward will appear again after the zoning screen closes.
– Switching between ProfitUI and Default should no longer cause false version warnings.
– The recipe examine and tooltip text now contains the minimum and maximum number of items created.
– Chat command history will now persist between client sessions.
– You will no longer see “YOUR heals YOURSELF…” YOURSELF has been replaced by YOU.
– Questgivers that have a different faction than you do should no longer incorrectly show a quest icon above their head.
– When loading a set of hotkeys, any items that were in the hotbar when the configuration was saved will now load properly.
– You can now change the channel numbers in game using /setchannelnumber

. You must /camp out to save the settings, /exit or /quit may not save your changes.
– Equipment slots that are blocked due to adornments are now shown grayed-out in the tooltip and examine window.
– While using the broker, when you click on the ‘Advanced Search’ button the cursor focus should automatically jump to the ‘Advanced Search’ window.
– Examine info for items with castable abilities will now show any health or power requirements to use them.
– NPCs that change names will now update the target window if they are targeted when the name change occurs.
– When someone uses /afk , their response text when receiving a /tell will be “I am away from the keyboard, ” instead of just “”
– The tooltip of the “replenish” button now shows the remaining quantity and price instead of max stack size.
– Items in the interior customization window of your home will sort correctly by price.
– Several windows will now reset their filters when closed or after zoning.UI Authors: The embedded browser used for the petition window is available for your custom use. You can use /browser to open a URL directly like this: /browser