Gaming – oh how I love you

A partial screen shot from

One thing I loved about eq2 (when they finally implemented it) was their leader boards. I like to keep track of my characters, see where they’ve been, where they got their levels, where they are in comparison to everyone else on their server and even world wide. It’s fun, and gives me little baby goals.

So I was very happy to see it carried over to Vanguard, and done so very well. I looked up my character Tashina just to see what things looked like. The blog, is an awesome idea. It auto-updates every time your character does something of significance, such as hitting level 5, or 10, discovering an item. The portraits are a neat feature that let you update from in game as well. It would be great to see more of these sorts of forums set up for other MMO’s, I’m pretty sure WoW doesn’t have anything at all like that.

I started a new bloodmage, level 5 so far and I may have stumbled into my new favorite class. They use blood points, basically every offensive attack you do has a reward of blood points. When you cast a heal after accumulating some of these points, the base heal gains a bonus. It strikes me as a combination between healer and necromancer. I eat some of my health to cast a dot, then heat the mobs health and regain some of my own as a heal. Very fun to say the least. They also wear cloth, making them slightly weaker then the other healer types who mainly wear leather chain or plate, but their abilities more then compensate for this.

Stuck on you… literally

Tashina, level 6 necromancer, stuck on a chair

Encountered my first stuck character issue last night, there’s a little blue chair in front of me while I’m talking to this quest npc, even though it doesn’t look like I’m really that close to it, I found (after trying to wiggle around) that I couldn’t, I’d some how latched myself onto the dang thing! Thankfully there is a /stuck command, and a /stuck yes confirmation command. They take notes on where you get stuck and (hopefully) fix it some time in the future. A minute or so later and I was ported to a safe(r) location to continue my adventuring.

The way mobs display their difficulty is some what new to me, and confusing. It works through a method of coloured dots. I haven’t seen anything higher then two dots yet, and I can handle those that are two levels higher then me and yellow, so I assume those are still solo mobs. I know the colours work pretty much the same way they do in any MMO, blue is lower then you, white is even, yellow is moderate difficulty, and red is dangerous to attempt. The dots throw me off though.

Necromancer is quite fun. There are of course some bugs. On occasion my pet will fall through the world and I’ll lose him. Some times (often) the mobs he’s fighting will fall through the world. I can’t see if he has any buffs on him nor do I even know if I can actually buff him, I can cast the spell but no icon flashes over his head.

Battle is pretty much the same as any other game with necromancers. You kill over time, with powerful dots. I have three dots now, one direct damage spell, and a fear. I’m still only level 6, but I did get to 25 diplomacy before I encountered one I can’t quite beat yet. I seem to have a general grasp on the game, but it’s hard to explain, it’s really one of those things you have to learn and read about on your own. There are some good tutorials out there though.

Also got myself some diplomacy gear, though you don’t get any special bags or anything to keep the spare stuff in, so that’s a little annoying. I finally understand what it means when you try to engage in diplomacy and get the message that it requires a certain amount of presence with the people before you can talk to them.

Now if only the graphic engines ran some what better..

It’s fun to play with dead things..


Level 5 Dark Elf Necromancer, Tashina


Vanguard: Loving diplomacy. Easy to see how people can get wrapped up in it. I haven’t quite figured out diplomacy gear yet, but I’ll get to that. My skill is only 10 so far. I know I know that’s nothing in the grand scheme of things. But I’m having fun doing it, which is what matters, right? My necromancer is on her way to 6. I like the slower paced leveling I seem to be doing. I still have not figured out crafting. Harvesting is easier now, though there’s not that many nodes. The character models are slowly growing on me. Still lots of bugs and today the graphic glitches were everywhere. /flush is still my favorite command. All in all the game as a slight hold on me at least. More so then Eq2 but not as much as WoW.

World of Warcraft: My priest is sort of at a stand still. I spent too much time on her right away I think and now I’m bored. That always happens to me in WoW, and the server I’m on is just.. well. Lots of ‘interesting’ people on there, we’ll say. So I’ve started a new hunter and a new warlock and a new uh mage! Just to play around on. I love all those classes and aside from the hunter I’ve never leveled them very far. So I’ll try to work the others up and work my crafts and dabble in it when I’m in the mood.

EverQuestII: Account is still open, even though I think I’ve logged in twice maybe in the past month. The new video card I have lets me run around every zone in extreme quality, the game looks brand new and still it’s not quite enough to entice me into playing more. Lucan D’Lere is a small server that’s getting smaller by the day. Old friends are moving on, either to Vanguard or new servers. Raid guilds are breaking apart so much so that there’s only one or two left any more (top end raid guilds) and people are left floundering about. In my opinion, LDL needs to get merged into AB (the other RP server) or it’s going to just simply die. There’s barely a population there any more and it reminds me of Eq1.

All in all the games are treating me well. Don’t think I’ll branch off into anything else, I like what I have. I’ve always flittered from EQ2/WoW since either of them came out, becoming bored of one or the other and then having my interest piqued again, so it’s no surprise that I’m doing it now. As a side note. I love what Vanguard’s done with their site. It’s wonderful. The detail that I can look at my character stats in, is very nice. Even though it doesn’t seem to be updated too frequently since my characters are not listed there except for two that I’ve already deleted.

In any case, 3 more days and I’ll be back home at my own place. Looking forward to that! Not that I mind house sitting, I hope my folks are enjoying their cruise, but it’s true. There is no place like home.

Diplomacy and Crafting

Tashia, level 3 wood elf Shaman

I decided to try another class last night. There’s certainly no shortage of choices. Tashia, my level 3 shaman was fun to play. The starting area was absolutely beautiful, a glade of sorts. After two fast quests they send you in further towards a city, right away. Where as my necromancer was level 5 and still hadn’t seen any cities, the shaman wandered right into it.

Diplomacy. The concept sounds like a lot of fun. I even managed to get a title by doing some of the quests, I’m now “Devotee Tashia of the Wind” (whether that’s due to her ability to blow a lot of hot air around, or some other reason has yet to be proven). It makes me feel like I’m playing Yugioh or some other card game. I know there are tactics to it, and rules, but I basically just go with my instinct and play whatever card I think will work. I haven’t figured out how to tell what card set up to go in there with yet. I typically try a few, if they don’t seem to be the right combination, I switch them out. I have 12 cards to my deck now, and can only use 5 (or is it 6?), so it’s always fun to decide which ones to play. After I got the title (and gloves that give +1 inspiration!) I decided to wander around, I had a quest for crafting.

Crafting was.. interesting. It’s complicated. Not to mention the fact that you keep seperate sets of clothing depending on what you’re doing. So not only do you have an adventuring set that allows you to kill foes, but you have a diplomacy set, and a crafting set. Each set gives you attributes for the skills you’re going to be using in that field. Ran around and got my tool belt and tools and decided to go with the one that lets you make boats and what not. Boats? I had to take a second look at that, it certainly seems fun.

Made a piece of wood! I win at life.

Basically you start the crafting process, and you’re allocated points. Each skill you need to use takes up a certain amount of points. You need to go through the entire crafting process and not run out of points before you hit the end. The more points you spend on skills (and still hit the end) the better quality the item you make is. I haven’t started harvesting yet, I’ll attempt that another time.

Still lots of bugs. At one point my screen depending on where I stood was just a mesh of black lines. When the crafting tips came up they blurred and mushed together so I couldn’t read them any more. Less lag, but shesh still a lot of bugs.

Laying Down the Law

My little necromancer, Misako, laying down the law

Since today is Tuesday and it was the weekly 8+ hour down time for WoW, I decided to play on Vanguard for a little bit (WoW has been attempting to do live patches, every second week or so it seems, which are very nice, when they take place at least. They’ve been having Tuesday patching for as long as I can remember now). Anyhow.

I decided to make a necromancer. According to the manual they sounded pretty fun. I like pet classes typically. So, Misako was created. Nothing’s changed in the character models, they’re still horribly ugly. Just. Yeah. It does grow on you after a while I admit, but it’s still just… ugh.

So I did the beginning quests again, the same ones I’d done on my blood mage — low and behold, there were updates, seems a patch took place.

The first thing I noticed, that I complained about yesterday, was the spells being cast. Yesterday as I played, I’d cast a spell, watch the cast timer go – it would land and then I’d see the graphic (albeit small) go off. So my character basically looked as though she was spending 90% of her time in combat just standing around. Today, that’s changed. The graphic for the spell goes off as you cast the spell and watch the casting bar do it’s thing. A huge upgrade for me, I like this much better, even if the spell graphics are simplistic. I don’t need big complicated lag-inducing spell graphics. I just wanted something going off as I cast it, rather then afterwards.

Played on balance with little issues at all. Doors still lag me horribly. Love the way I actually have to turn on my torch at night or else I can’t see more then a few paces in front of me. In Eq2 there are torches that give off light, but you never ever had to use them.

Ran around the Dallerjuba Village and completed various quests. I always take the time to read through them the first time, they were not too bad. They were your typical MMO type quests. Go investigate such and such a place, go slaughter such and such a beast, go find such and such a missing article. Along the way I got some small gear upgrades and coin, and the little necromancer hit level 5.

So the game is not utterly hopeless, I just wish it was a little more refined. I’m sure it will come in time, they do seem to be making progress.

I did notice that the man mounted on a dragon at the beginning of the game did not disappear from my screen like he did yesterday every time I approached him, however every time I walked up to a particular beast and ordered my pet to attack it, it slipped under the world from my view.

Speaking of which, pets are.. interesting. To say the least. I haven’t found a way to hotkey the pet attack key yet, I’m sure I can find a key binding for it though. I hate having to mouse click for my pet to attack. Your pet (necromancer pets at least) are also equipped with a skill called “sneer” which is basically their taunt, and you have to physically click it in order to set it off.

The pet comes with the same basic stances that every pet gets. Protect you, protect themselves, follow, stay, guard. Those sorts of things. I assumed they could be toggled some how, but hitting them didn’t change the graphics or what my pet did it seemed. I ordered it to protect me and instead he stood by staring while I got slaughtered. There’s also two slots for “grafting”. I assume this means I can graft other parts or something onto my pet.. some how. Nothing at all was explained to me about it, so I really don’t have even the faintest ideas of how this works. I figure I’ll work it out as I go.

All in all, the game has potential, like I already mentioned.