
First impressions of Vanguard

My first human

So. Even though I know Vanguard has issues, I’ve heard about them almost none stop for months now, I decided to give it a shot. It’s part of my station access deal which I actually like. $24.99 a month and I have both Vanguard and EQ2 on there. Gives me some extra characters as well, and for EQ2 it means the adventure packs are free of charge. I’m expecting this price to go up over time though.

The game is pretty. I can run it very well on balanced settings, and if I go one higher I can still play but get a little lag. I have a brand new video card though, before I got it the game was barely moving at all. The world is pretty, but I found it lacking any sort of opening story. I sort of felt like I was plunked down “here you go, we need you to kill scorpions and collect weeds” right away. Only one of the ‘starter’ places seemed to have a story line where you work and beat some soldiers and then betray the emperor and get stranded naked in the next little area. I wish every starting character had something like that.

The games UI is exactly like WoW. Makes me wonder if they had to pay royalties it looks so much alike. In fact, a lot of it is the same. You hit escape to bring up the menu much like WoW.

I don’t like the fact that as you cast a spell, there is no graphic at all. It looks like you’re standing still until .05 seconds before the spell lands. So for half of my battles I look like I’m just glancing off into the distance.

The characters themselves.. well. They’re horribly ugly. Try typing the /sit command, and see what I mean. Who on earth actually sits like that? With their arms jutted out at 90 degree angles. In an mmo world, looks matter a great deal. Not that we’re all shallow and selfish people, but you want to play something that looks good, lets face it. Even if your view of what looks good verses someone else’ view is completely different.

I only played for ten minutes or so before I decided to give it a break. My eyes were starting to hurt from looking at the screen. Is there a mini map? Mine seemed to be missing the whole time, maybe we don’t get one and I just never noticed. It’s frustraiting to remember where my quests came from. Telling the level of some things was annoying too as I tried more then once to take on something one or two levels higher and they squished me soundly. I like both EQ2’s and WoW’s method of displaying mob level.

Anyhow, we’ll see how it goes. For now I’m on 30 days free before they start charging for it. It has potential, everyone I know says that. But who wants to wait 6 months for a game that’s already released to finally get some where.

60 Sage (finally)

Faydai manages to hit level 60 sage

Finally out of the dreaded succulent root teir (on one character at least) and onto T7! I’m quite happy with that. It brings my total crafters (who also all adventure) to 70 provisioner, 66 jeweler, 60 woodworker, 60 sage 50 alchemist and 29 tailor. I really should try to grind the jeweler the last few levels it takes to level her to 70, I’ve just been slacking. That goes for the woodworker too. When you only get 1-2 recipes a level though, there’s no motivation besides grinding out guild writs which can be.. well, it’s just plain boring.

You may have noticed for the past week or so that any time you tried to log into character select directly (it may have only been an issue on Lucan D’Lere, I’m not sure) it would give a message that said “finding character (name of server here)” and instead of loading in the character of your choice, it would try to find the name of your server as a character name, and boot you to the character select screen. I found this mildly annoying as I’d much rather just log in a particular character then having to go through the log in screen and select from the 6 I have. Today though, there was a small download to fix that (finally). The Eq2 servers have been awful lately. There’s speculation that it’s due to Vanguard servers coming up in preparation for the big opening day, but I’ve really no clue. Most have experienced excess lag, and just little weird bugs going around. It’s all of these small annoyances though that eventually add up.

Hello there Bork!

Stargrace’ newest house pet, Bork

I typically don’t keep house pets in Eq2. I find they cause a whole lot of lag, and wander around in the most absurd places. Like the time I came home to find Mittens my cat drowning herself in my vat of eggnog on the dining room table. That was not fun to explain to company. Bork on the other hand, was far too irresistible. He comes from the Rujarkian Blademaster quest, from a semi-rare tablet that drops off of (you guessed it) the rujarkian blademaster himself, located in the cleffs of rujark. I can’t remember how I ended up with one, I must have been smaller or mentored or something. Needless to say the quest was still a pain to do, and he sits proudly watching over my home now.

Computer is up and running! Took a lot of fixing last night and a whole lot of reinstalling. A huge huge thank you to Shadowgeist for getting most of it done for me while I groaned over all of the missing pieces I’d have to install later. Windows reinstalled and we’re crash free (thus far, knock on wood!) and the bad hard drive error went away after it was formatted. If I wanted to play Vanguard I suppose the up side is that I have room for it now. Too bad I’m not interested. I copied over my Eq2 and WoW games, since I dreaded having to reinstall and patch those things. 8 CD’s for WoW and I’m not even sure how many for Eq2, not to mention the last two expansions I downloaded digitally and don’t even have disks for. Just the thought of it makes me shudder.

Played WoW yesterday off and on while my computer was down, the hunter (which is a solo type class that I’ve always adored, mostly for farming. Everything is ten times easier with a pet) managed to grab level 11. Which means she has her pet now, wuwu! I’m excited about that. I’ll probably play her until I get bored and then switch back to the priest. I still haven’t even looked at my 40+ characters yet, having too much fun with the new zones and content.

In Eq2 I harvested. Since the crafting revamps (which are now all but a distant memory that us crafters lament over, missing the old methods of crafting) everyone goes through a whole lot of raws. I miss the old way. I miss sub components. There, you heard me say it! I actually miss making the 4-5 pieces that were required to make the finished product. At least it was a way to grind through the dreary levels. Hopefully my tailor gets to 30 today so I can move on from the dreaded T3 (dreaded because you’re still using level 10 +durability buffs and they’re grey, and combines hurt) and move on to something a little more productive. The sage should hit 60 today as well. Here’s hoping!

Finding that perfect UI

Profit UI, at 1650×1080

Finding a UI that matches your play style is one of the most important things for any gamer I would think. While the default UI may be ‘good enough’, a lot of people are looking for just a little bit more.

So what sort of UI do you use? is just one site of many (and probably the best out there) for displaying different UI’s that people can download. One of the more popular ones is profit. It’s easy to install and pretty bug-free which is always an added bonus. Why profit? Well, there’s a few reasons

  • Hit enter to loot
  • One click cures (noxious, trama, elemental etc)
  • A clear display of character stats (everything from coin, to experience gained, to general stats such as strength and resists)
  • Everything on the UI can be moved / re-sized to your liking
  • Add / remove as many hotbars as you want and display them however you want
  • Smooth and clean feeling

Since I upgraded my monitor, I had to change the resolution to the two MMO’s I play. This gave me a huge amount of extra space in the UI, I love it. I added four chat window’s to profit along the bottom, one for guild / say / group / yell and general messages like motd’s and down time (which I pay attention to the most) and then to the right of that, my dps window to watch what’s hitting me and for how much, then my hotbars, to the right of them another window for channels like 60-60 and Qeynos_Crafting, to the right of that, NPC says and tells so I can read the lore behind quests without being worried about losing everything in spam. Yes, I love my UI’s.

Faydai hit 59 sage, one more to go and she’ll be out of the dreaded T6. Then it’s time to get Yamini (the alchemist) from 50-60. I’ve been looking forward to it. I’ve always wanted a sage, especially as I was leveling my characters up and looked for spell upgrades. It’s a lot cheaper to harvest the rares / make the spells myself, then pay 20g per combine which is what typical crafters charge. I still also need to get Silverstep from 60-70 and even Dasie has been sitting at 65 and 91% into it for months now. I figure I’ll get them all to 60 first, and then worry about the grind to 70.

Gah. Why SoE Frustraits me so

Stargrace, the slacker

So, a little bit of a rant this morning. Have to get it off of my chest. At 8:55am, smack dab in the middle of poets palace, the servers start spamming that they are coming down in 5 minutes, for a 4 hour update. There was no warning previous to this, nothing on the update notes, nothing in the forums, so you know it’s some random bug they’ve got to be fixing. Updates are typically on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, rarely on Thursdays. There was some speculation that it was unrest going in, but that’s been stated to be in game as of the GU (game update) 32, which is some time away.

The message also said it was just the US servers coming down. Of course, I’m in poets, on the third floor, with my 18 hour lockout already started. I looked at Shadowgeist and said “ok.. we better get moving”… used my sol ro miracles, and we sprinted off to the fourth floor. Completed all four named, in 4 minutes, out of breath and with me dead since I ganked agro too soon, nothing worth while dropped and I was pissed off that servers were coming down at all with no warning.

10 more minutes go by. Then 15. Speculation on other servers about what’s going on. Apparently a few servers had come down for their 4 hour updates. LDL however, was still up. It’s now 40 minutes past the down time set by spam, and the server is still up.


It wouldn’t bother me quite so much if I felt that SoE gave even the briefest thought to any of their player base. I used to think they did, but the past few months have just gotten progressively worse.

Yesterday I could not re-activate my account. I had station access, and wished to drop it. They ask you for some secret password though and to the best of my knowledge, I’ve never ever chosen one. So to drop station access, I cancelled my account completely ( I’ve done this in the past as well ) and then when it was closed, was prompted to re-activate. Well. I get a 403 “Forbidden” error when I try to access the “my account” section at all. So I follow the help commands. Live Chat is also not working. I get an error / timed out message. I try email support. Also not working. So I finally bite the bullet and decide to call them long distance and find out what’s going on. I have raids that night and would rather not miss them.

20 minutes on hold from Ottawa Ontario to San Diego and someone finally (a real person) is speaking to me. They tell me it must be my credit card. . . . uh . . . Pardon me? I can’t access the site at all because of my credit card? I can’t even get to the ‘type in your password’ portion. So I attempt it one more time, and low and behold, the site is working agian (I checked the forums, this was an issue for a few people, since the 15th roughly).

Sighs again.

I have little patience, I know. But come on folks I’m a paying customer here. I know a few people are feeling the exact same way. Like we’re being ignored completely while things are going on. I don’t mean to bash away at SoE, I do still play the game after all, but my patience is wearing thin on some issues that I think are important.

Now that the rant is done, on a completely different note. Stargrace hit 87 and almost 88 ap’s yesterday. We did a labs raid with three healers, that was.. interesting. To say the least. We did wipe a few times, but came out fairly unscathed. We also only had three groups and one group didn’t have a healer at all the entire time. No wonder people are one grouping the trash in this zone.