
Quail Landing Continues

This year there have been a lot of changes to Wurm Online, most of them I think are pretty good, they’re changes that encourage new players to jump into game, and some quality of life items that needed to happen. Toolbelts are containers now, and you can improve items much easier.

In between these changes I’ve been working on Quail Landing, the deed I own on the mainland of Independence. You might recall that I actually have four deeds in total. I have Quail Cove, my longtime deed over on Hermit Island (South East corner of the map), Quail Landing (mentioned above), Quail Island (no idea what I’m doing with this place yet, for now it just sits there), and over on the other cluster of islands, I have another deed. I do plan on giving that one up eventually, there’s no reason for me to have quite so many parcels of land. I can also now bring my characters from the other islands over to where my main is – which I am very much looking forward to. First, I need to sell off the items I still have there, including a knarr and a large magical chest.

Progress on Quail Landing has been slow – I need a LOT of sandstone bricks (and mortar) which take me some time to create, but I build up a tower here and there, and it’s coming along. I also apparently have new neighbours to the West of me, hopefully they’re friendly.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!

GW2 Gets World Bosses Right

It’s a Sunday morning, and I had a bit of time to game before life got started. I noticed someone named Older Than Time Too who was running a boss train. Basically you just follow this person around while they complete world bosses. There were 50/50 in the squad, and bosses were dropping in record time. It’s been a long time since I participated in this sort of event in GW2 but I was instantly reminded about how much I LOVE how this system is implemented. There was almost zero down time, everyone was able to participate and receive the rewards, and the event themselves felt larger than life.

The chatter in squad was positive and uplifting, everyone greeting one another, saying good morning (or evening, depending on time zones) and the community was top notch. It was a stark reminder to me about the differences in game communities. in Warcraft there is no way you’d get a 50+ team of people to bounce through older content the same week that a new expansion dropped. Of course GW2 also does a fantastic job of keeping these fights and zones relevant, no matter how old / new of a character you’re playing.

It’s been quite some time since I dedicated myself to just one MMO, and even longer since that MMO was GW2 (has it ever been? I’m not sure that it has) but over the past 12 years GW2 has always lacked the staying power that other games like WoW / Wurm have had over me. Could this time be different?

Probably not, but at least I’m having fun.

Progress on Quail Landing

Each wall takes 20 bricks + 20 mortar. Each landing takes nails + planks. Needless to say, the building is coming along, it’s just moving at a snails pace. I’m loving the progress though and I can’t wait to add the lights to the top of each tower. Hopefully that helps others see it from some distance away.

Happy gaming!

World Bosses? Absolutely

It amazes me that no matter what time of day it is for you, if you port to a world boss fight in Guild Wars 2, chances are you will not be the only one there. These events are still hugely popular with crowds, and I love it. 12 years later, we’re all still gathering to complete these together.

Nomadic Gamer