Real Life

A Little RL Update (Lack of Posts)

Real life has been a lot lately. My mother in law passed away this week, and that means the other half has to fly from NS to BC to handle things like the estate. I am trying to learn to deal with my grief, but I’m not good at that stuff. The entire household has also been quite sick for some time which just compounds the issues.

I have not been playing any World of Warcraft on any significant level, either, because my computer broke yesterday. I’ve ordered new parts, but I imagine it will be some time before they arrive. They say when it rains, it pours, and I suppose in this instance, that’s absolutely true.

Safe travels and happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

A Rough Go of Things

This summer has been difficult, both in game and out. I don’t make friends easily and a few years back there ended up being an incident that cost me almost all of mine – I’m awkward, blunt, and argumentative. Not conductive to keeping long term friends, really. So for the past few years I’ve been quite isolated, but still trying to do the best I can for my family.

Then I started falling out of love with the game that I had played for years. I couldn’t decide if it was because I didn’t have a community, or because the games were changing, or because I just wasn’t into it the way I used to. Maybe some combination of things. It’s easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom that seems to be life, but I also actively tried to get out of that mindset, but it just wasn’t working.

I am just not interested in playing World of Warcraft right now, despite the release of a brand new expansion. I haven’t even logged in. I removed everything off of the auction house and tucked it away. I’m debating leaving all of the Warcraft discords I belong to – and I started playing some GW2 but even that can’t seem to hold my attention. The one game I’m still playing with any sort of desire to log in, is EVE and Wurm Online. I’ve been spending more time doing art, both traditional and digital. I’ve been active on mastodon & bluesky after the disaster that is twitter / X. I just don’t want to support people like Musk. They certainly don’t deserve it.

Everyone is wrapped up in their own stuff, which is expected and reasonable. I’m not even sure why I’m rambling this here except that I needed to get the words out. I frequently (even at this age) think that people would just be better off if I wasn’t here, wasn’t creating issues, wasn’t being all emotional. Anyway. It has been a difficult summer. I’m hoping the cooler weather and the beginning of fall brings some relief, but I also homeschool so there is no real ‘break’ from everything. Guess we’ll see.

Streaming? Streaming! (Again)

It has been a few years since I actually sat down and streamed with any regularity (hmm, have I ever?) – and I keep wanting to change that, so I’m making another (another) attempt. My schedule will be all over the place, since my partner is a first responder on shift work, but I plan on streaming from 9-11pm Atlantic, which means 8-10pm Eastern. I’m sticking with what I know, for now that means World of Warcraft and I tossed some RimWorld in there as well. I’d eventually also like to expand that to a few hobbies, like drawing and fiber arts. Maybe some knitting or spinning. We’ll see how it goes!

Why? Well, when the other half is on nights, I find it difficult to feel motivated and I tend to want to go to bed at 8pm. That’s a bit early, even for me. This way I get a little social interaction and can plan some things to do. I’m excited about it! Will it take off? I have no idea. We’ll just have to see.

If you’re interested in seeing this crazy Canuck fumble her way through some games, you can check me out on twitch this Wednesday!

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Calico Critter Remodel (2)

The house is coming along! I don’t get a lot of time to work on it, so it’s going quite slow but that’s OK. I have 1.5 out of 3 walls completed (the back being open means I don’t need to remodel that section, shew). For anyone who didn’t hear, I’m going to remodel the plastic house to look like stone. I’m using mod podge and egg cartons, then I’m going to paint the entire thing, add shadows and highlights with pastels, then paint the windows, add some stained wood trim, and eventually add some moss between the bricks, too.

I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

The end of Blaugust

Today marks the last day of August, and thus the last day of Blaugust – and it might not be apparent that I’ve even been doing Blaugust since I don’t follow the provided layout but I want to say a few things about that.

First, the event in essence is to get people blogging – and it absolutely succeeds in doing this. A wonderful community has formed because of it, and this year marked the greatest participation numbers ever seen. I think that’s wonderful. I started off wanting to be more involved in the community but quickly realized that real life had other plans, and that I cannot be in all of the places, as much as I would like to.

That’s OK.

I started the month wanting to write every day, to loosely at least, follow the suggested topics, and provide insightful commentary that people would enjoy. This also did not happen.

That’s OK.

How and when you choose to blog is completely up to you. The subject matter, again, up to you. I cannot stress enough that you should try to first and foremost WRITE FOR YOURSELF. If an audience forms because of it, that’s wonderful, but if you try to write expecting an audience and one never forms, it can cause more harm than good. I’ve added some wonderful RSS feeds to feedly this round, and I did my best, and I’m satisfied with that. I did manage to create a post for each day, even if it wasn’t posted on that exact day (I tend to backtrack when I have spare spoons, and push out a bunch of posts all at once). I hope everyone had a great time, maybe made some new friends, and realized that blogging doesn’t HAVE to be a dead medium. There’s still some of us around, just writing.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer