Real Life

Too Many Hobbies, Not Enough Time

I wish I had more time to do things I enjoy. A lot of people are off work and talking about all these things they’re accomplishing, but me, I have the kids to handle and all the house work and with my husband working incredibly long hours there’s no relief from any of it.

I love to knit, spin, read, draw, game, and play guitar. I want to use an app or my BulletJournal to dedicate time to each of these things weekly, but even THAT takes (you guessed it) time.

BulletJournal Excitement

The image above is taken from Reddit, where I have fallen into the rabbit hole of BulletJournals once again. I absolutely love to have everything written and scheduled out, even if I don’t follow the directions, they’re simply nice to have. There have been a ton of covid-19 themed layouts, as well as (of course) Animal Crossing. So cute!

Never Too Old

My husband is one of the most supportive people I’ve ever had in my life. He bought me a brand new guitar so I could learn, because it has always been one of my dreams. He never questions when I want to pick up a new hobby, but always supports me and goes all in. I most certainly will dedicate my first country song to him, hehe.


Dill, basil, and mint are up next in my aerogarden, along with two tomato plants and a lettuce. I’m hoping to get some potting soil so I can get the strawberries going and also transplant the mint and dill when it comes time. We’ll see how it goes. The tomato plants were supposed to be done but they just sprouted new fruit, so I’m letting them continue on.

Nomadic Gamer