Real Life

In a Subscription Model World, What Do you Prioritize?

When it comes to video games I used to love the subscription model. It was a nice base price paid monthly, cancelled when I didn’t want it. Over time, it has evolved and changed into something I no longer recognize or enjoy. Now you’ll see games with a subscription that also offer some sort of pass you have to purchase separately, that also offer a shop to sell things for cash, that also offer any number of other features and bonuses that all add up. It’s rare that a subscription gives you access to everything.

What bothers me even more is that the entire world has turned to a subscription model method of doing things because you can easily nickel and dime this way. Amazon prime – comes with TV channels, but here in Canada you can add MORE channels for a bit more cost. Which (since we cancelled cable) we pay for. Then there’s Netflix, Disney+ and CRAVE (another Canadian streaming option). Then there’s my two young children, they have a subscription to Barbie worlds (which is an amazing app on their ipad, I’m not ragging on the cost of it or the fact that they have it, but it is yet another subscription for me to take mind of), and they used to have a subscription for Pepa Pig, too (they outgrew that one, thankfully).

There’s subscriptions for meals, subscriptions for boxes of goodies that show up at your door monthly, dog or cat supplies, wine, beef jerky, subscriptions for magazines, apps, and music. If you can think of it, there’s probably a subscription for it. When you think about these little bits of bite sized costs it’s easy to forget how much you’re actually spending each month – they add up! I highly suggest people keep a list some place where you can keep track of these little payments and see a grand total some place. It’s VERY easy to forget these costs, especially with automatic payments.

For me, prioritizing is a bit more simple. I pay for WoW (and all Blizzard related things) with gold, so that takes a huge chunk of my personal subscription fees away (two accounts, all expansions, etc). I play FFXIV, and I have the cheaper subscription option but I have 1 extra retainer, which is another fee. I try to keep my personal subscriptions to just 1 item, whether it’s a game, or Crunchyroll (used to watch anime), or a yarn box subscription.

In a world that has become SO subscription heavy, how do you decide what is “worth it” and how many subscriptions are you currently balancing? Let me know in comments!

It’s Time to get Uncomfortable

** WARNING ** This post talks about some important things involving body parts (specifically, the vulva). If you’re not interested or body parts are not your thing, just scroll on by.

At the time of this post, I’m 42. I have a 5 year old and an almost 7 year old. When I was growing up I didn’t realize it, but my family wasn’t really one of those ‘let’s talk about all of the things’ families. I thought we were, but experience has taught me that it was mostly a façade. I want to be better.

I was well into my 30’s when I discovered that the body part I thought my entire life was a vagina – was actually a vulva. Learning this pretty much blew my mind because how could I possibly be in my 30s and not even know the proper name of MY OWN BODY PARTS. No one had taught me otherwise, it was rarely talked about, and when it was, it was referred to as a vagina. WRONG! It is not a vagina! The insides are (it’s the passage that connects the uterus to the outside of your body), but the genitals on the outside are the vulva (this includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, vulva vestibule, Bartholin’s glands, Skene’s glands, urethra, and vaginal opening). Not a vagina. Vulva.

Now back to not talking about body parts and I cannot stress this enough – PLEASE TALK ABOUT BODIES. Remove the stigma surrounding simple discussion.

Why? Because it turns out that my ENTIRE life I’ve had a vaginal septum – that NO ONE mentioned to me despite having pap tests since I was in my late teens. This septum separates my vagina into two parts. Basically it’s a line of tough tissue that runs from top to bottom, and I in essence have TWO vagina. Sometimes this also means you have duplicates of other things (I do not fall into that category) but I didn’t discover that I had a septum until I was having issues getting pregnant and went to a gynecologist to see what was up. The doctor looked at me after a failed attempt at trying to get a camera in there and said “you know you have a septum, right?” because how on earth could I be getting pap tests without anyone letting me know that things are not ‘normal’ down there. I had no idea. No one told me.

A vaginal septum can cause lots of issues. I can’t wear tampons, I can’t wear period cups, you can have issues getting pregnant, periods are all messed up, sex can be painful, etc. You basically can only get in so far and then you hit a wall (the line of tissue that’s in the middle). Now, a pap test (or smear) is where they take a few swabs of the inside and test for various things to make sure you’re all healthy (cancer is a big deal in my family, it’s important to get these tests done). The problem with having a septum #1 is you need TWO swabs, one on each opening, otherwise you’re not actually testing things properly, and #2 it’s PAINFUL and difficult, because they have to get inside each of those openings. Usually by moving that tissue from one side to the other. Which hurts.

Why didn’t any doctors before the age of 35 tell me I had a septum? I have no idea. According to my gyno it should have been very noticeable to anyone who was trying to do a pap smear – and once it was explained to me it just made so much sense.

TALK about bodies. There is nothing wrong or shameful or weird about having open and frank discussions and it is just so very important that you know your own. I don’t want my kids to be in their 30s and not know the proper names for things, or have them discovering important medical information about themselves. Just talk.

Hobbies – Round Two: Miniatures

Miniatures are a relatively ‘new’ hobby of mine, but I’ve been obsessed with them for years. I don’t necessarily mean the little tokens that people paint for TTRPG or the ones that sit on giant tables depicting massive wars but I suppose they can fall under the umbrella, too. I mean miniature anything. Small. Tiny. Adorable. I love creating tiny scenes and all the little items that go into those scenes. My facebook is filled with miniature groups that I belong to, and it is my happy place.

I bought a few small kits to start with, but kit bashing is incredibly popular, and I can see why. So far I’ve only built one of the kits from start to finish. It took a few days, but I loved doing it. Even learning how to do the wiring so the lights work.

The kits I had purchased were VERY small, I think 1:12 range is more comfortable. My eyes are not the greatest and I need progressives so I’m constantly taking my glasses off so I can see what I’m looking at. Not to mention my hands can be very unsteady some days.

I tried to get into polymer clay miniatures, but it just wasn’t for me. I would much rather build with paper / wood / glue than create with clay and not for lack of trying.

Of course the other issue with having so many different hobbies is the storage issue. I like to keep everything neat and tidy in its own little section, but it’s all too easy to have things get out of hand. Especially when you add children and inquisitive cat to the equation.

There’s two more hobbies to go, and then after that maybe I’ll get back to writing about video games!

Blaugust Day 2 – What’s in a Name

Week one of the 2023 Blaugust festival is a ‘Welcome to Blaugust’ theme, and while I’ve never really been known to write on any sort of schedule or adhere to any sort of prompts, I do think that what you decide to call your blog is probably one of the very first steps you take. My own blog name has changed over the years, and is now hopefully in its final form.

I started out as MmoQuests – because I was blogging about (you guessed it) quests. In Mmorpgs. Usually EQ2. Over the years this changed, and I started writing about games in general, and then I started writing about my art, and cooking, and life. I decided to switch the site to NomadicGamersEh. I’ve always felt like a bit of a nomad when it came to gaming, playing one thing or another until I grow bored and move on. I also had hopes of doing some TTRPG blogging with the family, but that didn’t exactly work out (hence the ‘S’ in gamers). Since I’m Canadian, I thought I’d be even MORE witty, and put ‘eh’ on the end. Why? I’m not even really sure.

Last night I realized I STILL wasn’t happy with the name. It’s difficult to motivate yourself to write on a site when you’re not in love with the name, it can demotivate you. I decided to finally settle on – dropped the S, and went with .ca for my Canadian nod. Plus .com is still being squatted on. I used to own that one too on a wordpress hosted site, but I gave up the name years ago when money was tight. Now they want $3k for it and .ca will suit me just fine, thanks. I also own where I do book reviews, though I don’t post on that site nearly enough.

Hopefully this name sticks around a while. Blaugust is always a great time of year to do some general blog maintenance, update those links, and just make sure everything is running as it should be. I need to design a new header, but aside from that I think it’s all looking the way it should.

Tomorrow, we get back to posting about games! Palia is on the menu for later today, and Baldur’s Gate 3 is in the works for tomorrow. Not to mention those 2 new books I just picked up.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Updates, Blaugust, and everything in between

First of all, I know there has been a lack of posts to the site – but honestly it has just been TOO damn hot. So far this July has seen more days 30C+ than not, and I am a creature who enjoys the cold, NOT the heat. I haven’t had the mental capability to create content let alone sit in front of my PC. Honestly, it feels like this summer has just been me trying to get by. I’m also battling ‘something’ (an infection of some sort, but they have no idea what) so I’m on heavy doses of amoxicillin, and of course I’m stressed and not the healthiest of people out there, so I’ve had to start taking blood pressure medication too.

That being said, I am still around even though I am quiet. I’ve been gaming in World of Warcraft, I’m steadily on discord (name there is stargrace), and I’m also on mastodon (I normally post pictures of my cat Waffle, and art). I’m still playing Wurm Online (expect an updated post on that tomorrow) and I am delving into New World once again with my other half and his friend. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Upcoming – Blaugust! I’m a huge fan of this festival, I’ve been participating for years now (since 2014, in fact), and it never fails to motivate me to get some content out and to remind me about WHY I still continue this blog so many years later. You can find the basic information about it at this link, and there’s all sorts of neat things including a media kit, and discord. If it’s not your thing, don’t feel pressured into it – but I personally love that little nudge into creating healthy writing habits and making content for a site that I simply do just for me.

That’s where I’m at these days, I hope everyone is keeping as cool as possible and hopefully life is treating you all well. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.