Real Life
Expect a Lack of Posts for November #NaNoWriMo
It’s that time of year where I subject myself to the craziness of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the month of November. I’ll be attempting to write a 50,000 word story in 30 days – and so as you may expect, my posts here on MmoQuests will be a little neglected.
This year I am doing something different – I’ll be posting my progress public for anyone who wants to to read. What I plan on doing is password protecting the posts with the password: NaNoWriMo so that only those who are actually interested in reading the wall of text will be affected. I figure that would be best, as all of my posts go to RSS and I don’t want to spam out those who have no interest in reading stories I write.
There is still time to sponsor me as well! Please feel free to check out my profile on the NaNoWriMo site (and even add me to friends) and consider making a donation. It’s for a fantastic cause!
Happy gaming (and writing) no matter where you find yourself!
Have a Say in What I Write – NaNoWriMo
It’s almost that time again, National Novel Writing Month. This will be my third year participating and I’m pretty excited about it. This year I’ve decided to do something a little different, since I’m a gamer, and most of my readers here are also gamers (I would think) I am going to give you guys the power to decide what I’m writing about. The first year I wrote, I did a fantasy book. It wasn’t that great. In fact, it sucked. Last year I wrote non-fiction and really enjoyed it. This year – it’s up to YOU.
What I need is for anyone who has a few seconds to leave a comment with the following: What game would you like to see me write about my character’s daily adventures in. It can be absolutely any game even if I don’t currently play it – for the month of November my character will come alive and dance off of the pages in a 50,000 word story. I’ll post my progress on this site on a special section for anyone interested to read. Every single action written will be something that occurred in game. Hopefully enough goes on for me to write 50,000 words, and hopefully my readers here volunteer a game that has something I can write about! The game mentioned the most in comments will be the one I go with. If I get no comments I’ll just randomly select one out of a hat. I know this may be a completely hair-brained idea but I’m pretty excited about it. Especially since NaNoWriMo is just around the corner and I won’t be doing any real preparation ahead of time.
On that same note, I AM also looking for a few more sponsors for this great charity. You can find a sponsor me link here on my profile on the NaNoWriMo site. I’m not trying to raise that much money, but every little bit helps. It motivates me to keep writing throughout the month of November, and if my gaming posts are sparse, well now you’ll know why!
Happy gaming (and writing) no matter where you find yourself.
Under The Weather
I’m sick, and it’s a holiday. So, you’ll just have to imagine a post here in this spot. Hugs, and happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.