Real Life

Sony E-Reader

I’ve always wanted some sort of e-reader. I’m a huge fan of books and while I can constantly be found dividing my time between a few (and sticking with the ones that catch my attention the most) they don’t exactly leave a lot of options for me as far as storage goes. I’ve got bins of books stashed away everywhere, I’ve got books piled on the floor, on my desk. Cats of course love to chew these books. Bad kitties. Anyway. The point is I’ve always wanted an e-reader, but never actually purchased one.

Until yesterday.

I now have a 5″ Sony E-Reader, and I absolutely love it. It can read a variety of document formats which was really key for me, it means that I’m not restricted in where I get my books from. As if that were not enough I found out that the city library actually allows you to download e-books so long as you have a valid library card. There are SO many books available from that option alone, and I just about danced around the house I was so excited. A lot of the book choices are things I already own or have read previously, but just about the entire selection of library books is available. Today I’m headed to the library to get my account fixed up, as it’s been 8 years or so since I’ve actually used it and I need a pin number associated with it. If I have one I don’t have the faintest idea what it is. One would think that I should just get books from the library in physical format if I’m headed there anyway, but again I come to the issue of space, and kitties chewing them up.

Of course the first thing I did was try not to get upset at the number of books that are available for the US vs. the ones available here in Canada. Blasted copywrite laws. I also checked a few stores for any free book deals that may be going on, and I moved my ipod books over to the e-reader, including Bram Stokers Dracula which I had never read before. I love being able to read on the ipod, but it’s just a little too small for me. The e-reader is the perfect size and is made specifically for reading, the screen and little details all incorporate that use. I had contemplated getting an ipad, but I don’t think I need one since I already own the smaller ipod version, and the e-reader was far cheaper. It’s small, fits in my purse, and can easily be brought anywhere with me. I’m looking forward to being outside reading without having to worry about bringing a big bulky book around with me, and I’m excited about making some book purchases in the future.

If anyone else has some suggestions on where to get free e-books (or even paid ones) please don’t hesitate to let me know in comments below!

1500th post – and Milestones

Wow. 1500 posts already. For me this is a HUGE milestone. I’ve been writing on for five years this year. FIVE years? That’s a life time in the online world. Hitting such a mark made me think about milestones, not just in real life but in our gaming atmospheres. Above is a screen shot from March 2006, it’s my very first guild (that I personally created), Fire and Ice on the … I can’t even remember which server. It’s either Najena or Lucan D’Lere. Satia was my character (a dark elf warden who I now play as Seduisant, having renamed when I moved servers multiple times). Our guild had just reached level 17, and it was such a proud moment. It was before we were even aware of the fire and ice quest that would take you to defeat Darathar and obtain your prismatic 1.0

Reaching these milestones in any capacity is an incredible feeling. Whether you’ve nailed a project at work, or reached a new level in a game. Whether you and your friends have done something incredible together, or you’ve finally made that big purchase you’ve always dreamed of. Reaching milestones makes us feel good about our situations (typically) and carrying this over into a video game is just one more aspect of allowing us to feel GOOD about things. Who wants to play a game where all you do is feel shoddy all of the time. We play them because we feel good, it’s entertaining.

I’m looking forward to reaching many more milestones as time goes on, and I hope everyone else reaches their milestones too. I’m still in awe at 1500 posts, haha.

Happy gaming everyone, I’ll see you in Norrath, Tranquility, The Spire, Telon, Middle Earth, Atreia, the American Grand Canyon, Hyboria, Azeroth, Tyria, Eberron, and numerous other places.

What Were They Thinking?!

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Karen and Adam (who you guys may already know from Journeys with Jaye and Epic Slant) caught me off guard and asked if I’d be willing to guest on a podcast of theirs, View from the Top. Having never done a single podcast in my entire life (although I have lots of experience talking to myself, and the cat) I decided to face my fears of public speaking, and give it a shot. After all, what was the WORST that could happen (Princess could take the microphone and reveal all of my secrets). This was no easy task for me, but Karen threatened me sent Sith Lords after me held the cat ransom convinced me that no harm would come from it.

Please head on over to the link above and give it a listen. Also don’t forget to submit a question for their next shows, even though I have no intentions of ever doing another podcast, they do a fantastic job at answering!

Thank you again Karen and Adam for having me on the show, it really was a blast!

Beckett MOG Readers Choice Awards

It’s that time of year again, when Beckett MOG hosts their Readers Choice Awards. I’d really appreciate and love it if everyone went over and cast their vote for the survey, I realize there are a few glitches within the survey at the moment, they’re being ironed out by my Editor Doug (I didn’t have anything to do with creating the survey, but I was asked to promote it). So please head over to the site and complete the survey for your favorite games of 2009! The results will be posted in our next issue of Beckett MOG, which is due to hit shelves mid March.

Click here to head to the survey.


What 2009 Meant for Me

Just a very quick post that I’m post dating to the 9th (even though today is the 15th) because I saw I had a blank spot on the calendar. Sneaky? Sure maybe but it’s my site so that’s what I get to do!

2009 was pretty impressive for me personally, especially in relation to work and games (since my work relates directly to games). Despite the fact that I spent a good 7 months of it sick and bedridden, I still think it was an alright year. I’m hoping that 2010 will be even more impressive. Here are a few things that really stand out in my mind about 2009, and memories that I’ll never forget.

– February 2009, I was informed that I would be heading to San Diego for a day to interview the good folks at SOE. I had about two weeks to prepare for the trip, including getting my passport, and it was probably the most hectic thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. It included 1 day flying, 1 day interviewing, and 1 day flying home (I do live on the other side of NA after all). It was also the most amazing thing I’ve ever done (to date). It was a very surreal experience to speak with developers of EQ, EQ2, and Vanguard, and I received an exceptionally warm welcome by the EQ2 community team. As my first ‘on site’ interview, it was not something I will ever forget.

– Sadly I caught the midori virus while I was there *snickers* and it stuck with me for a few months. I went through some pretty painful health issues, and it lasted until October. Not a happy camper, I had great support from my friends, and did my best, continued my work for Beckett although most of that was from my bed.

– Fall 2009 I received an unexpected phone call from Eric Bloom of Blue Oyster Cult. He was playing wizard 101, and wanted some game tips, and I learned about what a huge gamer he is. He talked about all sorts of things from World of Warcraft, EQ2, Wizard 101, and I have to admit one of the funniest comments from him was ‘I don’t have to explain to you who I am, right?’ when he was talking about how some times he lacked time to game, due to other press obligations. It was neat to finally realize that hey, everyone plays video games.

– Year long I continued to grow in terms of work, I went from writing 1-3 articles per issue to writing 6-7 on a steady basis. I also got a promotion, and now handle web news and all of my own PR when it comes to the games I cover. I think I’ve learned a lot, and still have a long way to go. I managed to make a blog post almost every single day on which is something I’m really happy about.

I’ve learned a lot about myself. I’ve learned even more about MMOs and even about players. I’ve met a wonderful community that I continue to hold close to me (granted I can’t really hold anyone close on Twitter) and I like that I managed to keep my values and morals in tact when it comes to writing about video games. I’ve kept a (mostly) positive attitude in everything I write, and I hope to continue that through 2010, whether it’s boring or not, it’s who I am.

I’m excited about what 2010 will bring, and I hope everyone else is too!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer