Real Life

Just Playing Around

Didn’t turn out exactly how I had hoped, but spent another evening relaxing doing this instead of any gaming. 11,759 words into NaNoWriMo. Full version is of course far better and can be found here. There’s a million mistakes that I can see and 0 post work done, I want to add sparklies and what not to the version I have planned in my head. Was attempting my wood elf illusionist stargrace, who has that weird hair style of two little pom pom bits on either side. Background is actually a photograph of the sky today here in Ottawa. Hope everyone else had an amazing day gaming. 


A LBP World, and Me

It’s hard to tell by this picture (I can’t help it, I’m absolutely horrid at taking pictures of my tv, which is covered with a nice film of dust and cat footprints since Princess claims it as her own) but that’s Tipa and me hanging out in Little Big Planet together, in her Befallen level. I got to test some of it, sans lag. I’m not sure if the lag from 3+ people is fixed now, but things ran smoothly enough when it was just two people wandering through the zone. 

I haven’t had the chance to play since then aside from a brief romp through some zone that I can’t remember right now, things have just been that hectic. For my own sanity I decided to drop a few things from my schedule, I just had too much going on. It’s only the 6th of the month and I felt overwhelmed. 

NaNoWriMo is going well, I’m up to 11,759 words as of today. The story hits slumps here and there – I’ve never written anything so long before. I’m also working from straight creation. I have not planned this story out at all, I don’t know where it will go, I just had a vague idea of what I wanted to write about and took off with it (hey, it sort of resembles this blog some days). 

I want to create a zone in LBP, what’s more I want to create artistic projects in there for people to look at. If all goes well I should have time by the end of this month, I’ll have to see though, right around the corner is Christmas and I design and hand make most of my gifts. I’ve always disliked how commercial everything is. 

Anyhow. This is just a brief rambling update since I haven’t really posted too much lately. I’ll probably end up doing some rendering tonight to relax before bed, or maybe I’ll get lucky and play a little EQ2. We’ll see how it goes. Sorry this post doesn’t make much sense. Only a few more weeks to go!

Chosen of Innoruuk

Please do me a favour and go see this one in full view over here. Click on the image to enlarge from my DeviantART site. This is a picture of Silhouette, my coercer. The background is a screenshot of Everfrost, no post work done to it. That new video card comes in handy some times. I spent a little bit of time playing in Fallen Gate today with Said, power leveling him with my monk (who happened to hit level 50). I didn’t get a chance to play after that, and I wanted to spend the evening before bed relaxing, so the image above is what I came up with. I hit my NaNoWriMo goal today of 7,980 words. The story was starting to feel a little bit forced though, so I stopped there for now. I was going to plan out some ideas for it during the course of the day but that didn’t work out, go figure. 

I’m really happy with this image, and have a few more in mind. Can’t help that they all seem to follow a fantasy setting as that’s what I’m partial to, but I hope everyone enjoys it.

WNLO showing Legend of the Seeker at 7pm EST in Canada

I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find a station showing this here in Canada, and it figures that it would be playing right when I *should* be writing for NaNoWriMo, and I’ve read a LOT* of bad reviews on the show – but I’m going to watch it anyway, and be happy with it. Why? Because what other option do I have right now for a fantasy based tv series? Bad or not I’m going to enjoy it.

Anyhow, if you live in Canada, and have Rogers digital cable, you can find it on WNLO (channel 166 for me, not sure about everyone else) – hope everyone else out there managed to find it on too who was looking for it!

Nomadic Gamer