Best Feeling
Reached my fundraising goal, absolutely amazing feeling. Thank you everyone. Looking forward to writing that novel in November!
Reached my fundraising goal, absolutely amazing feeling. Thank you everyone. Looking forward to writing that novel in November!
I didn’t game yesterday, being busy with other things, but I did want to send a quick thank you to Calreth and Kasul for sponsoring me in the NaNoWriMo event that I’m taking part in. You can find all the details as well as up to date posts about this event here. Thank you for sponsoring me, the extra motivation to finish the 50,000 words by the 30th of November is great. I’ve raised 80% of my goal so far, which is actually more then I thought I’d do, so that’s wonderful! There’s still time to sponsor me, so go check it out if you’re interested.
On the gaming front – EBGames called me last night to tell me Little Big Planet is READY to be picked up! I have no idea if the game is actually live yet, you may recall that it was supposed to release last week on the 21st but was postponed due to some offensive religious lyrics in a song. Apparently these were patched out of the game and things are ready to go. Or at least I get to stare at a pretty box for a few days until it goes live. The store doesn’t open for another 3.5 hours, so I’ve got some time to waste until then.
** Edit ** Another huge thank you to Jason (Odius) for his huge contribution! Now the pressure is really on for me to finish this by the end of November *grins* Also thank you to Heather, and David who donated. As of right now I’m 80% through my goal! WOOT!
Last night Nostalgia met again, as they have been since last April. Hard to believe so much time has gone by. I had not been going for the past little while, caught up in other things – but decided it was time to rejoin the gang. We had a full group last night, and we’re still hoping maybe a second will start up. It’s not too late, though I completely understand how people don’t want to be starting from scratch or leveling alone. We had a mercenary tank who did exceptionally well – despite breaking mez a few times. A real tank would of course be better, but we’re just so very happy that the adventures are not at a stand still when we can’t fill the group. As Tipa said “It’s hard to explain just how much the mercenaries of the Seeds of Destruction have changed EverQuest. It’s like a whole new game, now.”
Qutey is now sitting at level 62, and part way into it. The experience was not amazing, but none of us expected it to be, BoT is not a hot zone any longer. We got a few drops (and a few drops over and over) as well as some vendor fodder and a few gems that can be cut.
We all gathered in the voice chat in game, our resident bardling was having some issues with his computer unfortunately so we switched over to vent. It was nice to hear everyone again. We didn’t even have any deaths last night, go-go team awesome! Not to mention I had an absolutely wonderful time. Every time I play, it reminds me why I love the game, why I love the people I’m with.
I’m thinking of leveling up a bard, just for fun. We’ll see how it goes.
Today I’m headed out for Pho with my brother (it’s the most awesome Vietnamese soup evah) and then after that I’ll be headed into the city (contraire to popular beliefs I don’t actually live IN the city of Ottawa, I sort of live on the outskirts) to watch Feist in concert at the NAC (National Arts Center). I’ve mentioned this a few times now, I know. I can’t help it I’m VERY excited. Concerts give off an aura and feeling as you watch, surrounded by everyone else. It’s just amazing. Plus – I have 3rd row center seats.
You may remember this post over at Gestalt Mind that talked about how he was going to be participating in the National Novel Writing Month – also known as NaNoWriMo. I’d never even heard of this before, but apparently this will be the 10th year of it running. You can find out more information as well as how to register at
I’ve always loved writing, but lack direction or any proper training. After spending a few hours going through the site, I decided what the heck, I would register. You can find me on there as MorrowS if you’d like to add me to friends. I don’t have the faintest idea what I’m going to write about yet. I have a little bit of time to think about it before starting and that’s a good thing. I’m excited, and like this sort of motivation.
I’m going to be posting any future posts about this and any related information on my personal site so I don’t clog up the gaming portion, but wanted to mention it here first. Gestalt I hope you don’t mind that you’ve inspired me to take this up, I’m already curious and eager about the whole process.
I’ve also set up a very small goal of trying to raise $200 towards The Office Of Letters and Light, below is their mission statement:
Mission: The Office of Letters and Light organizes events where children and adults find the inspiration, encouragement, and structure they need to achieve their creative potential. Our programs are web-enabled challenges with vibrant real-world components, designed to foster self-expression while building community on local and global levelsPrograms: November is National Novel Writing Month, a program which challenges children, teens, and adults write a novel in 30 days. OLL also hosts Script Frenzy, during which participants write a 100-page script within the month of April.
You’ll also find my own little statement:
Thanks for coming to my fundraising page for National Novel Writing Month. This fall, I’ll be joining 100,000+ authors in the challenge of writing a book, from scratch, in November.
It’s going to be a busy month! As I write my novel, I’ll be raising money for the nonprofit Office of Letters and Light, whose free programs such as National Novel Writing Month have helped spark a lifelong love of writing in kids, teens, and adults around the world.
If you can think of anyone else who might be interested in sponsoring me, please forward this page along to them. PS: You should think about writing a novel in November too! Find out more at
Want to donate? Please? Just head over to my donation page here. It’s all secure, and I’d really appreciate it, every little bit helps. I’m using this as motivation to actually get the 50,000 words done within the month, even if I get no donations (which is very likely) I’m still hoping to finish.
Now.. where did I leave my muse..
Went out today looking for a wireless router and ended up finding a laptop for a fairly good price instead. Not complaining! I spent this morning doing awesome instances with Shadowgeist, Eyenstein, Kasul and Tipa, and then spent the rest of the day installing EQ2 and patching, installing trillian, Xfire, EQ2maps, and profit UI auto updater. I need to stick civilization on it as well as spore. I’ve never owned a laptop before, I know I’ve been out of the loop.
I loaded up EQ2 to see if it would even run, and it did, surprisingly well. It’ll be odd for me to box on two different machines, in my 7 years of playing EQ1/EQ2 I’ve always boxed on the same machine.
The laptop is not the best of the line by any means, it’s and acer with a 320g drive, 4g of DDR2, and a 15.6″ screen. It’s got vista, which is something else new to me – though I was well aware of the many issues people have with it. I made sure that everything is run in admin mode by default, and took some time getting used to the settings. It doesn’t ask me every instillation or update if I want to ok it first.
The computer was only $650, though I didn’t have a wireless router at the time, I do now.
It’s just nice to have it around, not even for the gaming aspect but my digital camera card plugs right in so I can edit photos while I’m out and play with settings before I get home and have lost a shot. I can stick all my chat programs on it while I’m playing on the ‘main’ gaming rig, and just simple stuff like that.
Anyway, hopefully everyone had fun today doing instances. Maybe tonight I won’t be up until 3am, and up at 6am. It’s already after midnight though, so I guess we’ll see.
More ramblings tomorrow, as always.