Real Life

Everyone Starts Somewhere

3D rendition of my wood elf illusionist – Stargrace. 

Believe it or not Stargrace actually has a history behind her. At least in EQ2 (and I mean the character obviously, and not my rl persona). She’s got a sister, Arysh D’Verilex – who’s a Teir’Dal. 

Stargrace is possessed by an evil spirit, Silhouette (who happens to be a Teir’Dal coercer, the opposite of the illusionist). Which is why no one ever sees them together. Stargrace shuns the Teir’Dal connection in her family, and that’s where Silhouette comes into play, since she’s all for promoting the family name and doing Innoruuk’s work. I actually played all of this out when I was on Antonia Bayle (roleplay server) but it’s been ages since I’ve added to the story any. It’s difficult now that I’m not on an rp server, as people tend to snicker and point if you attempt any such thing on Najena.

Anyhow, nice way to spend a Friday afternoon. Enjoy the long weekend those who are celebrating turkey day (all my Canadian friends).

Legend of The Seeker – Sword of Truth Series Comes to Life

Oh. My. Gawd. 

How did this even escape me?! I know not everyone out there is as huge a fan of Terry Goodkind and his Sword of Truth series (books, books!)  as I am, and I completely expect that a lot of people dislike his work – but me, I LOVE his work, and now it’s coming to a TV series near me. I need to find out where this will be playing, and see if there’s any chance at all I can watch it here from Canada. I’m SO excited about this coming out!

The stories have always seemed to come to life for me in his writing, his characters leap off the page and grab you by the scruff of the neck and pull you headfirst into the books. The characters were everything to me. 

For more information you can join the ‘official’ forums here. You can also watch a few promos for the show here on the right hand side. I admit now that I loved watching Xena (and her hot little blond sidekick), I watched Buffy (and her hot little redheaded sidekick!), and I’ve lacked a good show to watch for a while now. I’m practically doing cartwheels I’m so excited about this!

Nomadic Gamer